May 7, 2006 at 6:44 PM Post #33 of 46
I saw it yesterday before work. Honestly, it was really entertaining. Not necessarily great or through provoking or anything like that. But, a nice, "lazy" watch with lots of eye candy (cars, women, just basic "action"). Not suprisingly, it really hard for me to take TC seriously now. Everytime there was a slow scene, I would "inner monologue" TC's voice in my own head saying something really cheesy about himself.

Conclusion: 3 of 4 stars. Wouldn't see it AGAIN in the theaters but might netflix it later in the summer if I feel like testing out the HT setup.
May 7, 2006 at 6:49 PM Post #34 of 46
I think Tom Cruise's movies are entertaining movies, but aren't good movies. Good movies are pieces of art like Rashomon or Seven Samurai or Brokeback Mountain, but not filled with a lot of action and more thought provoking
May 7, 2006 at 10:52 PM Post #35 of 46

Originally Posted by Oistrakh
I think Tom Cruise's movies are entertaining movies, but aren't good movies. Good movies are pieces of art like Rashomon or Seven Samurai or Brokeback Mountain, but not filled with a lot of action and more thought provoking

Opinions vary... I could care less about the artsy fartsy crap. I just want to be entertained at the movies.
May 7, 2006 at 10:54 PM Post #37 of 46

Originally Posted by Oistrakh
I think Tom Cruise's movies are entertaining movies, but aren't good movies. Good movies are pieces of art like Rashomon or Seven Samurai or Brokeback Mountain, but not filled with a lot of action and more thought provoking

What? brokeback mountain art? I'll tell you art, The Godfather.
May 7, 2006 at 11:25 PM Post #38 of 46
the marquee at my local theater:
May 8, 2006 at 6:40 AM Post #39 of 46
i just got back from the theater... i have to say that i was thoroughly (that's such a wacky word) impressed by it. I could definitely feel the visceral impact in my gut about twenty times during the showing. I really enjoyed it, enough twists to combat numero uno, and far and away better than numero dos. I highly recommend it.
May 8, 2006 at 10:12 PM Post #41 of 46

Originally Posted by smeggy

I haven't seen it yet but Mr Cranky has. Mr Cranky always gets to the heart of the matter.

mr. cranky doesn't seem to know that masks and disguises are a staple of the original m:i tv show. without them you have star wars without lightsabers.
May 9, 2006 at 12:29 AM Post #43 of 46
I thought the first two M:i movies were decent. The first one was a little truer to the TV show with the gadgets, teamwork (in the beginning), feel of the movie, etc. But the second one had one of my favorite movie moments ever: the bad guy's henchman brings Hunt in, tied-up and gagged, the main bad guy shoots him like crazy and then sees his bandaged finger, pulls off the mask and it's really his henchman; then he looks at the table and the antidotes are gone and it jumps to the real Hunt running down the hallway and the theme music comes on (a nice touch is that they saved the theme music 'til that moment).

Sure, he couldn't have gotten out without being spotted by the five or so other people in the room, but who cares? That moment is so badass. Or maybe it's because I was in sixth grade when I saw it.

I'll be watching the third one someday (probably through Netflix, with movie tickets being $10 a pop

[edit]No action movie comes close to The Transporter though. 'Cept maybe The Matrix
May 9, 2006 at 5:34 AM Post #45 of 46
I just saw it today. Biggest complaint was that the last part of the movie was rushed. We didn't see anything about what happened in the building where Ethan stole the rabbits foot.

Preview for Pirates of the Carribean looked pretty sweet though. I would watch it just for Captain Cthulhu.

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