Lets Talk Metal
Mar 8, 2016 at 11:35 PM Post #22,771 of 29,693
What I can say is: Without Angst, I may not be able to stay alive today.

It's okay to think how you think and laugh all you want, but for me at least, it's because people like Niklas gives me a purpose to stay alive. Yes, sound stupid I know but I did wanted to kill myself when I listened to Angst, but in the end, it's like a meditation to me, I actually feel depressed yet uplifting after listening.

It's weird I know, but in the end, you may think that this suicidal music is not something you take seriously, but you never know : how many people are saved by listening to let's say: Shining? I do think that Niklas is sort of making more safe Black Metal nowadays though. That's just some of my thoughts.

And what purpose is that? Just curious.
I never said anything about not taking the music seriously.
  And if you've never felt what it's like to be in those places you would do well not to make judgmental calls on those who have. 

I was talking about logical, rational reasons to kill or harm oneself, of which there are none. Such behavior is a purely emotional reaction stemming from an inability to cope with reality. It is rational to judge said behavior to be irrational. The entire premise of judging someone is contingent upon being higher than them in one way or another. Whether you understand how someone feels is irrelevant. But if you think I haven't felt every type of emotion and been through very dark times, you're mistaken. However, like I said, this is irrelevant.
  I don't even know what to think about these statements. Really. 
I was also trying to put something into words to convey how callous your previous post was, but I gave up on that. 
What do you think of a band like Lifelover? I honestly think their music is a lot more real and evocative than Shining's music. They do an incredible job painting a picture of depression and torment with simplistic song writing and raw vocals. The band split up because one of the main members killed himself. What about someone like Dead from Mayhem?
I think metal attracts a certain personality, but I believe that the darker genres (doom, black and all the hybrids) attract people who have a very strong sense about their own mortality and have come to terms with the fact that reality is quite morbid. You don't see many -- if any at all -- bands or artists in the mainstream singing about suicide and depression, or shaping their sound to draw listeners into the emotional state of the artist.
Since you constantly claim to be a black metal master, I'm surprised that you have those thoughts. If you take away all the Satan and trve/kvlt crap, you're left with the one of the bleakest genres in metal. 

Yes, I am callous about this, and have no reason not to be. Unless it's a close friend, I simply don't care what other people do with their own lives. It's *their* life, after all. I support an individual's right to do whatever they want with their life as long as they don't physically harm (or otherwise violate the rights of) anyone else. That doesn't mean I don't have *every* right to judge someone for making stupid decisions. I do not pity those who do not even value their own lives. Even when a somewhat close friend (black metal musician) hung himself, I eventually regarded him as nothing but a coward after the shock wore off. (The night before it happened, I was joking around with him! Sometimes you just can't tell...)
Surprised that I have what thoughts? Please be clear in what you are saying.
The difference between me and some other people is that they may whine and cry and want to kill themselves over how messed-up reality is, while I on the other hand delight in the chaos. The universe is my plaything. Just try to envision me laughing maniacally on a throne in a magical underworld fortress while tremolo picking a B.C. Rich Beast...or something like that.

I could go on a rant about all the reasons I deeply love black metal, but I'll save that for another day.
I like Lifelover quite a bit. One of my favorite tracks:
Mar 9, 2016 at 12:09 AM Post #22,772 of 29,693
Originally Posted by Music Alchemist /img/forum/go_quote.gif
And what purpose is that? Just curious.
I never said anything about not taking the music seriously.

For me, everyone has their own interpretations of all the music they have heard, so you (everyone is) were not wrong about Shining at all, because that is just how you interpret their music, that's all. I don't like to talk about music honestly because people just think that: "Ohh this is the stuff!" and crap like that and that's honestly annoying to be straight. I rather just listen to the music and not talk about it at all.
But since you want an explanation about why I feel that way when I listen to Angst? Simple. It's Niklas and the crew gave all they got to try to get me into that thinking and situation. But in reality, it's just them, especially Nikals himself' wishful thinking that their music will make the listeners kill themselves, if I'm not wrong.
Once again, you were not wrong. Just shared how I interpret the music that I have heard. Thank you.
Mar 9, 2016 at 12:14 AM Post #22,773 of 29,693
  For me, everyone has their own interpretations of all the music they have heard, so you (everyone is) were not wrong about Shining at all, because that is just how you interpret their music, that's all. I don't like to talk about music honestly because people just think that: "Ohh this is the stuff!" and crap like that and that's honestly annoying to be straight. I rather just listen to the music and not talk about it at all.
But since you want an explanation about why I feel that way when I listen to Angst? Simple. It's Niklas and the crew gave all they got to try to get me into that thinking and situation. But in reality, it's just them, especially Nikals himself wishful thinking that their music will make the listeners kill themselves.
Once again, you were not wrong. Just shared how I interpret the music that I have heard. Thank you.

