Just got my LCD-3 and the first impression...
Mar 9, 2012 at 7:26 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 61


New Head-Fier
Mar 4, 2012
...was not very good unfortunately. :frowning2:
I have the LCD-2 rev1 and I love them, but they are very laidback (upper middle recessed), but very nice sounding still. So I was looking to get more brightness, detail and upper middle with the LCD-3s, like all the reviews and user comments have suggested.
Even though my LCD-2 is quite laidback, compared to the LCD-3 the LCD-2 sounds brighter, the bass is tighter/snappier and overall they sound clearer. I think the soundstage might even be better in the LCD-2.
Another disappointment was the earpads. They are soft, which is nice, but they are like suction cups and my ears feel strange and uncomfortable wearing them. After keeping them in my head for awhile I felt pressure in my ears, that can´t be a good sign?
Anyway I´m wondering is this a burn in issue or do I have the infamous "veiled issue"?
Mar 9, 2012 at 8:06 AM Post #2 of 61
I just got my LDC 3 as well I think they sound very good, haven't compared to LDC 2 but it might be your amp. Might be burn in I wouldn't jump to conclusion right away.
Also I haven't had problems with earpads so far they do wrap around the ear quite tightly but have not felt the pressure.
Mar 9, 2012 at 8:14 AM Post #3 of 61
Yeah, I got to "burn" them for a while and see what happens. I hope they will open up.
Is there a way to detect the "veiled issue"? It definitely worries me that the LCD-2 rev1 sounds brighter and clearer.
Mar 9, 2012 at 11:01 AM Post #4 of 61
It seems that Audeze has solved the veil issue with the latest batch of LCD-3s so chances are, your's should be working fine. Give it a couple of hundred of hours of burn-in and the sound will open up.
Mar 9, 2012 at 7:50 PM Post #6 of 61
Alright, thanks! I will.

I would recommend burn-in because a large part of it is psychological and adjusting to their sound. But since your LCD3 sounds more muddy than your existing r1, it sounds like you have a "veiled" one. So I do not recommend burn in. Contact Audeze and explain the situation. The fixed LCD3 I got sounds nothing like my veiled pair. It retains the same mid-centric FR as the r1, but with amazing openness, clarity, control, and detail retrieval - and even better quality bass (not quantity.) This still holds true even from more the modest amps and sources I've tried it on.
Again, don't waste your time with burn-in. I already tried that with my veiled pair. I even shipped it throughout the state to 8 different people to try out (so it would be burned in more and take more abuse.) When I got them back, they sounded and measured exactly the same. And finally, consider this: Do you really want your product to change with burn-in? What if it sounded worse? Just approaching this from an audio professional POV.
Mar 9, 2012 at 7:59 PM Post #8 of 61


I would recommend burn-in because a large part of it is psychological and adjusting to their sound. But since they sound more muddy than your existing r1, it sounds like you have a "veiled" one. Contact Audeze and explain the situation. The fixed LCD3 I got sounds nothing like my veiled pair. It retains the same mid-centric FR as the r1, but with amazing openness, clarity, control, and detail retrieval - and even better quality bass (not quantity.) This still holds true even from more the modest amps and sources I've tried it on.
Don't waste your time with burn-in. I already tried that.

Thanks for your comments!
Wow, I´m happy for you! My pair does not sound anything like you described. I contacted Audeze, so I´m waiting what they have to say. My LCD-3 did have a tiny bit more bass presence, but it felt slow and muddy unlike my LCD-2 rev1 where it´s more snappy and tight, controlled.
Do you know what is exactly wrong with these "veiled" pairs? And how do they fix it?
Mar 9, 2012 at 8:09 PM Post #10 of 61

Thanks for your comments!
Wow, I´m happy for you! My pair does not sound anything like you described. I contacted Audeze, so I´m waiting what they have to say. My LCD-3 did have a tiny bit more bass presence, but it felt slow and muddy unlike my LCD-2 rev1 where it´s more snappy and tight, controlled.
Do you know what is exactly wrong with these "veiled" pairs? And how do they fix it?

No idea. It's driver issue. I doubt any measurements of mine will explain the problem. It does sound like it's related to harmonic distortion. Veil or muddyness could be FR irregularities (too much bass) or high distortion (too much even-order HD). See this from Tyll: http://www.innerfidelity.com/content/preliminary-investigation-audeze-lcd-3-and-lcd-2-page-2
It's very interesting and does raise eyebrows.
Mar 9, 2012 at 8:09 PM Post #11 of 61


I would recommend burn-in because a large part of it is psychological and adjusting to their sound. But since your LCD3 sounds more muddy than your existing r1, it sounds like you have a "veiled" one. So I do not recommend burn in. Contact Audeze and explain the situation. The fixed LCD3 I got sounds nothing like my veiled pair. It retains the same mid-centric FR as the r1, but with amazing openness, clarity, control, and detail retrieval - and even better quality bass (not quantity.) This still holds true even from more the modest amps and sources I've tried it on.
Again, don't waste your time with burn-in. I already tried that with my veiled pair. I even shipped it throughout the state to 8 different people to try out (so it would be burned in more and take more abuse.) When I got them back, they sounded and measured exactly the same. And finally, consider this: Do you really want your product to change with burn-in? What if it sounded worse? Just approaching this from an audio professional POV.

Agreed with Purrin's point about not bothering with burn-in.
While I believe in it to an extent, a crap sounding component will never burn-in to the point of palatableness. If you don't like it from the get go, chances are no amount of burning in will help.
If the product is unsatisfactory, it is unsatisfactory and you should contact the vendor or manufacturer to rectify the situation.
Mar 9, 2012 at 8:17 PM Post #12 of 61
If there anything I wish I could have done different, it would have been to send them in earlier. The Audeze guys know this is a premium product. They will take care of you.
Mar 9, 2012 at 9:38 PM Post #13 of 61


I would recommend burn-in because a large part of it is psychological and adjusting to their sound. But since your LCD3 sounds more muddy than your existing r1, it sounds like you have a "veiled" one. So I do not recommend burn in. Contact Audeze and explain the situation. The fixed LCD3 I got sounds nothing like my veiled pair. It retains the same mid-centric FR as the r1, but with amazing openness, clarity, control, and detail retrieval - and even better quality bass (not quantity.) This still holds true even from more the modest amps and sources I've tried it on.

Agreed on both parts. Get the LCD-3s back. Right out of the box, I found them superior to my LCD-2s just as mentioned here.
Glad you finally got to hear what I have been hearing since November.
Mar 9, 2012 at 9:53 PM Post #14 of 61

If there anything I wish I could have done different, it would have been to send them in earlier. The Audeze guys know this is a premium product. They will take care of you.

Yeah seriously.  I blame Audeze for this 100%, but you frickin shipped those across the state, and they were carted all over the place, a lot of time and effort was put into letting people hear them and more time and effort was put into evaluating them and writing reviews about them, and in the end after all that, they weren't even functioning right.  What
Mar 9, 2012 at 10:01 PM Post #15 of 61

Yeah seriously.  I blame Audeze for this 100%, but you frickin shipped those across the state, and they were carted all over the place, a lot of time and effort was put into letting people hear them and more time and effort was put into evaluating them and writing reviews about them, and in the end after all that, they weren't even functioning right.  What

Hey, I just wanted to get a second opinion to make sure my ears were functioning correctly (especially from those who owned the r2). And the TP mod did sound pretty good. (This one is way better though - no TP required.) I was hoping they would have landed with someone who went to CanJam. I should have just listened to JPnums when he suggested that I send them in.
Did you ever write a review on them? It wouldn't be in vain because it at least it would help people identify them.

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