Monster Beats Solo compared to Sony MDR-XB500
Jun 9, 2010 at 8:30 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 48


New Head-Fier
Jun 9, 2010
I'm currently looking at a new set of cans to replace my i-mego headset, a cheap $30 pair of phones that lacks bass.
My current dillema is that i cannot decide between either the Monster Beats Solo pair or the Sony MDR-XB500s. being a basshead i have found the sony's to offer better bass according to frequency graphs, but at the same time the solo's have been said to provide better bass by some users. which pair would offer the most bass performance?
thanks in advance
Jun 9, 2010 at 10:44 PM Post #5 of 48
I think an apple store will probably have the solo paired with their ipods for you to demo and you should be able to listen to sony consumer cans at a sonystyle store. I've been to a mall with both in toronto, that would really solve your problem.
Jun 9, 2010 at 11:52 PM Post #7 of 48

Go with the Sony's. The overall music experience will be better, trust me. All Monster products are overpriced garbage cans.

We Turbine people don't feel that way.
Anyways, the Solos are pretty mediocre. I'd go with the XB500, maybe the XB700, only if you try them first.
Jun 10, 2010 at 12:34 AM Post #8 of 48

I think an apple store will probably have the solo paired with their ipods for you to demo and you should be able to listen to sony consumer cans at a sonystyle store. I've been to a mall with both in toronto, that would really solve your problem.


Get the XB700s instead

+1, I'm not much of a head-fier but I've heard these cans cause my cousin owns them and they are beautiful to me.. You said yours were lacking bass, these ones arent.. He got them for a bargain of 40 dollars too :D I don't know where you live but check ebay, he got them off kijiji.. (Canadians only)
Or you could always go with the M50's for 100 dollars + S&H >.<
Jun 12, 2010 at 2:42 AM Post #9 of 48
just to be a bit more specific, i'm not looking for balance in my music. as long as the bass pounds my ears and sounds like a subwoofer system, then i'm set. i've seen many reviews that the sony's are balanced in their bass, while the beats sound like car subs, so wouldn't the beats be superior in this regard?
Jun 12, 2010 at 3:55 AM Post #10 of 48
the sonys pounds your ears like a punch, while the solos pounds your ears like a punch though mud, it loses its impact, but on that note, i hate both of those cans, i kinda enjoyed the bass on my k701s
Jun 12, 2010 at 5:08 AM Post #11 of 48
xb500 is good ,they are more balanced than the xb700 . Bass is more forward than mids and treble and is not too overwhleming or bloated . It's good enogh for my bass crave when im  djing :p
Jun 12, 2010 at 9:57 AM Post #12 of 48

just to be a bit more specific, i'm not looking for balance in my music. as long as the bass pounds my ears and sounds like a subwoofer system, then i'm set. i've seen many reviews that the sony's are balanced in their bass, while the beats sound like car subs, so wouldn't the beats be superior in this regard?

I've tried both. The XB700 are punchy. Not as bloated at the Beats, but is better integrated with the music. No headphone can pound your ears like a subwoofer can. It just isn't possible with the limited air space in a headphone.
Jun 12, 2010 at 8:20 PM Post #14 of 48
xb500 is good ,they are more balanced than the xb700 . Bass is more forward than mids and treble and is not too overwhleming or bloated . It's good enogh for my bass crave when im  djing :p

Same thoughts here... heard all 3 and bought the XB500. I would say the XB500 is +2 bass / -2 mids whereas the XB700 is +3 bass / -3 mids, so if you want some mids and over-the-top bass go with the 500s and if you want no mids at all and all bass then the 700s would be better.
Jun 12, 2010 at 9:49 PM Post #15 of 48
Go w/the XB700's,......................solid bass punch in da' face!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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