What do you mean by how I interpret their music? I was talking about the musicians. I love the music. (Well, some of it.)
I did not ask why you felt a certain way; I asked what your purpose is. You mentioned having a purpose, but did not describe what it was.
Mar 9, 2016 at 12:35 AM Post #22,774 of 29,693
What do you mean by how I interpret their music? I was talking about the musicians. I love the music. (Well, some of it.)

I did not ask why you felt a certain way; I asked what your purpose is. You mentioned having a purpose, but did not describe what it was.

Oh sorry if I misunderstood you or anyone else who is reading this. Whatever I do and however I tried my best, I always making a mess and I apologize for that.

Purpose? Honestly, I don't have to answer that, but if you want one, that would be none. I just listen to the music and rather not talk about it once again, unless it's something I can share my thoughts as well. Everyone can think of me as a hipster or a ***, but I love music with all my heart.

Interpret me however you want, stupid, childish, inferior, fake, whatever. Just please stop all this and making this a war.
Mar 9, 2016 at 12:43 AM Post #22,775 of 29,693
Oh sorry if I misunderstood you or anyone else who is reading this. Whatever I do and however I tried my best, I always making a mess and I apologize for that.

Purpose? Honestly, I don't have to answer that, but if you want one, that would be none. I just listen to the music and rather not talk about it once again, unless it's something I can share my thoughts as well. Everyone can think of me as a hipster or a ***, but I love music with all my heart.

Interpret me however you want, stupid, childish, inferior, fake, whatever. Just please stop all this and making this a war.

I'm not "making this a war"; just seeking clarification of your ambiguous statements. You seemed to be implying that he gave your life a purpose, and I was just curious what that newfound purpose was. You are under no obligation to reveal it if you don't want to.
I think most of us love music with a passion.
Mar 9, 2016 at 6:26 AM Post #22,776 of 29,693

Mar 9, 2016 at 7:00 AM Post #22,777 of 29,693
I know that everyone has a right to an opinion, but I think your thoughts and statements are a bit misguided. Unless you're just trying to be really edgy, and honestly it seems like that's all you try to do.

I think it speaks volumes that you would consider a close friend to be a coward for struggling with depression or whatever the reason was that caused him to commit suicide. Even though it's not in the exact same vein, I wonder if you think that the people who struggle with a debilitating condition and choose dignity with death/assisted suicide are also cowards.

The reality is that someone who is struggling with depression or thoughts of suicide isn't looking for pity. I'm sure there are some who do crave that, but I'd say the majority are merely trying to cope with something or some affliction and believe there are no alternatives. It would be better to empathize and listen.

I mostly lurk these metal threads without contributing, because it seems that you'll always respond in some long-winded fashion, but I've seen your posts all over Head-Fi and I've been seriously curious about all your headphone purchase plans and all the other things you constantly claim.

I know this is completely off topic, but can you enlighten me and the all-chaotic universe as to your reasons for doing this?

Actually this whole post is completely off topic. So to keep it within the "Let's Talk Metal" guidelines, how about that Titanium, am I right?
Mar 9, 2016 at 9:07 AM Post #22,778 of 29,693
I know that everyone has a right to an opinion, but I think your thoughts and statements are a bit misguided. Unless you're just trying to be really edgy, and honestly it seems like that's all you try to do.

I think it speaks volumes that you would consider a close friend to be a coward for struggling with depression or whatever the reason was that caused him to commit suicide. Even though it's not in the exact same vein, I wonder if you think that the people who struggle with a debilitating condition and choose dignity with death/assisted suicide are also cowards.

The reality is that someone who is struggling with depression or thoughts of suicide isn't looking for pity. I'm sure there are some who do crave that, but I'd say the majority are merely trying to cope with something or some affliction and believe there are no alternatives. It would be better to empathize and listen.

