Knowledge Zenith (KZ) impressions thread
Nov 4, 2017 at 4:25 PM Post #24,676 of 65,398
By that time, the rumour on the zsr where as they being a 10 driver iem, with a whole new shell, and zs4 as the hybrid zs3. It was just rumours; It turns out that we probably have the "hybrid zs3" wich would be zs4, as, in reallity, Zsr. I tend to think that there are no zs4, just zsr, as the 10 driver did'nt came, and the hybrid zs3 is probably, in front of us.

Sure, they can release a iem with a 4 on it, but because of what i explained, i think that zs4 is, in reality, the zsr.
Maybe, but considering the ZSR and ZS4 will fall into groups A(angled) and B(straight) for cables, as is already plastered all over ali and has been for months... really?
Nov 4, 2017 at 4:29 PM Post #24,677 of 65,398
And, again, if the measurements here are correct, then I'm inclined to think that very few to none cheap Chi-Fi makers employ engineers that understand audiology and how to actually make drivers.
Respectfully, I'm compelled to disagree with such a classification. Devil's advocate? Maybe. Blasphemer and provocateur? Also possible. But in no way I'm doing this just to annoy people. I actually believe that there's a fair possibility of my point of view being of high veracity.
If you're really not trolling and are just genuinely seeking information, I would strongly suggest you go take a look at some of the Harman research on what neutral sounds like in headphones before you try to read any more FR plots.
Nov 4, 2017 at 4:45 PM Post #24,678 of 65,398
There are already new ones?

Reading through the past few pages, it seems like they're all over the place. So, I don't know?

I never trust anyone here. Someone whines about high sibilance and then I get it and I'm like "where are the highs you're complaining about, they're detailed and amazing"? Then someone just removes to BA's like an idiot and only has two DD's with one giving you 15Hz - 400Hz and one giving you 500Hz to 5Khz now and nothing above. Just buy Tennmak Pro's with upgraded mcx cables at that point.

My favorite thing was when they released the ZS5v1's and everyone was like "Wow these are so much better and the highs are so much more controlled than the ZST". No. Wrong. The ZS5v1 has the same, if not more piercing highs and I love it. It may be because there's more filling in the middle frequencies below those highs, but they're not any less sibilant than the ZST's.

Unless a large group of people in here are complaining about a specific issue, I don't care about personal reviews.
Nov 4, 2017 at 4:50 PM Post #24,679 of 65,398
Maybe, but considering the ZSR and ZS4 will fall into groups A(angled) and B(straight) for cables, as is already plastered all over ali and has been for months... really?

I did'nt payed attention to that, it can be, maybe there's a zs4, coming in the way, its a valid point.
I keep on believing that we will not see a zs4 tought, the rumour of kz zs10(5 driver per side)makes more sense to me... Chinese disclosure is a mess, so it can be that those announcement of zs4 cables was just a mistake to. We will see, anyway
Nov 4, 2017 at 5:23 PM Post #24,680 of 65,398
If you're really not trolling and are just genuinely seeking information, I would strongly suggest you go take a look at some of the Harman research on what neutral sounds like in headphones before you try to read any more FR plots.
Does it apply to IEMs? And is it not already accounted for in the IEC 60268-7 (which is paywalled and nowhere to be found) standard in accord with which the measurements are made? My guess is that it's supposed to be flat, but there's no way of checking without reading the IEC 60268-7.
Nov 4, 2017 at 5:31 PM Post #24,681 of 65,398
I want to make a decision, but now i just get confusions because too much read a review in weeks.
you know, it's kinda like looking for a Download Button nowdays lol!
Here's my IEMs signature what i looking for:
2.tight bass.
3.not to warm, just enough for fast kick.
4. and not too much low-bass just balanced.
5.the most important is, have a good response to EQ.

and i think bit harsh or sibilance is normal for cheap IEMs anyway, and we have EQ to solve it.

M6 Pro, zs3, zst colorful, or any that have similarities price range
which one's that work for me ?
Nov 4, 2017 at 6:04 PM Post #24,682 of 65,398
I did'nt payed attention to that, it can be, maybe there's a zs4, coming in the way, its a valid point.
I keep on believing that we will not see a zs4 tought, the rumour of kz zs10(5 driver per side)makes more sense to me... Chinese disclosure is a mess, so it can be that those announcement of zs4 cables was just a mistake to. We will see, anyway
We can assuming all we can think and hope, and you may be right that the ZSR can be the supposed ZS3 hybrid, even if they didn't seem exactly the same, because at now no official source have stated otherwise. Anyway, we both don't have solid information from KZ.

