Microsoft Trying To Dethrone Video iPod
Jan 11, 2006 at 7:21 AM Post #32 of 59

Originally Posted by Mr Iriver
Actually this can also be done on MTP devices, and it is even simpler in UMS devices like the iriver H100 and 300 series.

And we have debated tag nav versus folder nav many times
Jan 11, 2006 at 9:34 PM Post #33 of 59

Originally Posted by allenf
And we have debated tag nav versus folder nav many times

Folder nav is still the best. And drag and drop is also the best.

I think new DAP makers are stupid not to implement both methods of nav, like archos does with their gmini 4xx. Even iRiver now favors id3 tag navigation, and software use. It makes me wish, I could be able to chane my username, because I now prefer many HDD players, to iRiver's latest hdd player (the H10). The U10, now that is an iRiver player. Best flash player I have had the pleasure to use. Way overpriced though.
Jan 11, 2006 at 10:45 PM Post #34 of 59

Originally Posted by Taphil
Some people like buying CDs at Tower Records, for $18.99 "on sale."

I've noticed this as well and it dumbfounds me to know that people would spend that much on a CD you can get at Walmart for 9.99. Seems like as the major CD chains around that I've seen (Sam Goody, Tower, FYE, etc) always charge as least 5 or more dollars for a CD. I just don't understand it..

Jan 12, 2006 at 12:17 AM Post #36 of 59

Originally Posted by Echo_
how come people pick filetree over tag???
file tree is music>artistname>album>song right?

isnt that the same on all tag players as well? and you can always view by album all songs, genre, etc

The nice thing is that with file tree you have the ability to set up the folders in any order you like. The other difference which is actually is a huge difference, is the fact that most players that work with a file tree navigation don't require any type of software for music transfers.

I myself currently own a DAP with ID3 Tag navigation, but overall I far prefer not using any software. It just gives me more freedom on how to use the player. I still think the best method is what archos features in their players; that is both the choice to navigate through folders or Id3 tags. Another great think of these archos players is the fact that you also don't need software, unless you wish to enable ID3 tag navigation which always requires music transfers through software.
Jan 12, 2006 at 7:45 AM Post #38 of 59
Nearly forgot - I don't see much hassle in dragging and dropping a folder from Windows explorer straight onto my iPod icon in iTunes - maybe I'm a bit weird that way
Jan 12, 2006 at 2:02 PM Post #39 of 59

Originally Posted by Mr Iriver
Folder nav is still the best. And drag and drop is also the best.

I think new DAP makers are stupid not to implement both methods of nav, like archos does with their gmini 4xx. Even iRiver now favors id3 tag navigation, and software use. It makes me wish, I could be able to chane my username, because I now prefer many HDD players, to iRiver's latest hdd player (the H10). The U10, now that is an iRiver player. Best flash player I have had the pleasure to use. Way overpriced though.

I think your name says it all. Your agruments tend to be pretty bias. You try to come off as objective but your bias shows.
Jan 12, 2006 at 2:58 PM Post #40 of 59

Originally Posted by Mr Iriver
-Most people usually say the ipod's success comes from it's ease of use, and seamless integration with it's software. The philips HDD6330 is easier to use, and has an even more seamless integration with it's software (WMP which is even already installed by default). If you wish to buy music online this player comes with software that installs napster within WMP allowing for more ease of use (in a similar way as iTunes).

iTunes is already installed on Mac's, and didnt MS get in loads of bother with the European Courts about this. Even more seamless integration, you plug the ipod in, the songs are transferred, you unplug it. I dont think you could get even more seamless than that.


Originally Posted by Mr Iriver
-Others say the success comes from the players physical appearance. While this is subjective, I agree most players don't look nearly as nice, however, the philips HDD6330 is again better in this regard. No, wonder it has been named by many (including myself) as the sexiest DAP ever.

As you said it is subjective and although the HDD6330 is nice looking, you cant claim it is better. I think that the display is rather small in comparison to the product. What are those huge bezels either side for, surely they could have put a bigger screen in


Originally Posted by Mr Iriver
-Some may say the success comes from the features. It is a very underfeatures player.

Granted it doesnt have all the features of the other players but this is a well thoughtout strategy. They dont want to add excess bulk, cost, and make the thing harder to use if people arent going to use those other features.