I mostly lurk these metal threads without contributing, because it seems that you'll always respond in some long-winded fashion, but I've seen your posts all over Head-Fi and I've been seriously curious about all your headphone purchase plans and all the other things you constantly claim.

I know this is completely off topic, but can you enlighten me and the all-chaotic universe as to your reasons for doing this?

Actually this whole post is completely off topic. So to keep it within the "Let's Talk Metal" guidelines, how about that Titanium, am I right?

I never called anyone a coward for struggling with their emotions. I also never denied that those emotions are genuine and need to be dealt with. But suicide is the most cowardly, irrational thing a person can do. (With a few exceptions, such as doing it to save the life of another.) It's a permanent solution to a temporary problem and is in fact an abject refusal to deal with one's own problems. If someone thinks rationally instead of acting on emotion, they would never act that way.
I say what I think. If you agree or disagree, you are free to respond. You don't need to be shy. But at least try and support your arguments instead of saying I'm misguided, but then not explaining why. As far as this metal thread goes, we mostly share music here and only occasionally get into serious discussions. If you think I "always respond in some long-winded fashion", then you haven't spent much time here. I'm usually rather brief and casual.
My reasons for doing what? Again, you are making claims and asking questions without specifying what you are actually saying.
You also did not answer my question about what thoughts I apparently have related to black metal and the topic at hand.
Mar 9, 2016 at 11:49 AM Post #22,779 of 29,693
Music Alchemist, I'm not going to write a thesis to appease you. I'm not going to lay out a list of every single reason imaginable to support a statement of mine. I think my writing style and phrasing made it obvious as to my question. I shouldn't have to write something like "the sentence above" or "the above statement" to direct you to the point.  
However, let me explicitly ask you the main thing that I've been curious about after seeing your posts throughout Head-Fi. (Posts that have caught the attention of people on other audio/headphone enthusiast forums, especially by those who have lurked on the different metal threads here.)  You have constantly mentioned these extravagant plans for buying summit-fi headphones, such as the HiFiMan HE-6, Stax SR-009, JPS Labs Abyss AB-1266, etc., but I've never actually read about you going through with a single purchase. Similarly, there have been other things that you've mentioned that are suspect and seem exaggerated -- and no, I don't remember each and every individual thing you've ever written. I only know that I've browsed through enough threads to see a pattern. I also remember seeing an insanely long "near future" purchase list on your account a while back.
Now, maybe you've toned this all down. Actually, it does seem like you have. But why do it in the first place? (By it I mean the continuous posts about future purchase plans and then moving onto another future purchase plan and then being like no, but here is another future purchase plan and I can make thousands to millions in a day if I felt like doing it, but I don't want to so I'd rather not.)
I guess it also appears that a lot of the posts I've run into in this metal thread seem to always focus on or somehow transition towards yourself. Now, granted, this is a music discussion and we are obviously allowed to post our opinions and thoughts about metal bands and metal albums and headphones we like for metal, but I'm hinting at a more narcissistic tendency. You know? The "you might recall that I" posts.
That's my main gripe with this thread. It's a great thread, and I love reading the posts and lurking in general, but it becomes a bit much at times. That's all.  
Mar 9, 2016 at 1:14 PM Post #22,781 of 29,693
Putting my reply in a spoiler to help keep the thread a bit more on-topic.
  Music Alchemist, I'm not going to write a thesis to appease you. I'm not going to lay out a list of every single reason imaginable to support a statement of mine. I think my writing style and phrasing made it obvious as to my question. I shouldn't have to write something like "the sentence above" or "the above statement" to direct you to the point.  
However, let me explicitly ask you the main thing that I've been curious about after seeing your posts throughout Head-Fi. (Posts that have caught the attention of people on other audio/headphone enthusiast forums, especially by those who have lurked on the different metal threads here.)  You have constantly mentioned these extravagant plans for buying summit-fi headphones, such as the HiFiMan HE-6, Stax SR-009, JPS Labs Abyss AB-1266, etc., but I've never actually read about you going through with a single purchase. Similarly, there have been other things that you've mentioned that are suspect and seem exaggerated -- and no, I don't remember each and every individual thing you've ever written. I only know that I've browsed through enough threads to see a pattern. I also remember seeing an insanely long "near future" purchase list on your account a while back.
Now, maybe you've toned this all down. Actually, it does seem like you have. But why do it in the first place? (By it I mean the continuous posts about future purchase plans and then moving onto another future purchase plan and then being like no, but here is another future purchase plan and I can make thousands to millions in a day if I felt like doing it, but I don't want to so I'd rather not.)
I guess it also seems that a lot of the posts I've run into in this metal thread seem to always focus on or somehow transition towards yourself. Now, granted, this is a music discussion and we are obviously allowed to post our opinions and thoughts about metal bands and metal albums and headphones we like for metal, but I'm hinting at a more narcissistic tendency. You know? The "you might recall that I" posts.
That's my main gripe with this thread. It's a great thread, and I love reading the posts and lurking in general, but it becomes a bit much at time. That's all.  

