Mahler Symphonies Favorite Recordings
Nov 8, 2004 at 7:38 PM Post #406 of 3,718

Originally Posted by DarkAngel
I recently added the new Abbado/DG/BPO 7th to my collection, live recording from 2002. This will unseat my older CSO 7th from 1980's which was one of Abbado's finest Mahler performances during that period.

When Abbado took over the Berlin Philharmonic around 1990, his inaugural performance of Mahler 1 was shown on PBS. Fast forward 14 years or so to his broadcast concert with the BPO on tour in Sicily (Brahms violin concerto with Gil Shaham and Dvorak New World)... I found it moving to compare these two concerts. Abbado has been ravaged by age and illness, but the great musician within is undiminished.
Nov 8, 2004 at 7:55 PM Post #407 of 3,718
I've been listening to Abbado's Mendelssohn Symphonies as of late, I'm kind of curious how he handles Mahler.

Nov 9, 2004 at 2:39 AM Post #408 of 3,718
While we await the new Abbado/DG 2nd to arrive........someone asked if we could condense this thread down to recommend CD for each symphony, emphasis on money saving/value for starter:

1,5 - Bernstein/DG Panorama (mid price 2CD)
2 - Klemperer/EMI GROTC (mid price 1CD) (Litton/Delos would be if it was 1CD version)
3 - Bernstein/Sony (mid price 2CD)
4 - Szell/Sony (budget price 1CD)
6 - Szell/Sony (budget price 1CD)
7 - Abbado/DG/CSO (budget price 1CD)
8 - Solti/Decca Legends (mid price 1CD)
9 - Barbirolli/EMI GROTC (mid price 1CD)

Just remembered the reduced price Bernstein/Sony Mahler 3, sound quality could be better but performance outclasses most modern full price versions:

Nothing has yet surpassed the Horenstein/Unicorn version but that is only available in complete set on Brilliant label with other less desireable performances. Have you seen some of the absurd prices being asked for used version of Horenstein 3rd?
Nov 9, 2004 at 2:53 AM Post #409 of 3,718
Thanks for the condensed list. This is helpful since we have achieved 17 pages of post. It appears DA that you are somewhat of an Abbado fan
. That is great! I think he is wonderful also. Sometimes it is good to have a person who you can usually count on to produce an outstanding product. Can make the brain pain of all the possibilities a bit more manageable.

Nov 9, 2004 at 3:08 AM Post #410 of 3,718
Here's my condensed list with budget not considered. I will give my favorite for each and an honorable mention for some.

1. Tilson Thoman/SFS
HM. Bernstein/VPO
2. Kaplan/LSO
HM. Mehta/Israel
3. Tilson Thomas/SFS (But I haven't heard the legendary Horenstein)
4. Tilson Thomas/SFS
HM. Abbado/VPO
5. Solti/CSO
HM. Maazel/VPO
6. Tilson Thomas/SFS
7. Abbado/DG
HM. Tilson Thomas/LSO
8. Solti/CSO
9. Bernstein/NYP
10. Rattle/BPO

Yes, I am fond of MTT. Symphony 2 is my favorite and I have my copy of the MTT/SFS version pre-ordered. It will be shipping soon. I am salivating already.

Nov 9, 2004 at 11:08 AM Post #411 of 3,718
hrmm, DA, would it be too much to ask you to give me a quick comparison btw the abbado and litton 2nds once you get it?
Nov 9, 2004 at 12:32 PM Post #412 of 3,718
My wallet will not allow me to pay those outrageous prices being charged for the MTT Mahler series .......... so I wait.

Have you heard the Mehta/Decca Legends Mahler 2nd? Most people prefer this version and features VPO on midprice 1CD version.

I really like Solti and think he is underrated, only reason I just list his Mahler 8 is because only way to get other works is with complete set (which I of course own

Yes I will compare the new Abbado/DG 2nd to the ususal suspects.
Nov 9, 2004 at 2:25 PM Post #413 of 3,718

Originally Posted by DarkAngel
Yes I will compare the new Abbado/DG 2nd to the usual suspects.

thank you very much!

