Moon Audio Silver Dragon
Feb 17, 2004 at 9:54 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 11


500+ Head-Fier
Oct 17, 2003
Yesterday I finally received my silver dragon replacement cable for the HD650.

I replaced my cardas and plugged the silver dragons leaving them to burn-in.

Here are my initial impressions ( after 24 hours burn-in ):

The first thing I noticed is that the level of detail has increased significantly ! I thought the cardas gave me details but the silver dragon suprised me once more - this cable is uncompromising detail-wise. Almost every thing is "exposed" - from squeeking chairs at the concert hall to the pianist's feet thumping the pedals.

If you love details - this is the cable for you.

Treble has significantly extended compared to the cardas - sometimes it is even too bright.

Midrange has been pushed forward - and I love it.

The bass is much more controlled - and the bass soundstage is bigger - BUT, I can't say I noticed any extension to the bass, maybe a tiny bit disappointing for you bass lovers

Conclusion - Part I:
The silver dragon IMHO is a perfect match to classical and jazz music.
Details, midrange and treble are presented beautifully and accurately, sometimes too accurately
( if you know what I mean... ).
If you love bass - I recommend you to audition this cable but do not expact miracles...sorry.

I will bring more thoughts after I pass the 100 hours burn-in mark.

Feb 17, 2004 at 11:03 PM Post #2 of 11
thank you for posting your balanced views. I occasionally become disheartened when people write that they got some new thing and it was in every way better than what they had before, because that is usually just them trying to justify having spent all that money, although I definitely think some of the time the gear IS that good.
I am not a fan of a bright or analytical sound. Don't get me wrong, I like to hear intricate details, but I want to always enjoy the music. I think I differ from most audiophiles in this way. Most audiophiles (or so it seems) are interested in a absolute clarity of the music. warts and all. I don't wnat to know if it is an awful recording, I want to know that it is good music. I appreciate the tiniest details, but by the same token, little intrusions in the music distract me and remove me from the "spirit" of the music. Whereas most people (again making an assumption based on what I have read) are interested in hearing what the musician intended, I'd rather hear what sounds best to me - though these are often the same thing. And I do feel that I have had a significant amount of experiences with a number of high-end rigs (though by no means do I consider myself to be an expert - other than to the extent that I trust my ears - nor do I claim to have listened everything, or even close) that I am capable of making an iformed conclusion. I think I'll stick with the Cardas for the time being, as I hear very similar comments about the Zu and the Moon

Please keep us up to date on how your cable turns out. I'm glad you like it!

Feb 17, 2004 at 11:14 PM Post #3 of 11
Do you have any other points of reference in cables for the Silver Dragon other than the stock Sennheiser and Cardas cables?

It would appear that your comments as posted are comparing the Silver Dragon to the Cardas; is that correct?
Feb 18, 2004 at 9:23 AM Post #4 of 11

Originally posted by Silby
thank you for posting your balanced views. I occasionally become disheartened when people write that they got some new thing and it was in every way better than what they had before, because that is usually just them trying to justify having spent all that money, although I definitely think some of the time the gear IS that good.

That is exactly same as my opinion. I can hardly count the review that the new product is worse than the old one or doesn't worth the cost (My comment doesn't apply for Axel post here). I have Meta42 which was highly praised here last two years but now it is seldom mentioned here.

Feb 18, 2004 at 8:56 PM Post #5 of 11

Originally posted by NEO
That is exactly same as my opinion. I can hardly count the review that the new product is worse than the old one or doesn't worth the cost (My comment doesn't apply for Axel post here). I have Meta42 which was highly praised here last two years but now it is seldom mentioned here.


This is a very valid viewpoint and I'm glad you guys are able to read between some the hype that seems most prevalent here recently. It's important to seek the opions of those people who's ears you trust and those who don't seemed to be swept away by "shiny new gear syndrome".
Feb 18, 2004 at 9:31 PM Post #6 of 11

Originally posted by Tuberoller
This is a very valid viewpoint and I'm glad you guys are able to read between some the hype that seems most prevalent here recently. It's important to seek the opions of those people who's ears you trust and those who don't seemed to be swept away by "shiny new gear syndrome".

I think the situation is worsened here because posters come and go, so many of the folks who were here and praised the Meta42 are gone and many of the new folks haven't been exposed to it. (I haven't for example).
Feb 18, 2004 at 10:56 PM Post #7 of 11

Originally posted by Old Pa
Do you have any other points of reference in cables for the Silver Dragon other than the stock Sennheiser and Cardas cables?

No, I currently own the cardas and the silver dragon.


Originally posted by Old Pa
It would appear that your comments as posted are comparing the Silver Dragon to the Cardas; is that correct?


BTW, I forgot to mention something very important ( IMO ) - the silver dragon is MUCH lighter than the cardas and therefore more comfortable.
Mar 19, 2004 at 2:37 AM Post #8 of 11 are things going now that your cable has got time to be burned properly.. ?

I'm going into the cable madness so... I like what this cable will likely do to hd650 , but i'd also like to know which cable is going to extend the bass .
I'm not power speaking of power in the bass , i 'd like to get more extension ( deepness + presence if you want ) , and DEFINITELY I'm on the cold side of sound signature , not on the mellow - mid emph one ..

zu or silver dragon ? or what else ?
Mar 19, 2004 at 6:36 AM Post #10 of 11
Very valid points of view! It sounds like it does exactly what silver is supposed to do. Opens up the music to the most extreme details, but there is a slight sacrifice of warmth and tone. I love silver cables but make sure you have a warmer source to avoid fatigue.

edit: Also note it may take longer than 100 hours to burn in. Silver takes forever! Once it does burn in, however, you can expect the lower midrange to fill in a little more.
May 12, 2017 at 11:46 AM Post #11 of 11
Question for LCD-4 owners:

I drive my LCD-4s with the Headamp LS-X Mk ii and balanced cables. I'm considering an upgrade to 3 meter runs (Balanced) of either the new Kimber Axios or the Moon Audio Silver Dragon Premium. Is anybody familiar with these with the LCD-4 and is one better than the other?


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