I understand where you're coming from, and I indeed have tried to tone down the whole "me" thing. I'd much rather focus on the music. However, in the end, I can only speak from my own perspective, so I hope you can forgive me for injecting aspects of my personality into the equation.
A side note: Someone (an old buddy from the anime thread) actually made this image:

If you're not going to elaborate on the vague things you said about me, then I'm just going to say that you are most likely mistaken and have merely jumped to conclusions. But I don't need to be suicidal (or condone it) to dance in the darkness of black metal, if you were implying something to that effect.
As for my plans...those are constantly changing due to many factors. In retrospect, I shouldn't have shared so many of those thoughts, because, as we all know, change is the only constant. This habit of mine of thinking out loud is another thing I am working on taming.
When I first heard about many of these headphones, I bought into the hype and was like, "I've gotta buy this and this...oooh, and definitely this!" But then, after either owning or hearing them, they weren't nearly as amazing as they were made out to be, and for me personally, they're just not worth my time, much less my money. Don't get me wrong: they sounded very good for the most part. And yes, I tested the ultra-high-end ones as extensively as I would care to. Used a neutral solid-state amp with far more than enough power for any non-electrostatic headphone. Also tried another powerful amp, which, unsurprisingly, sounded the same. Listened for hours with no environmental noise to more or less all styles of music, using my own test tracks. In the case of the Abyss, I also experimented with the fit in every way. If a headphone doesn't impress me under those circumstances, I don't want to hear it again.
When it comes to getting the headphones, I got plenty of them under $1,000. (See profile.) I barely did any work to do so, so it was a no-brainer to buy/trade them without hearing them first. Once you get into four figures for a headphone, though, my approach changes. I put far more careful research and planning into it. I'm glad I auditioned them first and didn't buy them, because, like I mentioned, they just didn't sound good enough for me. My entry-level electrostatic system sounded at least twice as good to my ears.
I've reached the point where I have a much better grasp of what I like and what I want. Now I'm only interested in buying high-end electrostatic systems. I don't mind using cheap dynamic headphones in the meantime, because I lucked out and found something affordable that I enjoy enough to tide me over—and to be honest, immensely more than the vast majority of the ~50 headphones I have owned and various others I have auditioned.
On the subject of finances...in my best month, I made a net profit of nearly $8,000. But that was years ago, with a risky business model that I'd rather not operate in again. I foolishly blew most of the money on things I didn't need. I must have spent $20-30K on my music collection alone. This was before I had the sense to pursue high fidelity audio equipment. More importantly, I am incredibly lazy. Right now I only do the minimum necessary to afford me a life of doing whatever I want with my time. Free time is worth a lot more to me than money, after all. So if you're wondering why I haven't spent $XX,XXX on X...I've just gotta get myself out of that rut. I generally abhor work, so there ya go. I also still owe over $5,000 in taxes and have a large debt to pay off, so I should probably take care of at least some of that before spending thousands on a headphone. I actually have an inheritance, of which I received a portion...but I have to talk to my father to get the bulk of it, and I can't stand him and would prefer avoiding him entirely. It feels better to earn money yourself anyway.
And now...back to metal!

