JVC SU-AX7 - new portable headphone amp/dac
Aug 28, 2014 at 12:30 PM Post #16 of 47
When I first glanced at this thread I thought it read JVC SUX...
Aug 28, 2014 at 5:51 PM Post #17 of 47
Aug 29, 2014 at 12:23 AM Post #18 of 47
Yep! A10 or "RedShoulder" edition because of the red torx screws.
Although i much prefer the limited edition muses 02 red, they are totally sold out over here now.

Venturecraft Soundroid Typhoon Muses 02 Limited Edition Red
Labkable Takumi Hybrid IEM cables (composition unknown but i know it includes copper, silver and gold)
No clue on what brand of interconnect that is
Aug 29, 2014 at 12:42 AM Post #19 of 47
I love the look of those cables.
Aug 29, 2014 at 12:56 AM Post #20 of 47
You can have a better look at the 2 photos found on the product page, (only comes in chinese sadly)
Product Page
I know the captions are japanese, but thats the only thing japanese about these products is the name takumi

these are around 380usd for standard 48"
they also have a cable not found on their website which includes platinum strands/cores in the mix (900usd). have not tried them tho, but im told by one of the dealers that they made his es60's do things he couldnt imagine 
Jun 21, 2015 at 11:18 PM Post #22 of 47
Got a good deal and couldn't turn it down.

I got a good friend to try his fx750 with it and he really liked it. He didn't like the ckr100pro rating. After further reading it has a high OI which work well enough with dynamic drivers but not with BA iem. I'll find out soon. I am planning to pair it with ak120.

There is no healing for this disease.
Jun 30, 2015 at 4:45 AM Post #23 of 47
Had few days to play with this little devil. First thing that I notice is very open soundstage. Second is great bass decay and third is well it don't pair nicely with BA type IEM and also there is hissing that disappears once the music plays? As in in the quiet passage the hissing is not audible but when the device is turned on it is?
So far very favourable pairing with Kaede II. I consider wagnus epslion S,at 1000 USD, the best amp for Kaede however SU AX7 at a less than half of what Wagnus cost easily competes against it. I wouldnt want to prematurely say it bests the aforementioned amp but I got a feeling it will soon change.
The goods:
  1. K2 technology is not a gimmick: It actually smooths out the sound. It is first and foremost an idevice amp. This makes me wish I had an ipod Classic. 
  2. AMP section: No toy or after thought, it can stand on its own as a stand along amp however condition applies (meaning no low impedance balance aramature)
  3. No channel imbalance, smooth volume knob and sound is very linear till 80% volume
  4. Gain setting are done correctly, it is actually usable, HD600/ER4S to follow later on. 
The bad:
  1. Optical input is cheap, cable that I have keep poping out
  2. 24/96 is max it supports, meaning 24/192 is not down-sampled but simply ignored, shame!
  3. The microUSB always recharges on the first spot of detecting power, what that means is no CCK trick can be done with this. Having said that I can use an andriod devie (sony xperia Z3 table with a micro-micro works no problem)
  4. Battery life is short.
Will report later, but so far very positive results with the gear that I actually care for so I am happy, wish it had a better universal approach to it but I guess it is always a trade off.
To a large extend this thing reminds me of calyx M but with a much more open sound while the bass decay stays the same. 
Oct 5, 2015 at 12:18 AM Post #24 of 47
Hello Audionewbie,
Thank you for the brief impression.
Been looking for some information of this new amp from JVC to pair with my JVC FX-1100.
Some questions:
1. Does the K2 effect is akin to roll-offs in peaky trebles / no sibilance for bad recordings in 80's (say Depeche Mode / Pet Shop Boys / Human League / Tears for Fears / etc) ?
2. Can we use AK family for optical outputs to this amp?
To say this is comparable to the Wagnus Epsilon is a tall order.
Do you mind to expand more of your impressions about this amp vs Wagnus?
Many Thanks!!
  Had few days to play with this little devil. First thing that I notice is very open soundstage. Second is great bass decay and third is well it don't pair nicely with BA type IEM and also there is hissing that disappears once the music plays? As in in the quiet passage the hissing is not audible but when the device is turned on it is?
So far very favourable pairing with Kaede II. I consider wagnus epslion S,at 1000 USD, the best amp for Kaede however SU AX7 at a less than half of what Wagnus cost easily competes against it. I wouldnt want to prematurely say it bests the aforementioned amp but I got a feeling it will soon change.
The goods:
  1. K2 technology is not a gimmick: It actually smooths out the sound. It is first and foremost an idevice amp. This makes me wish I had an ipod Classic. 
  2. AMP section: No toy or after thought, it can stand on its own as a stand along amp however condition applies (meaning no low impedance balance aramature)
  3. No channel imbalance, smooth volume knob and sound is very linear till 80% volume
  4. Gain setting are done correctly, it is actually usable, HD600/ER4S to follow later on. 
The bad:
  1. Optical input is cheap, cable that I have keep poping out
  2. 24/96 is max it supports, meaning 24/192 is not down-sampled but simply ignored, shame!
  3. The microUSB always recharges on the first spot of detecting power, what that means is no CCK trick can be done with this. Having said that I can use an andriod devie (sony xperia Z3 table with a micro-micro works no problem)
  4. Battery life is short.
Will report later, but so far very positive results with the gear that I actually care for so I am happy, wish it had a better universal approach to it but I guess it is always a trade off.
To a large extend this thing reminds me of calyx M but with a much more open sound while the bass decay stays the same. 

