Lets Talk Metal
Jan 3, 2016 at 1:30 PM Post #21,799 of 29,719
  Trivium's "Silence in the snow" is not only a dynamic, well-mastered record; it is hellaciously catchy.
Now if only they re-released "Ascendancy" with the same dynamics and overall SQ...

Speaking of hilarious... (Oh wait, you said "hellaciously", not "hilariously"...but whatevs. I just woke up.)

I think everyone should watch this just for the creative "mistaken" lyric interpretations. If this doesn't make you laugh, you might wanna check your pulse.
Jan 4, 2016 at 4:02 AM Post #21,800 of 29,719
  Just finished listening to Moonsorrow - V: Havitetty. Very atmospheric. First time listen to Moonsorrow and really like it. Thanks for sharing

Very welcome. Enjoy! Moonsorrow gets better and better with each session.
Jan 4, 2016 at 11:51 AM Post #21,801 of 29,719

Jan 4, 2016 at 6:07 PM Post #21,802 of 29,719
2-re lord worm-he became a school teacher u know.

That's kind of a scary thought :)[/quote]

I once heard a rumor that you (Lord Worm) are an elementary school teacher in Montreal. Is this true? Please explain. If it is not true, have you ever considered a career in teaching? How do you feel about children in general?

I’m a private language instructor; so happily, I have very little contact with urchins. They like me, I avoid them, and let’s face it, dogs are better than people, anyway. The rumor mill only ground out a half-truth that time.

Jan 4, 2016 at 6:43 PM Post #21,804 of 29,719
Silencer is one of those bands that takes a while before you're willing to take the leap on the vocal style. If it doesn't "click" the album is just straight up comical. If it works, it's harrowing. 
Jan 4, 2016 at 6:50 PM Post #21,805 of 29,719
  The most squeakiest, piggiest voice that I have heard. So scary schiit here.

I got that album many years ago. Definitely some of the most unique vocals in metal, though I would not describe them as squeaky or piggy.
Apparently he was commissioned to a mental asylum (or whatever the proper term for it is nowadays) for a few years at one point after recording this album. After being released, he started another project.
  Silencer is one of those bands that takes a while before you're willing to take the leap on the vocal style. If it doesn't "click" the album is just straight up comical. If it works, it's harrowing. 

Yeah, Silence is terrifyingly good, in my opinion.
Jan 4, 2016 at 7:02 PM Post #21,806 of 29,719
  Silencer is one of those bands that takes a while before you're willing to take the leap on the vocal style. If it doesn't "click" the album is just straight up comical. If it works, it's harrowing. 

Definitely take a long time to adapt with this unique vocal. Other ridiculous vocals make me laughing but this, it takes me to a whole new level.
I heard that the vocalist cut his hands and replaced it with pig hands. Is that true?
Jan 4, 2016 at 7:45 PM Post #21,807 of 29,719
Definitely take a long time to adapt with this unique vocal. Other ridiculous vocals make me laughing but this, it takes me to a whole new level.
I heard that the vocalist cut his hands and replaced it with pig hands. Is that true?

Nah. There are scores of rumors about Nattramn, no one is totally sure who the guy even is but nearly any stories you hear (cut off his hands, tried to kill an 8 year old, made an album in an asylum) are almost certainly false. Great music though. 
Jan 5, 2016 at 2:30 AM Post #21,808 of 29,719
The most squeakiest, piggiest voice that I have heard. So scary schiit here.

THX for that one. Comical vocals like a more girly Burzum, first scream was like a prison rape.:scream_cat:
Jan 5, 2016 at 5:29 AM Post #21,810 of 29,719





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