Legendary PCDPs gallery
Feb 27, 2003 at 12:50 AM Post #106 of 136
here the pics of the Sony D-T40 i got last week, as promised.


top and side:

side (showing the crazy 4AA battery holder that slides out):

Still waiting on a power adapter so i can see the orange glow

Mar 1, 2003 at 12:51 AM Post #108 of 136
The Sony Discman D-777 CD Compact Player

Mar 14, 2003 at 11:45 PM Post #110 of 136
i find the D2 very good but a little strong for my taste - it is cald as you have said .

i use a D4 for my regular listening .
Mar 24, 2003 at 4:27 AM Post #111 of 136
Panasonic SL-NP3, shown with a D25s for comparison. I was really impressed by the build quality of this pdcd. Manufactured in 1986, it is in immaculate condition. The pictures here don't do it justice (I need a better digital cam....)

Player with Case (carrying case with enclosed rechargeable battery..very big)


Player alone

Mar 30, 2003 at 8:17 AM Post #113 of 136
New PCDPs are **** compared to the old Sony ones in terms of sound quality and being able to drive hi-fi headphones. There are some notable other brands as well (Denon and Ratshack Optimus players) but Sony is most prominent. The old ones are much better built as well although most are lacking in portability because of size and no skip protection. A notable exception to this is the vaunted D-777 which is uber-portable and held in high regard for its sound. They're fun to collect too

Search around in the portable forum, there's tons of info on the "legendary" players.
Mar 30, 2003 at 7:00 PM Post #114 of 136

Originally posted by Rizumu
A notable exception to this is the vaunted D-777 which is uber-portable and held in high regard for its sound. They're fun to collect too

Search around in the portable forum, there's tons of info on the "legendary" players.

They're fun to collect.. just don't go overboard and get evicted three months later.

But on the bright side, you can beat the repo man with your metal CD players ... bet he didn't see that one comin'!
Mar 30, 2003 at 7:05 PM Post #115 of 136
Not forgetting the very last 'high-end' player, the (rarer than D777) E900/5...

The last of a dead breed i'm afraid
Mar 31, 2003 at 1:41 AM Post #116 of 136
Hmmm... anyone wanna either (a): kill this gallery and restart or (b): have someone (maybe Head-Fi?) host some good pics?... It seems everything in the first few pages of the thread is now gone..

While I could probably host it on my webspace, my ISP probably wouldn't like it
... And while I could host it off my domain, it's being hosted off 256k upstream DSL...

Anyone have any ideas?
Mar 31, 2003 at 3:41 AM Post #117 of 136
it'll be a shame to lose this gallery.
although the missing pics from the first few pages are a bit annoying. it'll be a great idea if someone can host the pics and open up a gallery. i'd love to but i don't have my own domain, and i'm still on a 56k modem!

anyways... here's some more pics:


Sony D-777


from bottom to top: Sony D-555. D-777, D-EJ915. look how thin PCDPs have become...

Mar 31, 2003 at 4:43 AM Post #118 of 136
I still have lots of picture of my discmans. Let me know if you want these pics, if you plan to transfer the pics to a new host. Sorry, I don't have my own domain either.

Mar 31, 2003 at 4:59 AM Post #119 of 136
Purk, if you'd like to go ahead and email me one of each player and I'll post them here. I should still have plenty of room on my webhost. Email them as an attachment to pappucho@aol.com.
Mar 31, 2003 at 5:17 AM Post #120 of 136
I'll do that. Give me sometime and I'll give you lots of pics.


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