Jaben Fear...
Jul 8, 2010 at 11:26 PM Post #61 of 204
 i went to the website but somehow, i don't think i will sign up cuz it reminds me of this website that promises to cure all your eye problems or something... plus they don't look too professional but that's just my impression.^^

Hi Alyssa,
If you feel it, then it's not stupid.  I just have to say that. :)
Something that helped me with various issues I had was the Emotional Freedom Technique. They used to have a direct link to a free manual, but now seem to require you submit your email address for a "Starter Kit". It does work and has with myself and a few people "reset" (the best word I can use to describe it) some serious emotional distress we had related to various issues.  While it wont magically cure you of anything, it made my life a lot easier.

Jul 9, 2010 at 12:01 AM Post #64 of 204
Ooh, I've used my friend's ER6is. I couldn't hear her asking for them back when she was yelling. Nor the ball that promptly hit my head, if that helps. They really tune most of the world out, even before music. With music, you probably wouldn't be able to hear a train.
The X3is are ported, I think, so not that good for isolation in that case, if I'm correct. Pretty sure I am because they use dynamic drivers and they need vents...
Jul 9, 2010 at 12:04 AM Post #65 of 204
more cute animals!
a tiger with an orangutan(orang means people, utan the forest so it translates to people of the forest just BTW^^)

a tiger with a chipmunk(i'm crazy about tigers...)

baby kittens!

yet more kittens!

and more and i swear, this is the absolute last...hehee....




Heck, most baby animals are adorable.
See AlyssaBelle, not all guys are freaks. Some of us have hearts for cute baby animals. A few (hope not too many) bad experiences shouldn't leave you paralyzed.
And ironically enough, Closer by NIN starts playing... Whoopsies.

The Gamma2 not to your liking? Well, budget can be different for everyone, I guess. I was actually doing research for a cheap-ish desktop DAC too, and decided on the Gamma2. I think it's around $350 maxed out if MisterX makes it for you. I was saving up for parts to make one, but I'm making a speaker system too so a Squeezebox makes more sense.

Jul 9, 2010 at 12:18 AM Post #66 of 204
Mighty creepy chipmunk on the second one. :wink:

Haha I love tigers, but now tigers have connotations that make me crack up whenever I see a picture of one.
Jul 9, 2010 at 12:19 AM Post #67 of 204
I'll be honest. More than half my friends think I'm gay and just in denial. Not that there's anything wrong with that, but I want kids that I don't have to give the "you're adopted!" speech to. Haha this is still strangely on topic, kind of.

ol! it would seriously suck if you like had to give them that speech when they're young... sides, being gay in Singapore is against the law...
Jul 9, 2010 at 12:26 AM Post #68 of 204
What?! That's absurd. Aren't people born that way? The government can't...wait, no politics here...well...poor them...

And I know right?! Well, they'd probably assume so anyways if they have two daddies. And that brings up a cute story I heard. I'll edit it in tomorrow when I'm on a computer. Too hard to do it on a phone. Anyways, yeah. I'm apparently a rather feminine dude. I was raised with women in the house (we shared a house with my parents' friends) and yeah. I act gay once in a while but she who must be obeyed can attest I'm not. But if it's (my quirky, colorful personality) helped me get in the minds of my galpals (just had to use that term), so be it.
Jul 9, 2010 at 12:37 AM Post #69 of 204
Singapore is a rather ''conservative'' country, littering can get you fines up to more than a thousand, over 25g of any drug like ecstasy and its the gallows for ya... also, you can't search online for info like how to make bombs else the police will come after you and more... and free speech here is more like freely speak what the government wants or allows you to say...(gosh i'm ranting and raving...lols)
Jul 9, 2010 at 12:43 AM Post #70 of 204

Quote:Originally Posted by AlyssaBelle Singapore is a rather ''conservative'' country, littering can get you fines up to more than a thousand, over 25g of any drug like ecstasy and its the gallows for ya... also, you can't search online for info like how to make bombs else the police will come after you and more... and free speech here is more like freely speak what the government wants or allows you to say...(gosh i'm ranting and raving...lols)

The first one's kind of harsh, but I like it. The second...oy. I'd have lost a lot of friends if that applied here. The third, I think that applies here too, but only atomic bombs. Or that's just a myth. Don't really feel like trying it.

Haha this is really getting off topic. PM me for random conversation if ya want. But I won't be able to answer until tomorrow morning here. Feel like crap and been up for too long.
Jul 9, 2010 at 12:48 AM Post #71 of 204
^ and you can't even eat bubble gum. People come over malaysia to buy them....

Jul 9, 2010 at 1:39 AM Post #72 of 204

I'm actually thinking of getting an etymotic er4p and a X3i followed by a hippo gumstick and a sansa clip +, the X3i and sansa clip + are for my mum, the rest is for me...hehe... do you have the X3i cravenz? could you comment on the noise isolation? cuz my mum works in a really noisy place but she don't wish to buy expensive earphones... i wonder, would you say that the er6i is better than the er4p or the other way round? cuz while a lot of reviews say that they are the same but the er4p is better, they don't give more details than that...

heh. I don't have experience with etymotic 'cept I do know that they are probably the best in terms of noise isolation so you can't go far wrong with it honestly

Jul 9, 2010 at 2:08 AM Post #73 of 204
Etymotic is very analytical. For a lot of people, it's either love it or hate it. So you should try it out before buying it, to prevent feeling regret.
Its focus is on the treble and details. You won't get thunderous bass out of it, but you will get tight precise bass. Think of precision, neutrality and accuracy, that's what Ety is about. And Etymotic comes with their triple flange, which requires pretty deep insertion. Personally, I use the triple flange on my HF5, since I am not fan of foam user.
Why not get the Etymotic MC5? They should be available there a while from now. 
Jul 9, 2010 at 3:58 AM Post #75 of 204

I think there's always some sort of party every Friday. I always get something like that in the Jaben notifications. No idea why I signed up for their email list. I live in the USA.
There should be a Jaben store here. Specifically in Chicago.
There's one in Europe isn't there?
Wish I could help the OP get over her fears. I've been told by my female friends (who make up a majority of my friends, strangely enough) I'm a harmless guy.

I used to like the Bacon Salt-ed tomato soup/Baconaise sandwiches the most. However, nowadays I either fell out, lost contact with, or audiophile acquaintances/friends are too busy nowadays...and I don't like going alone anymore. I don't feel the same atmosphere and 'love' I used to.

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