Lets Talk Metal
Aug 11, 2014 at 5:30 PM Post #15,901 of 29,694
Aug 11, 2014 at 5:37 PM Post #15,902 of 29,694
  Heh not really, too heavy in a sense for me. The heaviest I can listen to for now is stuff like Infant Annihilator, but my favorite is more towards symphonic/nu metal (yes it's wussy music as everyone calls it xD)

Well in this case....Epica, Baby Metal(....) or even something eh exotic like this:

I can think of a few more "heavy" ones but you probably wouldn't like them.
Aug 11, 2014 at 5:53 PM Post #15,906 of 29,694
I believe he was looking for Symphonic/Nu Metal. Don't just scare him off like this!
Aug 11, 2014 at 5:55 PM Post #15,907 of 29,694
  Rachel is the original, there is none more brutal. angela and alisa are kitty cats.

@Fuzziekiwi Kittie

Aug 11, 2014 at 5:57 PM Post #15,908 of 29,694
  Heh not really, too heavy in a sense for me. The heaviest I can listen to for now is stuff like Infant Annihilator, but my favorite is more towards symphonic/nu metal (yes it's wussy music as everyone calls it xD)

Well in this case....Epica, Baby Metal(....) or even something eh exotic like this:

I can think of a few more "heavy" ones but you probably wouldn't like them.

I could give it a shot. 
Already know of Epica and Baby Metal (God their album is recorded horribly.)
Aug 11, 2014 at 6:00 PM Post #15,909 of 29,694
  I believe he was looking for Symphonic/Nu Metal. Don't just scare him off like this!

It's good! My favorite are those but I like listening to new things and discovering other genres. 
Aug 11, 2014 at 6:01 PM Post #15,910 of 29,694
Aug 11, 2014 at 6:02 PM Post #15,911 of 29,694
Aug 11, 2014 at 6:28 PM Post #15,912 of 29,694
Markm1, are you not using a sub? Those are nice speakers...but they need a sub. and are a tiny bit small for the room IMO.

My only comment from 15+ years of hifi is that calibration (room correction + EQ) can make even low end stuff sing pretty good. Thin and flat is NOT those speakers; it's the room (and a sub if you're really going without)

If it were me I'd get another 3.1 channels LOL but really, you can get the sound you want with work, not $ I guarantee that

Thanks Ferday. You're thoughtful input along w/ 'Moose are always appreciated.
I have thought of thought of adding a sub. At one point considered the Monitor Audo RS6 towers, but then decided they might be too much for my room. After  playing my speakers through these higher end tube amps and dacs, I do think that the amp piece is definitely not clicking.
I heard a nice sounding sub at CAF-MJ Acoustics Pro50MK111 ($895)
They were paired with these tiny Neat IOTA monitors ($1,000) that actually sounded great together. In fact, for anyone, with a space so small that you could not fit shelf speakers, or wanted to conserve space as part of a desk top system, I would totally recommend the Neat IOTA  mini Monitors.
I think I'll see if the vender would let me bring my speakers in and play that sub just to see how it sounds..
I went back to the tube place today and listened some more.
I was listening to:
Synthesis Shine-Integrated Tube amp ($3500)
Synthesis Matrix DAC ($3500)
AN-K lexus speakers which were big, and full sounding
These components were obviously carefully matched, and would set me back quite a bit in the wallet.
My findings-
very warm open sound. Worked for everything except extreme metal. Bummer, because I enjoy a warm sound for most of my other listening.
They handed me a controller for Sonos and left me alone for a couple of hours.
I played the usual suspects: Porcupine Tree, Pink Floyd, Neil Young, The Beatles, The Who-all good.
I threw a little electronic stuff: Jon Hopkins, NIN, St Vincent. Jon Hopkins-straight up-kind of a combination of electronic and ambient-sounded really good.
I only listened to one jazz piece since I knew they would do jazz well-Kind of Blue album and one classical (I'm not much  of a classical guy-but like dorky over the top soundtracks-LOTR)-really good.
I even tried plain a bit of punk and plain old hard rock-Nirvana, soundgarden, The Ramones, Black Sabbath-all pretty good.
I threw some old 80's metal-Judas Priest, Iron Maiden-meh? not horrible-ok. Motorhead-actually sounded good.
Then Slayer-War Ensemble-pretty good-the guitar tone was really pretty enjoyable. So thrash and NWOBH passed the test.
Finally-Dark Tranquility, Opeth, Markduk, behemoth, Gorgoroth...and the detail just kind of vanished and it sounded mushy. When the music was extreme  and complex, the warm open sound that sounded great on everything else started to sound undefined, lacking clarity and detail.
I'm still getting my thoughts together.  I'm wondering if sound singatures that some would call analytical sound good with metal....except like 'moose said-you want something raw and visceral as well..........There's a kind of clarity and detail needed in complex extreme metal along with a punch. I think you said-speed and great mids.
Aug 11, 2014 at 8:43 PM Post #15,913 of 29,694
Finally-Dark Tranquility, Opeth, Markduk, behemoth, Gorgoroth...and the detail just kind of vanished and it sounded mushy. When the music was extreme  and complex, the warm open sound that sounded great on everything else started to sound undefined, lacking clarity and detail.
I'm still getting my thoughts together.  I'm wondering if sound singatures that some would call analytical sound good with metal....except like 'moose said-you want something raw and visceral as well..........There's a kind of clarity and detail needed in complex extreme metal along with a punch. I think you said-speed and great mids.

