Just Bought a Schiit LYR, Now What do I need?
Dec 31, 2010 at 9:38 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 21


500+ Head-Fier
Mar 14, 2008
Ok, this is tough having to ask these extremely basic questions but here I am doing it. You can see in my sig Ive been a portable guy but now I want a nice but not amazing system for my desk.
1 I purchased the LYR, do I need to go buy a power cable, if so where should I look and what type do I need. This question Ill ask them directly on monday after the holidays, I have already left them a message.
2 What is everyone using for a source. It appears to only have one set of RCA's on the back so Im assuming only one thing at a time.
3 Can you use a mp3 player as a source like a Zune HD from a dock or a J3 with a rca to mini plug? Or is this just a dumb Idea. I dont have any ipods btw.
4 Are there any dacs out there that will compliment the LYR in terms of sound and looks. Somrthing of similar size that I could stack underneath to save space or should I just buy one of these smaller and cheaper dacs? Will the Udac for example sound good good enough to justify the LYR.
5 Should I get any special cable for the path between the dac and the LYR.
6 Should I just get a nice CD player and Stereo, is that what most people do?
7 Basically, how do I optimize this set up?
Im going to have some DT880 600ohm headphones before I get the amp so you know what Ill be listening with here. But the T-1/ HD800/ LCD-2 are in my future, just not sure which ones yet. Eventually I think Ill have a Woo5 for my living room setup, but first the LYR to use on the desk.
Dec 31, 2010 at 10:39 PM Post #2 of 21
I don't own any Schiit amps but some general responses to help you along as soon as possible:
1. AFAIK, it should have come with a power cable terminated with the plugs compatible for your country/continent.
2. Yes, one thing at a time. Like I said I don't have any Schiit amps, but as  I suppose this to be your first desktop amp, I can chime in as I've been into full speaker rigs and now into desktop audio with headphones. I have an LD MkII at home that used to take the signal from a DAC-AH fed by my computer'sdigital out; then when that fried the digital receiver chip, the amp went into my bedroom to go with my Marantz CD60 (it had its own hp driver that does well enough for most cans); then I got a SuperPro 707 DAC for the PC and put the tube amp back to the computer rig.
3. You can, but honestly the signal might not maximize the Schiit's input, which were probably designed with fixed-voltage signal in mind. Meaning a true line out  signal. 3.5mm to RCA is OK, I suppose, barring ergo issues. Personally, I just don't like cables getting in the way, like when you lift up an S:Flo or HM801 to change tracks, as opposed to a proper dock for an iPod, DAC or CDPLayer. Don't let that stop you though if you have a good line-out signal source.
4. Check DAC dimensions on manufacturer websites, but personally I'd rather not stack some desktop components. They get hotter than portables and unlike most photos of home speaker rigs, especially from manufacturer websites promoting a product line, most of these run Class A/B. Generally a 55w/channel A/B speaker amp can run a lot cooler than even a Class A tube preamp/headphone amp, and also because the compact headphone=gear designs use the chassis as the heatsink. Meaning just because the Lyr is on top, doesn't mean the heat it takes away from it's internal components won't make it to the chassis of the DAC which is probably trying to do the same thing.
5. Not necessarily, but if you get cables better than the freebies from either the amp or DAC or dock, I say you don't need anything really expensive. I use pro-audio 3-core conductors and terminate them with good quality plugs. If you don't have the DIY skills or quick access to someone who does, first thing you look at is the quality of the plugs. Weight, solid feel, and difficulty in pulling htem out are good (but not hte only) indicators; I had some entry-level Neutriks lose grip within a few months. Their ProFi line is fantastic though.