Click this and this link for countless thousands of free (and 100% legal) metal downloads.
Mar 9, 2016 at 1:38 PM Post #22,782 of 29,693
[VIDEO] https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=tj5Nm8sKYcc [/VIDEO]
Mar 9, 2016 at 2:12 PM Post #22,783 of 29,693
Putting my reply in a spoiler to help keep the thread a bit more on-topic.
I understand where you're coming from, and I indeed have tried to tone down the whole "me" thing. I'd much rather focus on the music. However, in the end, I can only speak from my own perspective, so I hope you can forgive me for injecting aspects of my own personality into the equation.
A side note: Someone (an old buddy from the anime thread) actually made this image about me:

If you're not going to elaborate on the vague things you said about me, then I'm just going to say that you are most likely mistaken and have merely jumped to conclusions. But I don't need to be suicidal (or condone it) to dance in the darkness of black metal, if you were implying something to that effect.
As for my plans...those are constantly changing due to many factors. In retrospect, I shouldn't have shared so many of those thoughts, because, as we all know, change is the only constant. This habit of mine of thinking out loud is another thing I am working on taming.
When I first heard about many of these headphones, I bought into the hype and was like, "I've gotta buy this and this...oooh, and definitely this!" But then, after either owning or hearing them, they weren't nearly as amazing as they were made out to be, and for me personally, they're just not worth my time, much less my money. Don't get me wrong: they sounded very good for the most part. And yes, I tested the ultra-high-end ones as extensively as I would care to. Used a neutral solid-state amp with far more than enough power for any non-electrostatic headphone. Also tried another powerful amp, which, unsurprisingly, sounded the same. Listened for hours with no environmental noise to more or less all styles of music, using my own test tracks. In the case of the Abyss, I also experimented with the fit in every way. If a headphone doesn't impress me under those circumstances, I don't want to hear it again.
When it comes to getting the headphones, I got plenty of them under $1,000. (See profile.) I barely did any work to do so, so it was a no-brainer to buy/trade them without hearing them first. Once you get into four figures for a headphone, though, my approach changes. I put far more careful research and planning into it. I'm glad I auditioned them first and didn't buy them, because, like I mentioned, they just didn't sound good enough for me. My entry-level electrostatic system sounded at least twice as good to my ears.
I've reached the point where I have a much better grasp of what I like and what I want. Now I'm only interested in buying high-end electrostatic systems. I don't mind using cheap dynamic headphones in the meantime, because I lucked out and found something affordable that I enjoy enough to tide me over—and to be honest, immensely more than the vast majority of the ~50 headphones I have owned and various others I have auditioned.
On the subject of finances...in my best month, I made a net profit of nearly $8,000. But that was years ago, with a risky business model that I'd rather not operate in again. I foolishly blew most of the money on things I didn't need. I must have spent $20-30K on my music collection alone. This was before I had the sense to pursue high fidelity audio equipment. More importantly, I am incredibly lazy. Right now I only do the minimum necessary to afford me a life of doing whatever I want with my time. Free time is worth a lot more to me than money, after all. So if you're wondering why I haven't spent $XX,XXX on X...I've just gotta get myself out of that rut. I generally abhor work, so there ya go. I also still owe over $5,000 in taxes and have a large debt to pay off, so I should probably take care of at least some of that before spending thousands on audio gear. I actually have an inheritance, of which I received a portion...but I have to talk to my father to get the bulk of it, and I can't stand him and would prefer avoiding him entirely. It feels better to earn money yourself anyway.
And now...back to metal!

Click this and this link for countless thousands of free (and 100% legal) metal downloads.
Actually, I'm quite impressed with your response. I mean that sincerely. I know that none of us are perfect, but I think it's important to be self-aware of one's flaws. The fact you've acknowledged some of your quirks and have worked on taming them/improving yourself is commendable. I wish more people would do the same. (I'm extremely self-critical.)
I was not insinuating that one has to experience those thoughts or feelings to enjoy black metal. I was leaning towards my own belief that most people who connect with black metal probably fall into a personality gradient. Either someone who is depressed, someone who is emotionally unstable, someone who is cynical and misanthropic, someone who shuns society, someone who hates religion, etc. etc. etc. I also feel that most of those personalities can relate to one another. So that's what I was trying to get at more or less. Black metal tends to attract a more mature audience from what I've seen, unlike something like deathcore that appeals to the immature br0074l crowd or angsty teenagers who are mad at their parents and/or weren't loved (see Oli Sykes).
I agree with everything you said about headphones and audiophilia. For the most part, when you don't know any better and are relying on the thoughts and opinions from other users, you'll believe someone who claims a night and day difference when in reality the difference is quite small and could even be barely noticeable. I had quite a progression through this hobby after listening to iPod earbuds for most all my life. The jump from iPod earbuds/Turtle Beach gaming headphones/Bose QC15 to a Grado 325is was an eye-opener. Then a few side grades with no real benefits. Then a jump to the HE-500 which was another eye-opener. Then a jump to the LCD-X which became my pinnacle and end game...but also led to a passion for collecting headphones. I love my collection, but it'd be easy for me to part with most all of it and keep a very select few because I know what I like and I know which headphones are worth the price. You're correct about being happy with whatever sounds good to your ears. It's all about the music and being content. There should be less focus on obsessing over what is better (those 1% differences).
I appreciate the background information, because that definitely helps me put together a better picture of who you are.
Overall, I've been impressed with your music knowledge. You do know a lot about the bands and genres you enjoy. I'm too lazy to read about the background of bands and/or commit band members names to memory. I just know what I like and what sounds good to me and what I connect to. ...happens to be mostly melodic death/doom metal.
I apologize for coming off as a complete p3n0r, but I saw the opportunity to address something that had been bothering me for a while. Well, more like I've been super curious about the reasoning behind all your previous posts. So no hard feelings, hopefully! (I too enjoy the anime and metal thug life.)