Oct 5, 2015 at 12:56 AM Post #25 of 47

This amp is best paired with dynamic IEM, with mutliple balance armature type IEM pairing did not provide favourable results.
As far as pairing with AK product sure it does, however it is maxed out at 24/96, anything higher you need to use the microUSB which will work nicely with any andriod users, the CCK however will not work as it just drains too much power. But its regular USB 2.0 for idevice works with any idevice.
I honestly do not use the K2 so I cannot comment on it however I will try to play around with it in the coming week and report back if I can that is as I dont think K2 will alter that much of the sound. I initially said I can hear a sound but I need to double check more carefully. 
I wanted to get a pair of the FX-1100 so bad but the strong US dollar is just making it so hard. The report I read on various forum is that FX family pair nicely with the AX7.
Oct 5, 2015 at 1:31 AM Post #26 of 47
Hi Audionewbie,
It makes sense that it is great with Dynamic Driver, as this amp supposedly compliments the FX lineups.
How does it perform with Kaede? More musical or analytical / brighter?
Wagnus Epsilon is predominantly used as a mastering tool, hence it will sound quite technical and analytical.
I, for one, not a big fan of Wagnus house sound as I leave analytical world and would focus more on musical enjoyment instead.
FX 1100 / 1200 is a great IEM for any price for an experience akin to a front stage Iridium Jazz Club / Village Vanguard where the audience can feel the dynamic attack of drums and bass.
My kind of bass is:
Charlie Haden / Charles Mingus / Gary Peacock / Jaco Pastorius 
The upgrade from FX 850 to FX 1100 / 1200 is immense.
It's a shame that because of the high price tag, many will not take a chance on it.
JVC really delivers some of the best IEM money can buy and I think FX 1100 delivers in spades.
If one feels too much bass, one can mod with J444 mod and be happy with it.
I tried the great mod from James and fall back to the original sound as it is more addictive to my ears.
I feel the J444 mod is better with FX 850 than FX 1100 /1200.
I will wait for your feedback on the coming weeks if you have the time.
I want to acquire this amp before JVC announce their yearly lineup of IEMs / Amps by the end of the year.
K2 technology is the other reason than creating a supposedly ideal environment for my FX 1100 and live happily :) within the means of my wallet.
ps: Tom Waits' classic Nighthawk at Diner (live) is superb with FX 1100!
This amp is best paired with dynamic IEM, with mutliple balance armature type IEM pairing did not provide favourable results.
As far as pairing with AK product sure it does, however it is maxed out at 24/96, anything higher you need to use the microUSB which will work nicely with any andriod users, the CCK however will not work as it just drains too much power. But its regular USB 2.0 for idevice works with any idevice.
I honestly do not use the K2 so I cannot comment on it however I will try to play around with it in the coming week and report back if I can that is as I dont think K2 will alter that much of the sound. I initially said I can hear a sound but I need to double check more carefully. 
I wanted to get a pair of the FX-1100 so bad but the strong US dollar is just making it so hard. The report I read on various forum is that FX family pair nicely with the AX7.

Oct 5, 2015 at 2:36 AM Post #27 of 47
The most noticeable improvement on the sound is improvement on lower end which becomes more solid. Kaede II is to me the best IEM I own as it does so many things right. Paired with wagnus its over-all soundstage is improved while the rest of the sound remains as is whereas with AX7 you will notice a harder hitting bass more than anything.
I can say maybe AX7 sounds a little faster than Wagnus in terms of how it amplifies the Kaede II.
I havent used wagnus in a long time, I dont honestly think it is worth the asking price. I kept it as a I do like collecting single ended amp but AX7 with the right IEM should satisfy any sane audio-enthusiast. 
I need to spend more time with AX7 and report back as lately I have been using the calyx M and Dita truth and my sonic memory is not as strong as I like to be. I dont want to report based on gut feelings.
AX7 isn't a bright sounding amp however it will not mask the brightness of the IEM. The k2 to me seem to quiet the sounder but expand the extension on both lower and upper frequencies. I need to test it with lower res files as its supposed to be used for that. 
Nov 10, 2015 at 5:02 AM Post #28 of 47
Hello Audionewbi,
Any feedback with AX7?
I am now thinking with the new Mojo release, whether AX7 with its K2 technology is still relevant.
Thanks again!
  The most noticeable improvement on the sound is improvement on lower end which becomes more solid. Kaede II is to me the best IEM I own as it does so many things right. Paired with wagnus its over-all soundstage is improved while the rest of the sound remains as is whereas with AX7 you will notice a harder hitting bass more than anything.
I can say maybe AX7 sounds a little faster than Wagnus in terms of how it amplifies the Kaede II.
I havent used wagnus in a long time, I dont honestly think it is worth the asking price. I kept it as a I do like collecting single ended amp but AX7 with the right IEM should satisfy any sane audio-enthusiast. 
I need to spend more time with AX7 and report back as lately I have been using the calyx M and Dita truth and my sonic memory is not as strong as I like to be. I dont want to report based on gut feelings.
AX7 isn't a bright sounding amp however it will not mask the brightness of the IEM. The k2 to me seem to quiet the sounder but expand the extension on both lower and upper frequencies. I need to test it with lower res files as its supposed to be used for that. 

Nov 10, 2015 at 5:34 AM Post #29 of 47
Mojo offers a much more detail and layered sound however AX7 is the wider sounding product. I honestly cannot tell which is better, they are both unique in their own right, however Mojo is much smaller and has a lot more to offer than AX7. 

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