Metrum Acoustics Octave
Jan 27, 2015 at 8:08 AM Post #676 of 707
I am glad to hear that it works well with the EDM:)
Does on-the-fly software up-sampling (by j.river media center) of 16/44 PCM material to 24/88,1 PCM would do the trick?
Yggy will probably be twice the price of Octave in Europe, so I will probably stick with Octave, at least for some time:)

Dunno for Jriver. I'm using linux based OS.
Jan 30, 2015 at 6:33 AM Post #677 of 707
How good is high frequencies extension in Octave? Some people claim it is a little bit rolled off. The fact that people with HD-800 seem to love Metrum could make me believe there is some truth in the claim.
I am looking for a DAC that will be used in LCD headphones system. Would Metrum be the best choice for it (within this price range) or I'd better look for a different DAC?
Jan 30, 2015 at 12:33 PM Post #678 of 707
I would not use the Octave with the LCD, unless you like super thick and heavy sound?
The Metrum is well extended in the treble, but it is "hash" free in that region, so the sound might appear a bit smoother / less airy than the usual sigma-delta (S-D) DAC that has a lot of crap up top and sounds edgier / brighter. The information is there, but it is presented in a very different way.
If you can, you might try to up-sample to 2xFS (88.2 or 96k) with your software player or using a re-sampler like the W4S Remedy or Empirical Synchro-Mesh (96kHz). It kinda defeats the 'NOS' philosophy of the Metrum, but it is still way different than a S-D DAC.
Hi-Res stuff sound brilliant on this DAC (in NOS mode, this time)! Upsampling redbook materials is a good middle-ground.
Jan 30, 2015 at 1:05 PM Post #679 of 707
  I would not use the Octave with the LCD, unless you like super thick and heavy sound?
The Metrum is well extended in the treble, but it is "hash" free in that region, so the sound might appear a bit smoother / less airy than the usual sigma-delta (S-D) DAC that has a lot of crap up top and sounds edgier / brighter. The information is there, but it is presented in a very different way.
If you can, you might try to up-sample to 2xFS (88.2 or 96k) with your software player or using a re-sampler like the W4S Remedy or Empirical Synchro-Mesh (96kHz). It kinda defeats the 'NOS' philosophy of the Metrum, but it is still way different than a S-D DAC.
Hi-Res stuff sound brilliant on this DAC (in NOS mode, this time)! Upsampling redbook materials is a good middle-ground.

Sorry I forgot to say that I meant LCD-X (not any other LCD). I wonder if pairing Metrum with the lighter and airier sounding LCD still experiences these weaknesses (less extended, less airy, possibly too thick/heavy sound)?
I listen mostly electronic music (different sorts) as well as pop/rock. I like heavy sound (hence my choice of LCD headphones), but I wouldn't like it too thick, less extended or closed sounding.
Jan 30, 2015 at 1:28 PM Post #681 of 707
  Sorry I forgot to say that I meant LCD-X (not any other LCD). I wonder if pairing Metrum with the lighter and airier sounding LCD still experiences these weaknesses (less extended, less airy, possibly too thick/heavy sound)?
I listen mostly electronic music (different sorts) as well as pop/rock. I like heavy sound (hence my choice of LCD headphones), but I wouldn't like it too thick, less extended or closed sounding.

What headphone amp are you using?
I see you've got a Lyr 1?
Lyr + Octave + LCD-X would be waaaaaaay too thick for me. Then again, I dislike the Audeze sound, even the "brighter" LCD-X. It's still too dark and heavy for me. YMMV.
Jan 30, 2015 at 1:33 PM Post #682 of 707
  The Octave mk II and the LCD-X would make a great combo.

That's what I've read :) Still would love to get more detailed information about this pairing before I pull the trigger.
What other DACs could I consider for the LCD-X system? (Up to the price of Octave, offering soundquality on the same or higher level)
Jan 30, 2015 at 1:37 PM Post #683 of 707
  What headphone amp are you using?
I see you've got a Lyr 1?
Lyr + Octave + LCD-X would be waaaaaaay too thick for me. Then again, I dislike the Audeze sound, even the "brighter" LCD-X. It's still too dark and heavy for me. YMMV.

