Miami Meet 2/18/06
Feb 15, 2006 at 3:58 AM Post #241 of 302

Originally Posted by Guss2
She forgives you Mikey.

Gary and Xenia ... and all you other boys and girls I ask forgiveness and absolution as well. Try as I may, there is no way I am getting away for the meet on Saturday.

All of you fellow Florida residents for any length of years surely know that this is the height of silly season when friends, relatives or long lost acqauintances from any stretch of life come calling, and can sympathize with my perfect storm of family, college friends, former coworkers, and people who I met at bars along the way who have converged on Sarasota and demanded my attention.

I've played all my cards, and none of them say I can get away.

I'll have fun - just not Head-Fi fun - so, listen for me, my friends, and report the fun and frivolities here.

Not sure what I will miss most ...

- Kissing Xenia for her baby to come,
- Seeing and spending time with all you Bozo's,
- Catching up with the great gear (I need to hear my HE-90's, danmit!)
- The latest Head-Fi brew ...

Ok, sorry, it's no contest b... Gary - kiss Xenia for me.

Have fun, and I want pictures ...
Feb 15, 2006 at 4:08 AM Post #242 of 302
Gene, we will miss you. I just bottled a batch of what is being called Mahatma X IPA. After a day of burn it is tasting pretty good. Hmm, with you and Matt a no show, I believe I am now tied with you guys in attending the most Florida Head-Fi meets.
Feb 15, 2006 at 5:54 AM Post #243 of 302

Originally Posted by tyrion
Gene, we will miss you. I just bottled a batch of what is being called Mahatma X IPA. After a day of burn it is tasting pretty good. Hmm, with you and Matt a no show, I believe I am now tied with you guys in attending the most Florida Head-Fi meets.

Mike ... You and John's bitches' brews and the lovely Xenia are almost enough to carry me over the Alligator Alley in spite of my familial, collegial, and sentimental obligations, but, alas, I am of an age where reason, sentiment, and immediate satisfaction weigh equally in decision making, so the judicious path must be followed.

For me, at this time, it is judicuous to stay on the West Coast, and attend to friends and family - even if they are tone deaf and audio challenged ...
Feb 15, 2006 at 6:16 AM Post #244 of 302

Originally Posted by agile_one
Mike ... You and John's bitches' brews and the lovely Xenia are almost enough to carry me over the Alligator Alley in spite of my familial, collegial, and sentimental obligations, but, alas, I am of an age where reason, sentiment, and immediate satisfaction weigh equally in decision making, so the judicious path must be followed.

For me, at this time, it is judicuous to stay on the West Coast, and attend to friends and family - even if they are tone deaf and audio challenged ...

Don't sweat it, Have fun, we will see you next time.
Feb 15, 2006 at 6:37 AM Post #245 of 302
So what kind of beer did you say it was that you're bringing, Mike? Is that Head-Fi beer? Hmm, might be worth sampling.
Feb 15, 2006 at 6:51 AM Post #246 of 302

Originally Posted by Wmcmanus
So what kind of beer did you say it was that you're bringing, Mike? Is that Head-Fi beer? Hmm, might be worth sampling.

Nah ... it's a rip off of Red Stripe, mon. A cheap, watery, imitation.

That's my story, and I'm stickin' to it - otherwise, there'd be no rational reason for me not to attend.

You're not goin', are you? 'Cause if you goin, I've got to re'range my world.
Feb 15, 2006 at 11:27 AM Post #247 of 302

Originally Posted by Wmcmanus
So what kind of beer did you say it was that you're bringing, Mike? Is that Head-Fi beer? Hmm, might be worth sampling.

Actually, it's called Mahatma Gandhi Imperial IPA. Mine is a little different as it has some extra hops added. It didn't come out as bitter as I would have liked but it tastes good.


Originally Posted by agile_one
Nah ... it's a rip off of Red Stripe, mon. A cheap, watery, imitation.

Not even close. It has has beautiful amber/golden color. I believe it is about 7% alcohol content. It is probably my best brew yet.
Feb 15, 2006 at 11:34 AM Post #248 of 302
Folks, unfortunately I will not be able to attend after all. The guy who was supposed to be covering me at work this weekend will be out of town; last minute notice.

Icehawk, thanks for the invitation. If you are still interested in hearing the Gilmore Lite after the meet, let me know by PM. I am expecting to satisfy my RSA curiosity with purchase of a used HR-2, so will have an extra amp.

Maybe the next time
Feb 15, 2006 at 1:09 PM Post #249 of 302
Well now that Gene isn't going the pressure isn't SO strong for me to get there. I've got a cold this week, and I'm not working much so I definitely need to take it easy this weekend. Have fun guys!
Feb 15, 2006 at 1:23 PM Post #250 of 302

Originally Posted by NightWoundsTime
Well now that Gene isn't going the pressure isn't SO strong for me to get there. I've got a cold this week, and I'm not working much so I definitely need to take it easy this weekend. Have fun guys!

Excuses are like ********, everyones got one.
Feb 15, 2006 at 1:52 PM Post #251 of 302

Originally Posted by Icehawk
Tyrion - do you know offhand if Let There Be Sound has HK recievers? I'm getting close to pulling the trigger on a new reciever... The HKs are looking like the best value for a slighlty upmarket device.

do you need an fm tuner? If not Let There be Sound has some really great intergrated amps. He's got a Cayan an ASL that sound really good and Mike can give you a review of the Naim intergrated.
Feb 15, 2006 at 1:57 PM Post #252 of 302
Oz also carries Arcam. I got the impression he was looking for more than 2 channel. Icehawk, if you are looking for a 2 channel setup than Let There Be Sound has plenty of options as jp11801 points out.
Feb 15, 2006 at 2:47 PM Post #253 of 302
Was planning on running a 7.1 setup since it will be primarily for HT and secondly for music. Don't need a tuner though. I still want to check out the store though, I'll still need speakers!

Come on now folks... free beer and some sweet cans to listen to? Forget the family/job/national security! :p

bongomon - definitely interested in the GLite, heck if you want to sell it...
Feb 16, 2006 at 3:01 AM Post #254 of 302
Eww, people are pulling out? Lame. What's our status on electrostats/HE90?

My dad and I are going to attend, stay for an hour or two or whatever, and then go to the boat show afterward. Looks like things are working out pretty well for me after all.

This week has been awesome, honestly, and the meet will be the icing on the cake. Shoot, this afternoon I found a blank 1gb SD card on the ground. There wasn't a person in sight, so I had to assume ownership.
I think it's a good omen or something.
Feb 16, 2006 at 4:44 AM Post #255 of 302
I've been told my KGSS will be making an appearence. flecom put in some long hours getting it running for me. He ran in to a few problems as he went along, replaced a few more parts and it's working. I've confirmed that I will have an Apollo at the meet. I will pick it up Friday night and I am supposed to have it back Saturday night, after the meet.

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