Probability change from different point of view, but it's better to trust info's from the sellers than our thinking.
What was said is that there is a ZS4 incoming with ZS3/5/6 plug. "At that time" was only one month ago, and November seem to respect the incoming release of the ZSR. The change from ZSR to ZS10, on the 5 drivers project, was also said by that same source. Why don't trust it ?
Nov 4, 2017 at 6:13 PM Post #24,683 of 65,398
2.tight bass.
3.not to warm, just enough for fast kick.
4. and not too much low-bass just balanced.
5.the most important is, have a good response to EQ.

and i think bit harsh or sibilance is normal for cheap IEMs anyway, and we have EQ to solve it.

M6 Pro, zs3, zst colorful, or any that have similarities price range
which one's that work for me ?
ZS3 are more boomy and lack the clarity you may searching.

On KZ i think you can try ZS5 or ZS6, otherwise maybe the Emi can suit you.
Nov 4, 2017 at 7:34 PM Post #24,684 of 65,398
If they sound anything like the M200 then they must sound pretty rad! Unfortunately KEF seems to come up with their ergonomics by looking into the toilet at product of their latest bowel movement.

The M100s don't have that problem at all. The ergonomics are great actually. The only gripe I have is that they stick out of the ear a little so they can fall out of the ear more easily that way.
Nov 4, 2017 at 7:56 PM Post #24,686 of 65,398
I want to make a decision, but now i just get confusions because too much read a review in weeks.
you know, it's kinda like looking for a Download Button nowdays lol!
Here's my IEMs signature what i looking for:
2.tight bass.
3.not to warm, just enough for fast kick.
4. and not too much low-bass just balanced.
5.the most important is, have a good response to EQ.

and i think bit harsh or sibilance is normal for cheap IEMs anyway, and we have EQ to solve it.

M6 Pro, zs3, zst colorful, or any that have similarities price range
which one's that work for me ?

The M6 Pro is the most balanced of the group listed by a considerable distance. Both the Zs3 and Zst are V shaped and bass heavy. Having said that, the M6 pro I have sits in my drawer untouched and unused as it is quite possibly the most clinical, analytical, and outright boring headphone I own.
Nov 4, 2017 at 8:00 PM Post #24,687 of 65,398
Reading through the past few pages, it seems like they're all over the place. So, I don't know?

I never trust anyone here. Someone whines about high sibilance and then I get it and I'm like "where are the highs you're complaining about, they're detailed and amazing"? Then someone just removes to BA's like an idiot and only has two DD's with one giving you 15Hz - 400Hz and one giving you 500Hz to 5Khz now and nothing above. Just buy Tennmak Pro's with upgraded mcx cables at that point.

My favorite thing was when they released the ZS5v1's and everyone was like "Wow these are so much better and the highs are so much more controlled than the ZST". No. Wrong. The ZS5v1 has the same, if not more piercing highs and I love it. It may be because there's more filling in the middle frequencies below those highs, but they're not any less sibilant than the ZST's.

Unless a large group of people in here are complaining about a specific issue, I don't care about personal reviews.

I certainly don't trust you! You love piercing highs...eewwwwwww!
Nov 4, 2017 at 8:11 PM Post #24,688 of 65,398
Has anyone here tried these kZ foam tips with the ZS6 as I want to order them on the 11.11 sale among with some other things?
Hakuzen test them and they don't seem to have the same effect on higher frequency than normal foams. Another user post an image with one of them cracked, as they miss an internal tube, so a bigger nozzle, like the one of ZS5/6, may create too much pressure inside them.

Anyone have tried to cut and use them to fill a silicon tips, for do a diy hybrid ? I don't remember who have say it, but i want to try it, as they are crap :smile:
Nov 4, 2017 at 8:18 PM Post #24,689 of 65,398
The Gel foams don't hold up near as well as the regular foams in my experience.
Nov 4, 2017 at 10:32 PM Post #24,690 of 65,398
@Slater I tried you're half tape mod and it works. The mid bass has a very slight boost but the sub bass has seen the biggest improvement. I also think the bass is deeper but not quicker tho.

I think I didn't tape it as well as I could. Is this what you meant by covering half the hole?

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