I am going to upgrade my amp to something like Bryston BHA-1.
Jan 30, 2015 at 1:42 PM Post #684 of 707
If your using the LCD-X the brightest of the LCDs and you want to go with the BHA-1 a bright ass amp.  The Octave mk II would be perfect.
Why not go with the Rag instead of the BHA-1?  Or even the Mjolnir for less.
Jan 30, 2015 at 1:45 PM Post #685 of 707
  it is "hash" free in that region, so the sound might appear a bit smoother / less airy than the usual sigma-delta (S-D) DAC that has a lot of crap up top and sounds edgier / brighter. The information is there, but it is presented in a very different way.

My Audio GD DAC19-DSP (which I've read is darker than the Octave)/Senn HD-650 combo is like this.
I like it but I can see where it's not for everyone. The Octave MkII is on my list but I'm considering the Schiit Yggy too.
It's not that I prefer a dark(er) sound per se but I'll try to avoid ''edgyness' at any cost. 
Jan 30, 2015 at 1:56 PM Post #686 of 707
  If your using the LCD-X the brightest of the LCDs and you want to go with the BHA-1 a bright ass amp.  The Octave mk II would be perfect.
Why not go with the Rag instead of the BHA-1?  Or even the Mjolnir for less.

I haven't had a chance to listen to any of these amps, but read many times about BHA-1/LCD-2/X synergy. I didn't realize BHA-1 is clearly bright. I thought of it as neutral, natural and only slightly bright. Metrum Octave, I imagine as neutral, natural but only slightly dark.
I am considering Rag, too although it slightly exceeds my budget. As for Mjolnir, I am afraid it might be too energetic with LCD-X for me.
Jan 30, 2015 at 1:57 PM Post #687 of 707
My Audio GD DAC19-DSP (which I've read is darker than the Octave)/Senn HD-650 combo is like this.
I like it but I can see where it's not for everyone. The Octave MkII is on my list but I'm considering the Schiit Yggy too.
It's not that I prefer a dark(er) sound per se but I'll try to avoid ''edgyness' at any cost. 

I also want to avoid the edgyness, but would like to have a DAC that is as neutral as possible, but musical at the same time. Is it possible at this (Octave) price range?
Jan 30, 2015 at 2:04 PM Post #688 of 707
My Audio GD DAC19-DSP (which I've read is darker than the Octave)/Senn HD-650 combo is like this.
I like it but I can see where it's not for everyone. The Octave MkII is on my list but I'm considering the Schiit Yggy too.
It's not that I prefer a dark(er) sound per se but I'll try to avoid ''edgyness' at any cost. 

I had the Ref-5.32 together with the Metrum Quad back in the days. The Ref was too dark and slow for me. The Metrum has more energy up top, even though it is still super smooth compared to the modern S-D crap.
I recently found out you don't need to go a darker route to avoid edginess: just get one second hand R2R DAC from the mid/late 90s. Those are usually limited to 44.1/48, but boy do they sound glorious compared to anything S-D, and definitely less dark than Audio-gd PCM1704UK DACs.
The PS Audio UltraLink II has a tonality close to the NFB-7, but with all the R2R goodness!
While the DAC chips technology went few step backwards over the last decade with the S-D crap, I feel like, on the other hand, the transport technology greatly improved: that's where those antique DACs benefit a lot from modern transports to just sound sublime. You don't need to pay 5k for the accompanying CD transport to make these sing today. A good USB-S/PDIF converter will do the trick.
Edit: the Schiit Yggy is the culmination of this "old school" R2R technology, brought together with the modern capabilities (Hi-Res support / transport) at a very good price. Will be hard to beat. There's still room for different flavors and I don't expect it to be the be-all and end-all DAC for everyone, of course. I know I will get one.
Jan 30, 2015 at 2:17 PM Post #689 of 707
I would never buy a DAC from the 80s or even 90s for that matter - I would just wait and buy the Rag.  I've heard a few of those said DACs never thought to much of them.  If you call them less dark than a Master 7 then they are bright to me as the Master 7 is a very neutral DAC IMO..
I was thinking about the NFB-7 in that price range.  But I never heard it so I have no idea of it's sound sig.  I don't buy into all that Saber hash BS.  All DACs have different implementation so that will sound different.
Jan 30, 2015 at 2:24 PM Post #690 of 707
  A good USB-S/PDIF converter will do the trick.

I picked up an OR5 for the sole purpose of auditioning DACs as I thought I was listening to the sound of my transport more than I was the sound of the DAC's I was trying in my system.
When it came in I placed it in my system to establish a baseline and I haven't thought about upgrading the DAC19-DSP for almost 2 years but (p)reviews of the Yggy have piqued my interest again. 

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