Jan 25, 2024 at 1:48 AM Post #811 of 902
@FiiO Any plans to add PEQ to KA13 via firmware update? Or is this not possible?
Dear friend,

Hi, no. The PEQ could not be added for KA13 because of hardware limitation. But you could adjust the EQ in the music software for help instead.

Best regards
FiiO Stay updated on FiiO at their sponsor profile on Head-Fi.
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Jan 28, 2024 at 1:13 AM Post #812 of 902
I see the hiby fc4 mentioned in this thread. I'm auditioning the fc4 and the KA13 and can't decide which one I should keep. The price difference I paid was $7 so negligible. Both are updated to latest fw. fc4 has MQA but I disable it anyway so I can EQ.

On paper, the KA13 seems better. Newer, higher output, and fiio I think has better reputation over all. OTOH, audiosciencereview measured the fc4 and crapped all over it. The IMD is bad and the power rating is false advertisement, they said.

I'm using them with an Ananda stealth and power isn't an issue on either. Plenty of volume and plenty to spare.

It seems to me the KA13 sound is 'cleaner', more resolving, if DACs can be said to be more resolving. I can hear what I think is distortion at times on the fc4.

Yet I can't escape the feeling the fc4 sounds better. Fuller, more musically pleasing, less digital? Even if sometimes it sounds muddy.

Maybe b/c the Ananda is already pretty bright and clinical, so it's too much when coupled with the KA13. The fc4 takes the edge off, warp and all.

If you have both, please advise. Feel free to weigh in even if you don't :)
Jan 28, 2024 at 1:25 AM Post #813 of 902
I too think the fc4 sounds better and seems just as powerful.

But I like the ka13 too.
Jan 28, 2024 at 1:10 PM Post #815 of 902
Fostex T60, Monolith M570, Oppo PM-3, Artti T10 IEM, FIIO JadeAudio IEM.

KA13 is powerful, detailed, has a decent soundstage and just works. I keep all my dongles and headphones. I like different flavors.
Jan 29, 2024 at 8:59 PM Post #817 of 902
Any reason to get this if I'm already happy with Sonata HD Pro? Probably not. I'm not using balanced headphones atm.

This KA13 is more technical than the Sonata HD Pro and has way more power on tap. However, it draws more power from the connected phone too.

I guess if you are happy with the HD Pro and do not need to drive demanding transducers, it is still a decent dongle in 2024.
Jan 29, 2024 at 9:55 PM Post #818 of 902
This KA13 is more technical than the Sonata HD Pro and has way more power on tap. However, it draws more power from the connected phone too.

I guess if you are happy with the HD Pro and do not need to drive demanding transducers, it is still a decent dongle in 2024.
The fc4 which is supposed to have around 300mw @32ohms balanced seems more than enough for Anandas, so what headphones would need what the KA13 has?
Jan 29, 2024 at 9:56 PM Post #819 of 902
The fc4 which is supposed to have around 300mw @32ohms balanced seems more than enough for Anandas, so what headphones would need what the KA13 has?

Yinman 600 ohm earbuds - 87 dB/mW sensitivity, 600 ohm impedance.

Not a matter of volume, but the bass is flabby and one-noted, with loss of dynamics if underpowered.
Jan 29, 2024 at 10:08 PM Post #820 of 902
The fc4 seems louder than specs say. My ears can’t tell the difference in volume between the ka13 and fc4.
Jan 30, 2024 at 12:57 AM Post #821 of 902
The fc4 seems louder than specs say. My ears can’t tell the difference in volume between the ka13 and fc4.
And so does FC6. That said, specs are measured until the distortion level passes certain levels rather than until failure, so for a more coloured DAC/amp, it may hit the distortion level limit earlier than the actual power output. I think Hiby often under-reports their power since they may have chosen stricter THD tolerance, but Fiio chose a more generous 1% for KA13 measurements.

Hiby FC4:

Fiio KA13:

Not to say that Fiio is somehow worse for selecting a looser parameters (human ears rarely can catch anything below 1% THD+N anyway. Besides, music is just distortions that sound good.

Also, the loudness is only one part of the driving characteristics, there's also dynamic range and other technical abilities that the gear can maintain at that volume level. That's why I always take the specs as just general guidance and still trust my own ears for evaluating a gear.

Both KA13 and FC4 are excellent dongles, I can very easily recommend it to other people.
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Jan 30, 2024 at 6:30 AM Post #822 of 902
@FiiO, can we add the KA17 to this forum for discussion?
Just saw ther KA17 came out. Instantly returned my KA13 to Amazon and ordered the KA17. I was so torn between the 550mw of the KA13 and the play/pause button of the KA5. Eventually went with the extra power of the KA13. Now KA17 is available it's a no brainer. It looks absolutely perfect, the only unanswered question I have is if the USBc power input has passthrough to also charge your phone as well as powering the dongle. I 99% suspect it doesn't but that's a small price to pay for what looks like literally a perfect device - highest power output available, usbc power, top of the line dacs and amps, play pause button, desktop mode, display, SPIDIF out and with included leather case?! YES! I would love to see how this sounds compared to a dedicated DAP and a high quality desktop amp.

I will be using this on my desktop in spidif out to line in to my SMSL DO400, and as main portable hifi dap with S23 Ultra. Thanks FIIO!
Jan 30, 2024 at 8:47 AM Post #823 of 902
I thought the ka13 play/pause is n the volume buttons.
Jan 30, 2024 at 4:52 PM Post #825 of 902
@FiiO hey, have you guys tested your portable dacs with Pixel 8 pro phones.

I own a KA3, btr7, tanchjim space, moondrop dawn and one ddhifi dac. They all dont work with Pixel 8 phones.

I lost my KA3, so i haven't tried that one, but the rest of them make static noise on the left channel when plugged in. I tried posting in Pixel 8 support forums but they say that i should contact dac manufacturers. I want to buy a wired Fiio Dac, because i have had good experience with products from Fiio.

I have been researching and it seem like Pixel 8 just support some dacs and not all of them. Seen alot of threads regarding that on reddit.

Would be awesome if we knew which dacs work with newest Pixel and which dont. Thank you in advance.

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