Mahler Symphonies Favorite Recordings
Feb 4, 2005 at 12:39 PM Post #616 of 3,718

Originally Posted by saxphile
Anyhow, after getting my new setup (see sig), I've noticed an anomaly in Barbirolli's M6 on EMI. A low-frequecy hum that sounds a little like double bass or a human bass humming appears randomly during the play, has anyone else noticed this? I tried several amps, and they all had this problem. I haven't notice this problem on any other recordings so I think the source is fine, too.
I'm guessing that it's some noise introduced during the reprocessing, any thoughts?

I just listened to this recently and didn't hear any unusual sounds other than the occassional humming by conductor or bouncing in podium by him.

Horenstein/BBC Legends M7
Just listened to this and was not very impressed, part of the problem is less than stellar sound of this live recording but also Horenstein is not up to his usual high standards here performance wise. Just to make sure pulled out:
Sure enough they all pretty easily outclassed the Horenstein surprisingly, Solti especially is really on his game here with a spectacular perfromance and Bernstein is no less fine in his effort. Abbado a touch more controlled but has modern sound and BPO.

Horenstein/BBC Legends M9.......soon.
Feb 4, 2005 at 1:13 PM Post #617 of 3,718

Originally Posted by dshea_32665
Back to Mahler. Hey does anybody know of works in the pipeline that will be released in the next year? I know MTT/SFSO and Rattle are mid way through their cycles, what are the next from these or any others that I am not aware of?
Also, how is Bernstein 5 and 10? With the Bernstein set, is that with Vienna and New York?

Why be concerned with future releases with so much great stuff available right now? I would like to hear some of the new Geilen/Hansler series and live Kubelik/Audite series.

There is a partial Bernstein/DG M10 but only 1st movement adagio and only available with complete DG set, for M5 Bernstein/DG is preferred version.
Feb 4, 2005 at 1:28 PM Post #618 of 3,718
Just a little FYI, the March 2005 issue of BBC Magazine will have Mackerras conducting the BBC Phil. on Mahler 6. May be worth checking out.

Feb 4, 2005 at 8:52 PM Post #619 of 3,718
I've started going over my M3's, Chailly, Bernstein....anyone else have any favorites?
Feb 4, 2005 at 9:04 PM Post #620 of 3,718

Originally Posted by scottder
The Bernstein set from Sony is with NY. I don't think he ever did a complete 10, Just the Adagio.
The Scottdermeister

I don't think Lenny "believed" in the completed version of the 10th.

Too bad.

I, for one, am a believer!

Feb 4, 2005 at 9:30 PM Post #621 of 3,718

Originally Posted by Masonjar
I don't think Lenny "believed" in the completed version of the 10th.

Too bad.

I, for one, am a believer!


Only full version of the 10th I have heard is Rattle's, but it's quite good....he's performed it many times.
Feb 4, 2005 at 9:47 PM Post #622 of 3,718
Just put on my Chailly M3, and ofcourse, I am always thinking of Brahms with the opening bars, but that is just the stepping off point.

My Chailly came with Mahler's Bach Suite, to which I haven't bothered to listen. Is that the same one that you are talking about? And if so, have you listened to the arranged Bach?
Feb 4, 2005 at 9:50 PM Post #623 of 3,718

Originally Posted by Bunnyears
Just put on my Chailly M3, and ofcourse, I am always thinking of Brahms with the opening bars, but that is just the stepping off point.

My Chailly came with Mahler's Bach Suite, to which I haven't bothered to listen. Is that the same one that you are talking about? And if so, have you listened to the arranged Bach?

Yes, that's the one I am referring to, but no I haven't really listened to the Bach Suites either...perhaps I will now
Feb 4, 2005 at 9:52 PM Post #624 of 3,718

Originally Posted by Bunnyears
Just put on my Chailly M3, and ofcourse, I am always thinking of Brahms with the opening bars, but that is just the stepping off point.

how true!

We should discuss parts in Mahler's music that remind us of other composers.

I think the most obvious one is the tribute to Handel in the last movement of the 1st.

"And he shall reign forever and ever..."


As an Atheist, I can still appreciate it.

Feb 4, 2005 at 10:02 PM Post #625 of 3,718

Originally Posted by Masonjar
how true!
As an Atheist, I can still appreciate it.

I too am an atheist, but I can still appreciate the pure human joy/sorrow in music like this.

Feb 4, 2005 at 10:15 PM Post #626 of 3,718

Originally Posted by Masonjar
how true!

We should discuss parts in Mahler's music that remind us of other composers.

I think the most obvious one is the tribute to Handel in the last movement of the 1st.

"And he shall reign forever and ever..."


As an Atheist, I can still appreciate it.


I don't think that mahler is just coincidentally echoing Brahms, the whole movement seems to be a variation on the theme by Brahms, he uses it in more than one place, altering the major into minor to make his own statement. That is why I find the whole so beautiful and evocative. It functions on so many levels.

Especially the use of the more martial brass section and the imposition of the later march tempo. I could go on, but I know that all of you have heard and considered all of this.
Feb 4, 2005 at 10:20 PM Post #627 of 3,718
I just got the "What the Universe Tells Me" DVDs from netflix...should be interesting.
Feb 4, 2005 at 10:33 PM Post #628 of 3,718
I wonder what it will have to say about the similarities to the Maestoso theme of the last movement of the Brahms 1st (and of course the similarities to Beethoven's 9th). It has been widely speculated that there was probably a folk tune that was the source for all of them. Hehe, despite the use of themes for variation all over the musical world in the days before the copyright infringement suit.
Feb 6, 2005 at 1:29 PM Post #629 of 3,718
Horenstein/BBC Legends M9
A live stereo recording from 1966, this time Jascha does not let us down and delivers very fine performance. The sound is pretty good but like many in this BBC Legends series during climaxes the treble can become thin and a bit shrill, and unfortunately the crowd is very noisy to the point of being distracting. There is very good detail present to hear all that goes on with LSO, so sound is a mixed bag, now lets see where we stand timing wise:

Horenstein/BBC Legends - 88
Bernstein/Sony - 80
Karajan/DG (1982 live) - 85
Boulez/DG - 80
Barbirolli/EMI GROTC - 78
Solti/London - 86
Abbado/BPO/DG - 81
Chailly/London - 90

Tempo wise Horenstein is a bit expansive but maintains wonderful tension with powerful bursts of energy when called for and insightful reverence. Previously for this work I would turn to Bernstein or Barbirolli and for more sumptious beauty of tone go with live Karajan. Recently picked up the new Abbado/DG and this is one of the best of his new BPO set of Mahler so it has found a spot in rotation. Not going to go into detail but I will keep the Horenstein M9 even if it is 5-6 on my depth chart as it makes nice companion to the excellent Horenstein/Unicorn M1, M3 I already own.......I will try to forget about the Horenstein disappointments in M7, M4 and stick with three winners.

I would mention that if Horenstien had same sound quality as Chailly has he would move up a couple notches but must face reality with limited time as to what M9's to concentrate on.

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