Mar 9, 2016 at 2:12 PM Post #22,784 of 29,693
  Music Alchemist, I'm not going to write a thesis to appease you. I'm not going to lay out a list of every single reason imaginable to support a statement of mine. I think my writing style and phrasing made it obvious as to my question. I shouldn't have to write something like "the sentence above" or "the above statement" to direct you to the point.  
However, let me explicitly ask you the main thing that I've been curious about after seeing your posts throughout Head-Fi. (Posts that have caught the attention of people on other audio/headphone enthusiast forums, especially by those who have lurked on the different metal threads here.)  You have constantly mentioned these extravagant plans for buying summit-fi headphones, such as the HiFiMan HE-6, Stax SR-009, JPS Labs Abyss AB-1266, etc., but I've never actually read about you going through with a single purchase. Similarly, there have been other things that you've mentioned that are suspect and seem exaggerated -- and no, I don't remember each and every individual thing you've ever written. I only know that I've browsed through enough threads to see a pattern. I also remember seeing an insanely long "near future" purchase list on your account a while back.
Now, maybe you've toned this all down. Actually, it does seem like you have. But why do it in the first place? (By it I mean the continuous posts about future purchase plans and then moving onto another future purchase plan and then being like no, but here is another future purchase plan and I can make thousands to millions in a day if I felt like doing it, but I don't want to so I'd rather not.)
I guess it also appears that a lot of the posts I've run into in this metal thread seem to always focus on or somehow transition towards yourself. Now, granted, this is a music discussion and we are obviously allowed to post our opinions and thoughts about metal bands and metal albums and headphones we like for metal, but I'm hinting at a more narcissistic tendency. You know? The "you might recall that I" posts.
That's my main gripe with this thread. It's a great thread, and I love reading the posts and lurking in general, but it becomes a bit much at times. That's all.  

Told him the exact same things (and more) for maybe 2 years.
Pro-tip from me: stop taking him serious and just pretend that he is your regular internet troll. Scroll a bit more, if you know what I mean.
@Music Alchemist
No hard feelings, bro ♥
  New Mithras!
Spoiler: it is glorious.

Daaaamn, never heard of these guys before!
Mar 9, 2016 at 3:08 PM Post #22,785 of 29,693

Actually, I'm quite impressed with your response. I mean that sincerely. I know that none of us are perfect, but I think it's important to be self-aware of one's flaws. The fact you've acknowledged some of your quirks and have worked on taming them/improving yourself is commendable. I wish more people would do the same. (I'm extremely self-critical.)

Why, thank you! I can be quite the gentleman...but tend to be blunt to the point of coming off worse than I intend to.
I was not insinuating that one has to experience those thoughts or feelings to enjoy black metal. I was leaning towards my own belief that most people who connect with black metal probably fall into a personality gradient. Either someone who is depressed, someone who is emotionally unstable, someone who is cynical and misanthropic, someone who shuns society, someone who hates religion, etc. etc. etc. I also feel that most of those personalities can relate to one another. So that's what I was trying to get at more or less. Black metal tends to attract a more mature audience from what I've seen, unlike something like deathcore that appeals to the immature br0074l crowd or angsty teenagers who are mad at their parents and/or weren't loved (see Oli Sykes).

You're spot-on there. I fit all the descriptions I put in bold.