6. You don't need a "stereo." People use the term to refer to the whole rig, but it really jsut means, basically, 2 channel. As in your having two good eyes is also "stereo(scopic)" as much as your ears and the recording on most media are. That also means you don't need the entire "stereo rig," just the CDPlayer or DAC. One thing to consider though: Do you still listen and JUST listen, and swap out discs, or listen to each disc from start to finish? If most of these is a "no," you're much better off with a DAC with a USB input. Most DACs can get the same quality sound as a CDPlayer, barring a particular CDPLayer that you happen to like and there's no DAC with a similar circuit around. And I don't want to get into it, but there have been looooong threads on virtually every forum debating whether an optical drive inside a CDPlayer or a dedicated CD transport is better than a PC soundcard with SPDIF output, not to mention some with only USB, but generally, try not to worry too much about this part. Just upgrade your soundcard later on if you don't have SPDIF now, listen to music, and if you really need to sweat over details, it shouldn't be this one.
7. Just get a good source and of course a proper headphone that actually needs the juice the Lyr can deliver. You already have the DT880, no need to rush getting another headphone yet, so decide on a DAC or CDPlayer first.
One tip though, maybe you can start long-term gear planning already. The  Fiio X3 portable player with SPDIF coaxial out is due next year, so a DAC might be a better choice. Just make sure it has more than one SPDIF input and a USB input, that way you can hook up your laptop through USB, or your PC through optical or USB, then instead of a CDPlayer, use the X3 when you don't need a computer's other functions.
Dec 31, 2010 at 10:46 PM Post #3 of 21
How did you buy it? The official website makes you choose a plug type before allowing you to pre-order.
Dec 31, 2010 at 11:07 PM Post #4 of 21
2. It has one pair of input.  You can use a preamp that has multiple input source for a CD player, DAC, tuner, phono, tape out. Then feed your preamp output to this Schiit to use it as a headphone amp.
5. All you need is a nice pair of IC from your preamp to your Schiit headphone amp.
Dec 31, 2010 at 11:38 PM Post #5 of 21
ProtegeManiac, thanks for taking the time to answer so thoroughly. Answered many of my questions and raised a couple new ones. One idea I just had for at least temporary is that I have a Meier Audio 3 Move that has a DAC. It isnt an amazing DAC but I already know it sounds good and has crossfeed which I like. So would I be able to buy a RCA to mini and hook it right up to the LYR.
Navii, you are correct. I forgot. I thought that meant that the amp would be wired for the correct voltage not neccasarily that it comes with a power cord for that voltage. Or is it all in the cord and has nothing to do with the amp. I did pre order right off of their website through google checkout.
wuwhere, thanks for that. Now I know that is a possibility. I came into a pretty good sized record collection that I would love to get a record player for. Now I need to figure out where to find a good preamp that doesnt have its own built in amp for a decent price. Google is my friend.
Jan 1, 2011 at 12:21 AM Post #6 of 21
If you decide to get a preamp, the next question is how do you control the volume? You want to feed the Schiit the cleanest input voltage with the lowest distortion. If I were you, I would max the vol on this Schiit and use the preamp's vol. But that's just me.
ProtegeManiac, thanks for taking the time to answer so thoroughly. Answered many of my questions and raised a couple new ones. One idea I just had for at least temporary is that I have a Meier Audio 3 Move that has a DAC. It isnt an amazing DAC but I already know it sounds good and has crossfeed which I like. So would I be able to buy a RCA to mini and hook it right up to the LYR.
Navii, you are correct. I forgot. I thought that meant that the amp would be wired for the correct voltage not neccasarily that it comes with a power cord for that voltage. Or is it all in the cord and has nothing to do with the amp. I did pre order right off of their website through google checkout.
wuwhere, thanks for that. Now I know that is a possibility. I came into a pretty good sized record collection that I would love to get a record player for. Now I need to figure out where to find a good preamp that doesnt have its own built in amp for a decent price. Google is my friend.

