Looking for open back replacement for LCD-XC

Sep 27, 2015 at 11:35 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 9


New Head-Fier
Apr 4, 2015
I recently decided to sell my LCD-XC and get an open back headphone and would like some recommendations in that price range. I'm most likely going to go with the LCD3s but I figured I'd ask for some recs.
Also I can't post in classifieds yet but I'm selling my LCD-XC as well as my Centrance M8 portable amp so if anyones interested in that go ahead and shoot me a pm!
Sep 27, 2015 at 11:57 AM Post #2 of 9
I would think the LCD-X is just an open back version of the LCD-XC, so if you don't want to change sound signature then the LCD-X may be appropriate.  
Sep 27, 2015 at 12:05 PM Post #3 of 9
I haven't actually had a chance to to listen to the LCD-X so I'll have to give them a shot. Nevertheless, I don't really mind a change up so I'm not necessarily looking for the same sound signature. I was also considering going with the LCD2s so I'd be able the keep my XCs. I should just go to a store and check them out but I figured id get some opinions first.
Sep 27, 2015 at 12:16 PM Post #4 of 9
  I haven't actually had a chance to to listen to the LCD-X so I'll have to give them a shot. Nevertheless, I don't really mind a change up so I'm not necessarily looking for the same sound signature. I was also considering going with the LCD2s so I'd be able the keep my XCs. I should just go to a store and check them out but I figured id get some opinions first.

Definitely audition them if you can.  Both the LCD-2 and LCD-3 have less treble presence and should have a bit more mid range presence overall.  I've listened to the LCD-X and LCD-3 side by side and they are substantially different.  Expect the LCD-3 and LCD-2 to sound more warm, dark, and laid back than your XC.
Sep 27, 2015 at 12:21 PM Post #5 of 9
Thanks for the help Rhamnetin, I'll go check them all out next time I'm in the store. 
Do you have any experience with Audezes deckard dac/amp by chance? I'm wanting to see how they'd do with the LCDs but can't find anyone who's listen to that combo for an extended time. I know they're pretty new but it seems like no one has them.
Sep 27, 2015 at 12:24 PM Post #6 of 9
  Thanks for the help Rhamnetin, I'll go check them all out next time I'm in the store. 
Do you have any experience with Audezes deckard dac/amp by chance? I'm wanting to see how they'd do with the LCDs but can't find anyone who's listen to that combo for an extended time. I know they're pretty new but it seems like no one has them.

I haven't tried it, but there is a thread about it in the amplifier forum section I believe.  
If you're shopping for a new amplifier, the Burson Soloist is one of the most popular amps for the Audeze LCD line.  I've been told by someone who has heard both that the Schiit Lyr 2 in solid state form sounds like a Soloist, so it should be a good lower budget option if the Soloist is too pricey.
Sep 27, 2015 at 12:30 PM Post #7 of 9
I actually think I've tried the Bursons before because thats the set up my friend has with his LCD3s and those are the ones I've been listening to. I've got this weird thing where I like to match brands so I was hoping that the deckard would be a good fit. I know thats a dumb thing to make a point about when it comes to audio equipment but I can't help it haha.
Sep 27, 2015 at 12:34 PM Post #8 of 9
  I actually think I've tried the Bursons before because thats the set up my friend has with his LCD3s and those are the ones I've been listening to. I've got this weird thing where I like to match brands so I was hoping that the deckard would be a good fit. I know thats a dumb thing to make a point about when it comes to audio equipment but I can't help it haha.

Understandable, but I've found that the best DACs and headphone amps come from companies who don't make any headphones.  
Sep 28, 2015 at 9:27 AM Post #9 of 9
Thanks ifas, I actually owned a pair Grado PS1000e for awhile but gifted it to my brother who listened to a lot more rap/hip pop music. I've since been a audeze fanboy but I did love the grados as well.

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