My thoughts exactly.
Aug 11, 2014 at 10:25 PM Post #15,914 of 29,694
Thanks Ferday. You're thoughtful input along w/ 'Moose are always appreciated.
I have thought of thought of adding a sub. At one point considered the Monitor Audo RS6 towers, but then decided they might be too much for my room. After  playing my speakers through these higher end tube amps and dacs, I do think that the amp piece is definitely not clicking.
I heard a nice sounding sub at CAF-MJ Acoustics Pro50MK111 ($895)
They were paired with these tiny Neat IOTA monitors ($1,000) that actually sounded great together. In fact, for anyone, with a space so small that you could not fit shelf speakers, or wanted to conserve space as part of a desk top system, I would totally recommend the Neat IOTA  mini Monitors.
I think I'll see if the vender would let me bring my speakers in and play that sub just to see how it sounds..
I went back to the tube place today and listened some more.
I was listening to:
Synthesis Shine-Integrated Tube amp ($3500)
Synthesis Matrix DAC ($3500)
AN-K lexus speakers which were big, and full sounding
These components were obviously carefully matched, and would set me back quite a bit in the wallet.
My findings-
very warm open sound. Worked for everything except extreme metal. Bummer, because I enjoy a warm sound for most of my other listening.
They handed me a controller for Sonos and left me alone for a couple of hours.
I played the usual suspects: Porcupine Tree, Pink Floyd, Neil Young, The Beatles, The Who-all good.
I threw a little electronic stuff: Jon Hopkins, NIN, St Vincent. Jon Hopkins-straight up-kind of a combination of electronic and ambient-sounded really good.
I only listened to one jazz piece since I knew they would do jazz well-Kind of Blue album and one classical (I'm not much  of a classical guy-but like dorky over the top soundtracks-LOTR)-really good.
I even tried plain a bit of punk and plain old hard rock-Nirvana, soundgarden, The Ramones, Black Sabbath-all pretty good.
I threw some old 80's metal-Judas Priest, Iron Maiden-meh? not horrible-ok. Motorhead-actually sounded good.
Then Slayer-War Ensemble-pretty good-the guitar tone was really pretty enjoyable. So thrash and NWOBH passed the test.
Finally-Dark Tranquility, Opeth, Markduk, behemoth, Gorgoroth...and the detail just kind of vanished and it sounded mushy. When the music was extreme  and complex, the warm open sound that sounded great on everything else started to sound undefined, lacking clarity and detail.
I'm still getting my thoughts together.  I'm wondering if sound singatures that some would call analytical sound good with metal....except like 'moose said-you want something raw and visceral as well..........There's a kind of clarity and detail needed in complex extreme metal along with a punch. I think you said-speed and great mids.