However the biggest problem is see for other players, like the HDD6330 is the names, this is due to marketing but also the manufacters. The iPod, everyone knows what one is and what it does, the HDD6330 what is that is that a car, a headphone, an opamp, a barcode. It seems that everybody wants to add numbers to the end of there products thus making it hard for average joe to a.)know what the manufactures are talking about b.) recognise the product line. The word iPod is synonymous with DAP, hell the British media has on a number of occasions referred to the iPod Generation.
Jan 12, 2006 at 3:36 PM Post #41 of 59
I can't deal with anything other than iTunes because I love the way it's organized and I love the way the iPod works. I'll never buy anything that's not an iPod.

Though I don't like all this video and photo stuff. I just want to listen to my music.
Jan 12, 2006 at 4:00 PM Post #42 of 59

Originally Posted by allenf
Using folder nav only, how does a player know artist names in compilation albums, or genres?
Tag nav rules

The player can still read the tags, just that it navigates through folders.

As for the newer Archos, even if you want to tag navigate, you don't need a software to load the music either. Just use the windows explorer and select update when you turn your Archos on. To me, they have the right idea, offering both navigation options.
Jan 12, 2006 at 4:46 PM Post #43 of 59
Offering both tag-based navigation and folder-based navigation is fine.

Offering just folder-based navigation is poor design. I think it's odd that the same types of people who usually advocate long feature lists (radio, line in, OGG support, etc.) are also advocating such an simple and inflexible navigation system. What if you want to navigate by genre? What if you want to select just pop CDs published after 2001?

Once you assemble a large enough collection of albums, query-based collections (aka. smart folders, etc.) are much more flexible than folder-based navigation.
Jan 12, 2006 at 6:36 PM Post #44 of 59
i dont think one way of browsing is better than the other, its all subjective. I dont browse by anything only artist, so as all my mp3s are arranged in folders like this "artist -> album -> songs" it doesnt make any difference which method i use. i currently have an ipod and it suits me perfectly as i can browse by artist. on my old iriver it was folder based browsing and that was fine too, but the only thing il say against it is that your music has to be very well organised for it to be a good method of browsing. it meant i had to reorganise all my music, but im thankful for that now. its all a matter of preference, but if you have a huge collection thats not organised, ID3 based browsing is better. its a pity no player offers a choice. i think that ID3 is the way forward as it offers most of the options of folder based browsing and more
Jan 12, 2006 at 7:41 PM Post #45 of 59

Originally Posted by chrisfromalbany
I think your name says it all. Your agruments tend to be pretty bias. You try to come off as objective but bias show.

I am not even close to biased. I would not recommend an h10 over most other 20gb+ players. Where did I show bias? Is that 'cause I said the u10 is the best flash player I have ever used. Why would that be biased if it is indeed the best flash player I have ever used. Use one and you'll see I am not kidding. So where did I show bias, was that when I said archos is the only company that has the bright idea to support both navigations method?

I am sorry, but I don't like people who assume stuff with no proof.


Originally Posted by xUKHCx
iTunes is already installed on Mac's, and didnt M$ get in loads of bother with the European Courts about this. Even more seamless integration, you plug the ipod in, the songs are transferred, you unplug it. I dont think you could get even more seamless than that.

Plays for sure players have that.


Originally Posted by xUKHCx
Granted it doesnt have all the features of the other players but this is a well thoughtout strategy. They dont want to add excess bulk, cost, and make the thing harder to use if people arent going to use those other features.

Actually one of the attractions of the newer ipod is the extra video feature. so features do indeed sell, even if people don't use them. I for one, like the newest ipod a lot. I think it is a really nice player. I can't say the same for the other ipods.


Originally Posted by xUKHCx
However the biggest problem is see for other players, like the HDD6330 is the names, this is due to marketing but also the manufacters. The iPod, everyone knows what one is and what it does, the HDD6330 what is that is that a car, a headphone, an opamp, a barcode. It seems that everybody wants to add numbers to the end of there products thus making it hard for average joe to a.)know what the manufactures are talking about b.) recognise the product line. The word iPod is synonymous with DAP, hell the British media has on a number of occasions referred to the iPod Generation.

That is very true. I have seen people call MP3 players regardless of brand, iPods.


Originally Posted by Purgatos
I can't deal with anything other than iTunes because I love the way it's organized and I love the way the iPod works. I'll never buy anything that's not an iPod.

Though I don't like all this video and photo stuff. I just want to listen to my music.

Organization in WMP is pretty much the same, and it works almost the same in combination with some playforsure players.

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