LOL : Got my degree
Feb 11, 2005 at 10:45 PM Post #16 of 50

Originally Posted by Jahn
i just printed it out. just call me Guru......

LOL......I did the same thing...

I just want to annonce to my girlfriend that I have a secret identity....


EDIT: <<...gotta upgrade the girlfriend when you upgrade the telephone LOL>> Now we are in synch.....
Feb 11, 2005 at 11:17 PM Post #18 of 50
They were a decent team...I used to tend to the grounds when they were practicing...Ive even met a few Tampa Bay Buccaneers at the golf course (I was working there too) and caddied for them...awesome dudes...too bad Warren Sapp never showed and then changed sides
Feb 11, 2005 at 11:39 PM Post #20 of 50

Originally Posted by Born2bwire
I'm giving serious thought with staying on for a doctorate

Um, not wishing to put you off but think very hard about this one, I am in the middle of a doctoral programme and it is a mixed blessing shall we say
Feb 12, 2005 at 1:43 AM Post #22 of 50
Congrats. I got my B.A back in May of last year. Worked for 6 months and got laid off. Ah well.

As for doctorates: Well for me sticking with my B.A. isn't really an option. I'm a history guy and to do anything good with my degree (that is, to get jobs that don't just call for a general B.A. degree), I need at least an M.A. but more likely a PhD. Ah well. Just got my acceptance back from Santa Barbara, but I'm still waiting to hear from the other six schools.

Anyway, if you have the option of finding real work in your field without it, definitely give it a lot of thought. It's a big commitment in terms of time and money. (Though if you are pursueing a social science PhD. or other academic field, a lot of schools will offer you a fair a mount of green to defray expenses. Other fields can be a little more tight fisted with the cash because they figure that you can payback loans later.... but if you are going into academia, they know that you NEED financial aid because you'll never make much money in your career!)
Feb 12, 2005 at 1:46 AM Post #23 of 50

Originally Posted by hciman77
Um, not wishing to put you off but think very hard about this one, I am in the middle of a doctoral programme and it is a mixed blessing shall we say

Well, I've got nothing better to do for the next 4-6 after my MS and besides, you barely scratch the surface of electromagnetics with a masters (or so my advisor keeps telling me. Maybe it's all just a plot to suck me in....
Feb 12, 2005 at 1:55 AM Post #24 of 50

Originally Posted by highflyin9
Hey GS I'm in the same boat, graduated in December and I haven't even got mine in the mail yet

What are you going to do next? This job hunt thing sucks thinking of packing up and heading back to school for a Ph.D I was making more money when I was in school

Feb 12, 2005 at 7:45 AM Post #29 of 50
Hmm.... I had always assumed that the "go to college, do lots of drugs" thing only applied to undergrad.

Good luck with that brain. Drugs are like audio. It's definitely YMMV, but usually you're paying for far more than you get in return. (I.e. prying open your third eye is nice, but do it enough and other side-effects override that, and even the Fun factor)

not that I really have room to talk here, though. i'm on meds as we speak and they make me feel great. meds, recreational drugs, same diff.

to be honest i miss the days of pot and shrooms, but it's just not worth it for someone like me.

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