That is sad since my speaker setup (see signature) in total cost less than $1k (excluding computer) and plays everything -mastered correctly- beautifully.
Aug 11, 2014 at 10:25 PM Post #15,915 of 29,694
Thanks Ferday. You're thoughtful input along w/ 'Moose are always appreciated.
I have thought of thought of adding a sub. At one point considered the Monitor Audo RS6 towers, but then decided they might be too much for my room. After  playing my speakers through these higher end tube amps and dacs, I do think that the amp piece is definitely not clicking.
I heard a nice sounding sub at CAF-MJ Acoustics Pro50MK111 ($895)
They were paired with these tiny Neat IOTA monitors ($1,000) that actually sounded great together. In fact, for anyone, with a space so small that you could not fit shelf speakers, or wanted to conserve space as part of a desk top system, I would totally recommend the Neat IOTA  mini Monitors.
I think I'll see if the vender would let me bring my speakers in and play that sub just to see how it sounds..
I went back to the tube place today and listened some more.
I was listening to:
Synthesis Shine-Integrated Tube amp ($3500)
Synthesis Matrix DAC ($3500)
AN-K lexus speakers which were big, and full sounding
These components were obviously carefully matched, and would set me back quite a bit in the wallet.
My findings-
very warm open sound. Worked for everything except extreme metal. Bummer, because I enjoy a warm sound for most of my other listening.
They handed me a controller for Sonos and left me alone for a couple of hours.
I played the usual suspects: Porcupine Tree, Pink Floyd, Neil Young, The Beatles, The Who-all good.
I threw a little electronic stuff: Jon Hopkins, NIN, St Vincent. Jon Hopkins-straight up-kind of a combination of electronic and ambient-sounded really good.
I only listened to one jazz piece since I knew they would do jazz well-Kind of Blue album and one classical (I'm not much  of a classical guy-but like dorky over the top soundtracks-LOTR)-really good.
I even tried plain a bit of punk and plain old hard rock-Nirvana, soundgarden, The Ramones, Black Sabbath-all pretty good.
I threw some old 80's metal-Judas Priest, Iron Maiden-meh? not horrible-ok. Motorhead-actually sounded good.
Then Slayer-War Ensemble-pretty good-the guitar tone was really pretty enjoyable. So thrash and NWOBH passed the test.
Finally-Dark Tranquility, Opeth, Markduk, behemoth, Gorgoroth...and the detail just kind of vanished and it sounded mushy. When the music was extreme  and complex, the warm open sound that sounded great on everything else started to sound undefined, lacking clarity and detail.
I'm still getting my thoughts together.  I'm wondering if sound singatures that some would call analytical sound good with metal....except like 'moose said-you want something raw and visceral as well..........There's a kind of clarity and detail needed in complex extreme metal along with a punch. I think you said-speed and great mids.

Well, I'm no expert in extreme music stereos. What I did find was that not all systems play all styles of music. All of us here have gone to a concert for extreme metal and been let down by a cheesy PA right? Not always but it seems the metal underground does not have the sound reinforcement that big name bands have. 
So what happens when you hear extreme metal on a weak system? It looses something. I like to think it looses it's authority because in the end that is mostly what extreme metal is, musical authority. So it's not about all the tones being in a delicate correct place. It is great speed and great mids and great in your face drums which with the ample amount of low end adds up to authority. So maybe the clarity is important but not paramount.This is only my opinion and a guess on my part. 
Still that is what a 40W tube amp does to extreme metal with smaller ish  speeker drivers? I'm surprised though that the Opeth did not sound good even on that system.
  Thus great speed and great mids and great in your face drums which with the ample amount of low end adds up to authority. IMO.
That tube amp and speaker combo were missing something? An expensive stereo does not necessarily mean that it can make extreme metal sound good. That's why I think a good solid state amp can get there more quickly.
Maybe a tube amp with a big sub?
At the end I still think every room is a different challenge and that's why a system sounds different every place it is played. Wood floors as apposed to a cement slab totally effects stuff.
Then there is the mental stuff. The hearing perception of when a system is getting clearer and clearer ( because of $ upgrades) as it gets more resolving those silly underground extreme metal CDs don't sound as good as you remember them to be because they were not that well recorded in the first place. 
Remember bad stereos mask bad recordings. There have been times when I could only listen to really well recorded metal. I was listening to the stereo and not the music.
And not to get into strange esoteric equipment here but at times a system is only missing one thing so the whole does not work right. I have had friends with insane 35K home cinema rigs. They had small speakers but 18 inch subs combined with a 15 inch subs. Everything was dialed in. It could play movie effects but still if you played back a perfect recording of a drummer it still sounded thin? How can that be? An 18 inch sub and a 15 inch sub on fricken wooden floors. LOL
This cinema rig could rattle the dishes in the kitchen before you heard a bass tone in a movie. That might be due to bass waves maturing farther away from the listening area but still you would think a perfect recording of a drummer would have bass?
It is the total combination of stuff. I say this because I have set up systems in friends houses before and totally lucked out. They said buy me stuff, this is my money. They had a house on the side of a cliff with wood floors. The whole house was a guitar body so to speak. I lucked out as I could tune the woofers down to get clarity. The system in the end did not have the treble detail I would have liked but they loved their stereo. I wanted a more detailed treble only because I was used to listening at my own house, a bi-amped 75 watt per channel solid state tweeter rig. My best sound came from having a 75watt at 8ohm amp wired only to a single tweeter on both sides. That was speed and helped with the mid detail in my system.
I say this only because it's not over till it's over so to speak. All systems can be tweeked and changed to certain points. The most important thing is a dead room. There is nothing worse than a live room ruining a great sound. But even small things like power cords and RCA and speaker cables can start to bring a rig around to where it sounds great with extreme metal. You can actually get authority different ways if you already have gear in place. Still you have to hear that 200 watt Nuforce solid state amp now that you heard a nice tube amp. I have a feeling that 200watt amp would be killer for metal music.

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