Jan 1, 2011 at 12:35 AM Post #7 of 21
ProtegeManiac, thanks for taking the time to answer so thoroughly. Answered many of my questions and raised a couple new ones. One idea I just had for at least temporary is that I have a Meier Audio 3 Move that has a DAC. It isnt an amazing DAC but I already know it sounds good and has crossfeed which I like. So would I be able to buy a RCA to mini and hook it right up to the LYR.
Navii, you are correct. I forgot. I thought that meant that the amp would be wired for the correct voltage not neccasarily that it comes with a power cord for that voltage. Or is it all in the cord and has nothing to do with the amp. I did pre order right off of their website through google checkout.
wuwhere, thanks for that. Now I know that is a possibility. I came into a pretty good sized record collection that I would love to get a record player for. Now I need to figure out where to find a good preamp that doesnt have its own built in amp for a decent price. Google is my friend.

If I may chime in...I have a Schiit Asgard and I pre-ordered a Lyr as well in anticipation of getting a pair of LCD-2 headphones.  They do come with a power cord.  Actually since you appear to live in WA, any computer component power cord will fit, but the amps do come with one and some connector cables to include a mini-to-dual RCA.  Jason and the folks at Schiit even include a mini-to-1/4 in plug adapter.  As for sources, I use a Cowon J3 portable media player plugged straight into the Asgard amp.  The Lyr should take the same source...so portables players are fine.  Actually my J3 player, through the Asgard and my Grado HF-2 headphones sounds really great. 

So, your cables should be covered and your source should work, but you can always build up from there.  


-HK sends
Jan 1, 2011 at 12:51 AM Post #8 of 21

ProtegeManiac, thanks for taking the time to answer so thoroughly. Answered many of my questions and raised a couple new ones. One idea I just had for at least temporary is that I have a Meier Audio 3 Move that has a DAC. It isnt an amazing DAC but I already know it sounds good and has crossfeed which I like. So would I be able to buy a RCA to mini and hook it right up to the LYR.
Navii, you are correct. I forgot. I thought that meant that the amp would be wired for the correct voltage not neccasarily that it comes with a power cord for that voltage. Or is it all in the cord and has nothing to do with the amp. I did pre order right off of their website through google checkout.
wuwhere, thanks for that. Now I know that is a possibility. I came into a pretty good sized record collection that I would love to get a record player for. Now I need to figure out where to find a good preamp that doesnt have its own built in amp for a decent price. Google is my friend.

If I may chime in...I have a Schiit Asgard and I pre-ordered a Lyr as well in anticipation of getting a pair of LCD-2 headphones.  They do come with a power cord.  Actually since you appear to live in WA, any computer component power cord will fit, but the amps do come with one and some connector cables to include a mini-to-dual RCA.  Jason and the folks at Schiit even include a mini-to-1/4 in plug adapter.  As for sources, I use a Cowon J3 portable media player plugged straight into the Asgard amp.  The Lyr should take the same source...so portables players are fine.  Actually my J3 player, through the Asgard and my Grado HF-2 headphones sounds really great. 

So, your cables should be covered and your source should work, but you can always build up from there.  


-HK sends

Perfect, thanks for chiming in. I think Ill just start off using my J3 and or 3move DAC at first and then go from there. Its great to hear from someone with a J3 and a Schiit product. I am also hoping the LYR works with my Grados. I know this thing is crazy high powered but I heard my MS2 through receiver in a high end audio shop in town here and I thought it made an amazing difference. They just seemed to pop with much more controlled and sharp sound. It felt as though the extra current just pushed them to their best. People keep telling me the MS2 doesnt need any amping but I feel like they do if you want them at the best they have to offer.
Oh, Im a BBE addict. How does that come through the amp, or do you just leave the J3 flat and crank up the volume and let the amp color or hopefully not color the sound. Im hoping I can use the eq or the Viva2 setting without causing the sound to go crap.
Jan 1, 2011 at 1:25 AM Post #9 of 21

ProtegeManiac, thanks for taking the time to answer so thoroughly. Answered many of my questions and raised a couple new ones. One idea I just had for at least temporary is that I have a Meier Audio 3 Move that has a DAC. It isnt an amazing DAC but I already know it sounds good and has crossfeed which I like. So would I be able to buy a RCA to mini and hook it right up to the LYR.
Navii, you are correct. I forgot. I thought that meant that the amp would be wired for the correct voltage not neccasarily that it comes with a power cord for that voltage. Or is it all in the cord and has nothing to do with the amp. I did pre order right off of their website through google checkout.
wuwhere, thanks for that. Now I know that is a possibility. I came into a pretty good sized record collection that I would love to get a record player for. Now I need to figure out where to find a good preamp that doesnt have its own built in amp for a decent price. Google is my friend.

