Lets Talk Metal
May 30, 2014 at 9:32 PM Post #14,596 of 29,701
My Lord Mantis obsession finds me revisiting some recent extreme doom albums that make the cut for my rotation:
Evoken-Atro Mors 2011 (gorgeous, heavy funeral doom)

Sammothface-Reverence to Stone (2012)-more traditional-sweet classic doom sound

Loss-Despond -love this album-melodic take on funeral doom-thumbs up from me

Bereft-2012-one of that year's best doom death albums IMO----this is brilliant to me

Now watch my man Trogdor tell me they all have a DR scale of .5
May 30, 2014 at 10:31 PM Post #14,597 of 29,701
Though Soup's is gonna be surprised at the production choices (I know I am).


May 31, 2014 at 12:57 AM Post #14,599 of 29,701
Is anyone listening to the new Arch Enemy? I know for many they have changed, I still like the guitar.
May 31, 2014 at 6:35 AM Post #14,602 of 29,701
Why not :D Have you received your Roxanne btw?

Well, it's just that Nightwish have been around for like...forever... :)

But I'm glad you discovered them! I think every metal head no matter how extreme or kvlt they are know a Nightwish tune! Even Redcarmoose does...

Roxanne's. Check Facebook for some pics!
May 31, 2014 at 6:39 AM Post #14,603 of 29,701
I discovered Linkin Park, Avenged Sevenfold, Disturbed and *urgh* Slipknot before Nightwish (and Haggard at the same time). The former bands are pretty much all I listened to during middle school ... And I love Marco's voice, if only he sings more often haiz
May 31, 2014 at 7:14 AM Post #14,604 of 29,701
Nightwish? One album must have...Century Child. That's about it. For me.
May 31, 2014 at 8:02 AM Post #14,605 of 29,701
My Lord Mantis obsession finds me revisiting some recent extreme doom albums that make the cut for my rotation:

Evoken-Atro Mors 2011 (gorgeous, heavy funeral doom)

Sammothface-Reverence to Stone (2012)-more traditional-sweet classic doom sound

Loss-Despond -love this album-melodic take on funeral doom-thumbs up from me

Bereft-2012-one of that year's best doom death albums IMO----this is brilliant to me

Now watch my man Trogdor tell me they all have a DR scale of .5

I have not heard Bereft (EDIT: I take that back, I do not know these chaps), gonna check that out now!

For the rest: Actually they are all wonderful sounding records, except Evoken. Evoken's master was SO BAD fans complained about it on their Facebook page. (no DR score etiher, fans just complained on how compressed it was).

Honestly, that Evoken record sounds like crap and even the band knows it (I contacted them about it, showed how poorly it was compressed - I think they wound up doing a different vinyl master though).
May 31, 2014 at 3:48 PM Post #14,606 of 29,701
  My Lord Mantis obsession finds me revisiting some recent extreme doom albums that make the cut for my rotation:
Evoken-Atro Mors 2011 (gorgeous, heavy funeral doom)

Sammothface-Reverence to Stone (2012)-more traditional-sweet classic doom sound

Loss-Despond -love this album-melodic take on funeral doom-thumbs up from me

Bereft-2012-one of that year's best doom death albums IMO----this is brilliant to me

Now watch my man Trogdor tell me they all have a DR scale of .5

I love Loss, chilling to Skepticism now though
May 31, 2014 at 5:22 PM Post #14,607 of 29,701
I have not heard Bereft (EDIT: I take that back, I do not know these chaps), gonna check that out now!

For the rest: Actually they are all wonderful sounding records, except Evoken. Evoken's master was SO BAD fans complained about it on their Facebook page. (no DR score etiher, fans just complained on how compressed it was).

Honestly, that Evoken record sounds like crap and even the band knows it (I contacted them about it, showed how poorly it was compressed - I think they wound up doing a different vinyl master though).

Interesting. Too bad @ Evoken. I like their songwriting, arrangements, etc.
May 31, 2014 at 5:43 PM Post #14,609 of 29,701
Me too. Honestly, mark, level match and listen. It's pretty brutal.

Oh, I totally take your point. Just a bummer when you like the music itself.
May 31, 2014 at 11:59 PM Post #14,610 of 29,701
The New Vader, mini review.

Interestingly enough reviews of this album can end up being in the 80% area. For long time fans like myself reviews on Vader albums mean nothing. It is interesting to see how they are received but are not going to help someone like me to buy or not buy the record.

Angry Metal Guy reviews the album at a 3.5 out of possible 5. I'm fine with that, later we read on his review of 2009s Necropolis that its only the second Vader album he has ever heard and that he has never even been a fan of the band. Basically everything has already been done before in Death. Bands like this one are going to change slightly from album to album changing their song style just to make things interesting. Musically they are so adept that they are like an old death metal bar band that can play any Death style and mix it at whim with any Thrash or Black style that entertains them.

Their 2011's Welcome to the Morbid Reich was a true masterpiece and very hard to follow up on. On Morbid Reich they happenstance on the perfect blend, with the album before it, Necropolis being a more Thrash affair. Here we again have a subtle and not so subtle Slayer influence. Going back longer than than 20 years in complete Slayer worship infused in every album.

So we don't exactly have an album as flawless as Morbid Reich but we still are blessed with offerings from the longtime vets in ample amounts. This album ends up being straight to the point and only meanders about on some orchestral interludes which take us back to the ways of old. The drums are perfect, and the guitars are fast and smooth as silk. For me it is nice to see a variation in guitar sound as we had a run of albums in the late 1990s which all sounded like they were recorded with the same amp at the same settings.

The album is the return of a long lost friend that you haven't seen for awhile. The stories he tells, you have heard before but don't mind hearing again. This style starts to become an old school death metal museum showing us the riffs, arraignments and sound of days past. Still there is somehow something new making it fun.

I can't rate this album on a scale because I'm just too much a fan. I will say it's maybe slightly less of an epic than Morbid Reich. Still it is the top album of the year for me. We are in the middle of the year and I don't think anything else can top it. Could they have made it longer? Could they have added a female choir? You can ask questions of "if" all day long. In the end it is what it is and Vader delivered the goods once more. I can't ask for any more.

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