[size=xx-small]btw, a bit OT, but is your avatar a render, or a real photo? i swear i've seen it 'evolve' over time.
Nov 9, 2004 at 4:55 PM Post #415 of 3,718

Originally Posted by JayG
Here's my condensed list with budget not considered. I will give my favorite for each and an honorable mention for some.

Since most of mine are older, I have no idea what they sell for these days. These are my favorites, of those I've heard..

1st - Solti/Chicago (1983 London Digital)
2nd - Slatkin/St. Louis (1982 Telarc Digital)
3rd - Bernstein/NY (1961 CBS/Sony)
4th - Reiner/Chicago (1958 RCA)
5th - Tie: Sinopoli/Philharmoina (1985 DG Digital) & Levine/Chicago (1977 RCA)
6th - Tennstedt/London Philharmonic (1983 EMI Digital)
7th - Tie: Abbado/Chicago (1984 DG) and Levine/Chicago (1980 RCA)
8th - Solti/Chicago (1971 Decca)
9th - Tie: Karajan/Berlin (1980 DG), Giulini/Chicago (1976 DG)

Check this out..even though the Discography Pages are in French, the facts are there.. a nice way to remind yourselves of what is "out there" and what you might have missed.

have fun!
Nov 9, 2004 at 8:49 PM Post #416 of 3,718
DarkAngel - I know that the SFS/MTT recordings are expensive, and it took me a while to pony up the dough for the first one I bought, but since then I have never considered them overpriced. I highly urge you to buy just one of them and see for yourself. They are all superb so far, but I would recommend Symphony 1 or 6 for your first one from the cycle. Sometimes No. 1 can be found a tad cheaper since it is only one disc. Another reason I can justify the extra cost is that the sonics are simply out of this world. I have never heard better recorded classical music. And they are Hybrid SACD. When I add up 1) Amazing performances 2) Incredible recording quality and 3) SACD layer, the pricing doesn't seem so bad anymore. Another good reason to pick up No. 1 is that it is a limited edition and they will eventually run out, probably before too long.

I have not heard the Mehta/VPO version of the Second, though I want to. The reason I got the Israel one is that it is a DVD-Audio, and I have actually heard quite a few people say they prefer it to the VPO.

I love Solti too, in fact he is one of my favorite conductors of all time. He also had one of the largest repertoires of any conductor, but like everyone else he had his strengths and his weaknesses. I love his No. 5 and his No. 8 and I would love to hear his No. 2, but some of his other Mahler recordings are only good rather than outstanding.

JohnFerrier - Unfortunately I have not heard any of Boulez's Mahler yet. I really want to, especially since I like a lot of his work with other composers. In fact I would really like to get my hands on his new recording of No. 3, but like my precious MTT recordings, it is very expensive and I haven't splurged on it yet.

Nov 9, 2004 at 9:35 PM Post #417 of 3,718 much many discs out there....need second job!
Nov 10, 2004 at 6:23 PM Post #418 of 3,718
Chailly 3rd arrived, only had a chance to listen to the Redbook so far, but I am liking this quite a bit. It's a fairly forward and involving recording and the performance is top notch, I will have to pull out the other Mahler 3s I have (Maazel and Bernstein) and listen again, but I don't regret getting this at all.

Nov 10, 2004 at 7:32 PM Post #419 of 3,718

Originally Posted by scottder
Chailly 3rd arrived, only had a chance to listen to the Redbook so far, but I am liking this quite a bit. It's a fairly forward and involving recording and the performance is top notch, I will have to pull out the other Mahler 3s I have (Maazel and Bernstein) and listen again, but I don't regret getting this at all.


I was just reading that recent release of Mahler 9 completes the Chailly/London Mahler series. I don't own any Chailly currently and not sure where he stacks up against better known more experienced Mahler vetrans.
I know the critics really like his Mahler 5th, and say the London sound quality is quite good for the series.

Third symphony is very hard to pull off effectively......the Mahler catalog has many mediocre 3rds that fail to inspire.
Nov 10, 2004 at 11:18 PM Post #420 of 3,718
Abbado has a Mahler 6th in the can to be released in 2005.

Got to be a little excited about that one huh?


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