If I may chime in...I have a Schiit Asgard and I pre-ordered a Lyr as well in anticipation of getting a pair of LCD-2 headphones.  They do come with a power cord.  Actually since you appear to live in WA, any computer component power cord will fit, but the amps do come with one and some connector cables to include a mini-to-dual RCA.  Jason and the folks at Schiit even include a mini-to-1/4 in plug adapter.  As for sources, I use a Cowon J3 portable media player plugged straight into the Asgard amp.  The Lyr should take the same source...so portables players are fine.  Actually my J3 player, through the Asgard and my Grado HF-2 headphones sounds really great. 

So, your cables should be covered and your source should work, but you can always build up from there.  


-HK sends

Perfect, thanks for chiming in. I think Ill just start off using my J3 and or 3move DAC at first and then go from there. Its great to hear from someone with a J3 and a Schiit product. I am also hoping the LYR works with my Grados. I know this thing is crazy high powered but I heard my MS2 through receiver in a high end audio shop in town here and I thought it made an amazing difference. They just seemed to pop with much more controlled and sharp sound. It felt as though the extra current just pushed them to their best. People keep telling me the MS2 doesnt need any amping but I feel like they do if you want them at the best they have to offer.
Oh, Im a BBE addict. How does that come through the amp, or do you just leave the J3 flat and crank up the volume and let the amp color or hopefully not color the sound. Im hoping I can use the eq or the Viva2 setting without causing the sound to go crap.

I set up my own EQ and BBE settings and run it through the Asgard.  I tried to stick with flat EQ but the recording quality of the my music varies.  I found EQ brings some of it up to where I enjoy listening.  That's why they put the settings there. 

If you enjoy it, no reason not to use it.  I listened to my Grado HF-2s for hours last night with my J3 and Asgard playing EQ'd music and it was great. 

-HK sends
Jan 1, 2011 at 2:03 AM Post #12 of 21
LCD-2s too 

-HK sends
HE6, There is no other reason to own such a powerful headphone amp.

X2, the four headphones mentioned in the OP (including the LCD-2) don't need anywhere near this power but maybe it's about keeping more options open.
Jan 1, 2011 at 3:27 AM Post #14 of 21
Its one thing about power but its another thing about how it closely reproduce the recordings.

You have just traveled back in time 70 years with this comment to just before the invention of indirectly heated tubes. A day when a 15W radio was a positive powerhouse, and things were designed by ear.
I agree, there is more to headphone amps than lots of power. Unless you have a headphone that needs lots of power.
Jan 1, 2011 at 10:03 PM Post #15 of 21

ProtegeManiac, thanks for taking the time to answer so thoroughly. Answered many of my questions and raised a couple new ones. One idea I just had for at least temporary is that I have a Meier Audio 3 Move that has a DAC. It isnt an amazing DAC but I already know it sounds good and has crossfeed which I like. So would I be able to buy a RCA to mini and hook it right up to the LYR.

Personally, I'd always rather have only one potentiometer controlling the volume. Although you can just level-match with the 3Move; just look it up in DIYMA because I've forgotten how I used to do it in a car ever since I got a Digital Designs 4channel amp for my front speakers (that thing has so much power, and my Pioneer CD receiver puts out 6v, that all gain settings on the amp are at zero, and I cut some digital volume for the signal going to the high frequency drivers). Also, using a preamp with multiple inputs can help you with hooking up more sources, but you're just using it as a switcher anyway. Might as well look around for source switchers, like on Parts Express, but a better option might be to ask one of the DIY-ers here if they can make a passive switcher for you. They'd know how to make the circuit as simple and the sound as transparent as possible. Have at least three inputs on it: two RCA's, so you can use a DAC and a CDPlayer or video source, then the third should be a 3.5mm for your portable players, that way there's no need for the bulky converters.

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