Looking for durable buds/IEM's on a budget.

Dec 23, 2009 at 9:25 PM Post #16 of 20

Originally Posted by ljokerl /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Anything with a clear or silvery cable is the new version. Also, the clear-bodied M6's did not exist before the revision so they are guaranteed to have the new cabling. As for the red/black ones, purchased directly from Meelec they should all be the new version. Purchased elsewhere, might be best to double check because retailers could be clearing old stock.

crap.. well, I guess I'll have to see what i end up with from newegg then...
Dec 25, 2009 at 6:15 AM Post #17 of 20

Originally Posted by Evil_Spork /img/forum/go_quote.gif
crap.. well, I guess I'll have to see what i end up with from newegg then...

confirming they are the new version with the clear cable. they also sound excellent!

techno type musics sound amazing on them. love it!
Dec 25, 2009 at 7:02 AM Post #19 of 20
Not sure if the OP has made a purchase yet but I'm also going to throw in my recently reviewed Lenntek Sonix Micro. For a $20 product the build quality is stellar. Not quite as sturdy as Meelec's higher-end IEMs but easily as good as it gets for the price.
Jan 19, 2010 at 12:31 PM Post #20 of 20

Originally Posted by ljokerl /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Anything with a clear or silvery cable is the new version. Also, the clear-bodied M6's did not exist before the revision so they are guaranteed to have the new cabling. As for the red/black ones, purchased directly from Meelec they should all be the new version. Purchased elsewhere, might be best to double check because retailers could be clearing old stock.

Hope it's ok to dig up this month-old thread. I was looking for exactly the same as the OP, and after reading this thread I went for some Meelec M6s. I ordered directly from them after contacting them about the revisions. Here is the reply:


Originally Posted by Martie Shieh, S2E / MEElectronics
Both the black and clear versions are new, while the maroon version is old and will be discontinued soon.

Just to clarify, that's referring to the black, clear and maroon M6's available directly from Meelec's site.

Incidentally, does anyone know if the Lenntek Sonix Micro are available and/or named differently in the UK? Have done a quick search but so far found no UK sellers.

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