Low impedance headphones on Schiit Valhalla 2?
Jul 15, 2018 at 1:24 PM Post #16 of 18
Hi @ProtegeManiac , thanks for the reply.

Right now i dont have much, just this Grado Gh2, and a old Marshall Major 2 and Sennheiser 449 but no longer use that ones.
In the future i dont know what i will buy, cause i didnt tryed yet all the models of the following list. But for sure it will be 1 closed and 1 open (in this order)

- Audeze Lcd 2, Lcd X, and EL 8
- Fostex Th 900
- Beyerdynamic Dt 1990 Pro, Amiron
- Hifiman Sundara
- Akg K712
- Meze 99 Classic

But right now, what im looking for is the best Amp / Dac for my Grado Gh2 in a 1000 / 1200 £ price range. My first idea was the Quad Va one / Pa one, cause i liked the tube sound on it.
Then after some research looks the bifrost mb is the right choise for dac, so now i just need find the correct amp.
A lot of people told me that the valhalla 2 wouldnt be perfect for grados, but at same time some said they sound wonderfull together.

Any help or diferent recomendations would be apreciated :)

thanks a lot


All amps I tried with Grados tend to not make a lot of difference past comparing a crap smartphone or older DAP vs a good CMOY, or any portable amp. Past that, the only one that made a difference was a Little Dot Mk2 which boosted the low end. Works great on SR and PS series, not so much on the RS series as it comes out a little bit overdone - tonally similar to the LCD-2 pre-Fazor but the decay is a little loose that personally that doesn't make the stronger attack (vs LCD-2 on anything less than, say, a Violectric) worth it.

From what I've read but haven't tried though the Perreux headphone amp seems to be the best choice for Grados while also being usable for your other headphones. There's also the Heed CanAmp (or whatever the new version is) but if you can afford the Perreux you'd probably just prefer to get that one over a $500 amp.
Jul 15, 2018 at 3:38 PM Post #17 of 18
Getting caught up on the thread. I sold the Valhalla 2 about 2 years ago and have moved on to the Ayre Codex and McIntosh MHA150. Both of these work great with everything that I throw at them. I currently have the following headphones:

Audeze LCD 2
Audeze EL8 Closed
Audeze Sine Closed
Sennheiser 6xx (Massdrop)
Hifiman H4xx (Massdrop)
Sony MDR1A
Grado SR60

Thinking about picking the Vahalla 2 back up to pair with the Codex and test with the Sennheiser's though, based on all the good reviews. When I had the Valhalla 2, it was a lot more versatile than folks give credit for being. Let me know if you having any questions.
Jul 15, 2018 at 3:41 PM Post #18 of 18
The Schiit Valhalla 2 set to low gain has an output impedance of 3.5-Ohms, which should be fine for your 32-Ohm Grado SR-80i or 35-Ohm HE-400s.
I would guess(?), even with the Valhalla 2 set at high gain of 14-Ohms, the HE-400s would still sound good, I believe(?) the HE-400 are not as sensitive to impedance issues as some other "normal" headphones.
Maybe email Schiit and see what they have to say.

But not sure what to say for Valhalla 2 verses Asgard 2.

How does the Sennheiser HDVA600 do with low impedance headphones like the 20-ohm LCD-X?

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