Kansas City Area.... and Surrounding, Sept. 13th at Primus Audio

Jul 13, 2009 at 6:42 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 24


100+ Head-Fier
Aug 3, 2006
Well the time has come for a new meeting. I am ready to see some familiar faces and some new ones as well. We have the place set. It will be at HiFi FOR METAL's (Zack's) store in downtown Kansas City called Primus Audio. We will be a little limited due to the times available but I know Zack is willing to work with us. Please if you know someone that is from the area and might be interested in coming please direct them to this thread.

Ok this is the plan:

It is on September 13th at Primus Audio Primus Web

11:00 - Whenever

I would like to see about getting a pot luck dinner going. I am up for making a main dish and any one else can bring sides.

There will be many things that can be used at this meet. Zach will get into more detail. We will be offering rooms to set your gear up. This will help keep down the noise. Tables and chairs will be provided. BRING YOUR OWN POWER There will be turntables there so bring your vinyl.

This is a real nice store and I want to thank Zach for all he is offering. This is a great opportunity for some people to get the chance to hear true 2 channel as well.
Jul 13, 2009 at 7:02 PM Post #2 of 24
Count me in.
Jul 18, 2009 at 12:26 PM Post #3 of 24
Laz, it's good to hear from you. Any new gear?

I am hoping to complete one new project by the time of the meet.
Jul 19, 2009 at 6:28 PM Post #4 of 24
Hmmm, I live in the STL area. This is a little far for me to drive (4 hours), but if the timing works out, I may be in the area. I'll keep checking to stay up to date, but don't count on me being there.
Jul 19, 2009 at 7:08 PM Post #5 of 24
Give me a date and I'll let you know.
Jul 20, 2009 at 8:36 PM Post #6 of 24
This is Zack From Primus Audio,

The store is very flexible on times and can really accommodate almost any time, the main times that wouldn't work would be Saturday, and the middle of the day can sometimes get busy, but almost any other time would work and an early evening event time would work very well.

Really the Date is very open. I know that Headphonejack wanted it to be on the weekend like on a Sunday he and I have communicated about it and he would like to be able to make it.

I think it will be great for all of you to come to the store we carry a wide variety of high end two channel products and are one of the only high end two channel stores in the area. We have several products like, Esoteric, Cambridge Audio, Sim Audio, Cayin Nordost, Audience, Creek, Grado, Goldring, AKG, and Sennheiser. We also carry specialize in vinyl and have turntables project and nottingham. So I hope that everyone that lives in or around the area can come down and enjoy all there is to see here so we can have a great event!

Please voice your opinion about what times would work and we will start planning a date and picking out the times that work best. Thanks - Zack
Jul 24, 2009 at 5:57 AM Post #8 of 24
I would be interested in attending, any of the proposed dates so far would work for me at this point.

If anyone else from Lincoln/Omaha or that direction is going, I'd be interested in splitting gas/driving.

I can bring any/all of the following:
  1. Sleek SA-6
  2. Koss KSC-75 (Kramer Modded)
  3. Yamaha YH-2(?) Ortho (I think these have been used hard, and are not sounding like they should, also quite uncomfortable, IMO.)
  4. AKG K601
  5. Silencio React (These are more for sound protection, not reproduction, they have a microphone in each earcup, and pass sound through quite well, until it gets to a certain threshold, then they stop passing sound. They also have a 3.5mm input for a DAP or the like. I use them at the shooting range.)
  1. FiiO E5
  2. CMoy
  3. iBasso D10
  4. Millett Hybrid
  5. Fubar II
Jul 25, 2009 at 12:24 AM Post #11 of 24
Lets pick a date then.

Went and checked out the store today and it is really nice. Zach is willing to work with us in many ways. If I looked at the cans right he has about all Sennheiser quite a few Grado's and Akg 701's.

For some of you that have not done much in the true highend this will be a great event. There is some truely reference systems there.
Jul 28, 2009 at 1:36 PM Post #12 of 24
While Sundays are better for me, I realized that I'm going to be a student this fall and my classes fall on some of those dates.

Just looking at my Graduate Course schedule, the August 30th would be bad and September 13th would be bad.

I'll talk to the wife about Sept. 6th. Her birthday is the 1st. I don't know if she is planning anything with her family.

Aug 2, 2009 at 10:10 PM Post #13 of 24
I definitely will be there if I can find a way.

Like Zack said a Sunday would probably work for me. I believe a Saturday would probably work as well if the meet were in the early evening.

We could aim for the 5th or 6th of September perhaps?

Aug 5, 2009 at 4:20 AM Post #14 of 24
Ok I found out that I have a wedding on the 6th of Sept. and also that is Labor Day Weekend. What about the 13th. If this sounds ok we will schedule it. Who-ever makes it, makes it.

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