On the other hand, I'm something of a wild card, so I'm not limited to just those things, of course. I'm not depressed all the time, especially since I'm so self-centered and arrogant. (I'll be the first to admit that.) I'm very in-control of my mind, and usually keep my wild feelings in check. When I listen to extreme and dark music, it lets me experience intense feelings and induce various states, such as trauma, rage, megalomaniacal victory, even romance. It's quite thrilling!
I also listen to metal (and all sorts of other music) when coming up with ideas for an animated television series I'd like to create someday. It's especially exciting when I synchronize parts of a song to events in the animation. (All in my head at this point.) Dunno if it would be realistic to attempt licensing clips of metal songs and featuring them in a commercial production. May just end up making similar songs myself or hiring others to, if I even pull off the project in the future.
I agree with everything you said about headphones and audiophilia. For the most part, when you don't know any better and are relying on the thoughts and opinions from other users, you'll believe someone who claims a night and day difference when in reality the difference is quite small and could even be barely noticeable. I had quite a progression through this hobby after listening to iPod earbuds for most all my life. The jump from iPod earbuds/Turtle Beach gaming headphones/Bose QC15 to a Grado 325is was an eye-opener. Then a few side grades with no real benefits. Then a jump to the HE-500 which was another eye-opener. Then a jump to the LCD-X which became my pinnacle and end game...but also led to a passion for collecting headphones. I love my collection, but it'd be easy for me to part with most all of it and keep a very select few because I know what I like and I know which headphones are worth the price. You're correct about being happy with whatever sounds good to your ears. It's all about the music and being content. There should be less focus on obsessing over what is better (those 1% differences).

I owned the QC15 for years. Compared to serious audiophile headphones, it sucks, but subjectively, I actually enjoyed it more than most headphones out there, and a lot more when I replaced the proprietary stock cables (which have electronics that interfere with the signal) with aftermarket conventional headphone cables. It's still one of my favorite headphones for metal due to the punchy strong bass, engaging mids and crystal treble. I think more people would respect that headphone if they heard what it was really capable of without the crummy stock cables. But having to charge a AAA battery constantly just to use it is troublesome, to say the least.
I think we can all agree that what is better for someone subjectively is simply that. I do like to go into detail on why I feel a certain headphone is higher fidelity in certain respects, though.
I appreciate the background information, because that definitely helps me put together a better picture of who you are.

The benefits of open discussion cannot be overstated, which is why you see me asking questions when it may seem like I already have enough data to work with.
Overall, I've been impressed with your music knowledge. You do know a lot about the bands and genres you enjoy. I'm too lazy to read about the background of bands and/or commit band members names to memory. I just know what I like and what sounds good to me and what I connect to. ...happens to be mostly melodic death/doom metal.

Music is pretty much my life. Everything else pales in comparison. It's only natural that I'd develop a certain level of expertise, especially being a musician since a very young age. I wouldn't go so far as to call myself a master or expert at any of it, though. I am nothing more than a passionate enthusiast.
Did you also know that melodeath is my favorite metal genre and possibly even my favorite genre of music?

Although I've heard hundreds of black metal bands and only a handful of melodic death metal bands (and by extension listen to far more BM than MDM), the latter just has a certain positive, explosive energy to it that makes me feel alive. Plus some of the big melodeath bands went on to integrate other styles, which can also be enjoyable.
I apologize for coming off as a complete p3n0r, but I saw the opportunity to address something that had been bothering me for a while. Well, more like I've been super curious about the reasoning behind all your previous posts. So no hard feelings, hopefully! (I too enjoy the anime and metal thug life.)

It's quite alright. Rest assured I harbor no ill will towards you.
In fact, even for those who hate my guts or whatever, I don't have a problem with that in itself. I just want them to get their info right and make truthful accusations instead of the silly stuff I've seen written about me, especially on other forums. It's too bad they resort to speculation instead of asking me what's going on with all that like you did. hehe
Click here for my MAL profile. (And be sure to watch Higurashi No Naku Koro Ni aka When They Cry!)
  Told him the exact same things (and more) for maybe 2 years.
Pro-tip from me: stop taking him serious and just pretend that he is your regular internet troll. Scroll a bit more, if you know what I mean.
@Music Alchemist
No hard feelings, bro ♥

Aww come on, you know you :heartpulse: me.

Since it can't be helped to be off-topic now...I loved the Psycho-Pass movie! (As you surely recall, you're the one who got me into that series.)

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