iTouch - Initial Impressions
Oct 25, 2007 at 2:50 PM Post #16 of 45
Line out works fine for me with my Sendstation dock. Sounds excellent, but I rarely use it because it spoils the shape/feel of the Touch.

"(no volume in CoverFlow and adjusting volume when "locked" requires too many steps" - read my post above. Two quick taps on the button brings up the volume slider.

Oct 25, 2007 at 4:26 PM Post #18 of 45
I am surprised by all the negative comments on the Touch with ER4S. The best combo I have found so far with the Touch is my ER4P w/ 75ohm resistor (=ER4S). I think it sounds great. Second place goes to Touch + iCans.

This is my primary on the go DAP just cause of all the other features, plus the sound is great to my ears. What does the rumor mill say about software updates that may allow more functionality/ 3rd party apps.
Oct 25, 2007 at 9:40 PM Post #20 of 45

Originally Posted by shigzeo /img/forum/go_quote.gif
i have found all of what you said to be true except for the sound. perhaps ipod and er4s do not mate well.. i have never heard them together except for an ipod shuffle.

it is great and detailed and not too warm or cold with my atrio m5, a big step up from my d2.

I agree the touch beats the D2 in the sound dept and I don't find it tinny at all.
Oct 25, 2007 at 9:45 PM Post #21 of 45

Originally Posted by Moocher /img/forum/go_quote.gif
"1) I can't seem to change the volume except when in certain screens."

Tap the button on the front of the touch twice to bring up a volume control from any screen according to the instructions. Sometimes this works for me and sometimes it doesn't.

I love my Touch. It's a beautiful and brilliant device. Holding it in your hand is a real pleasure. The sound is at least as good as my 5.5g video. With calendar, contacts, and Safari, it's a great pda. All we need is a TextEdit and calendar entry.

I'm looking forward to seeing where Apple will take this, both for software upgrades/add-ons and for the next generation of the hardware.


Calender entry is pretty easily solved by jailbreaking the touch and then connecting via FTP and installing the Iphone Cal app. It took me about 10 minutes to get all that done and now I have the fully functional Calendar that syncs back to my laptop. Also was able to get Google maps, Notes, Weather, and mail apps loaded as well. I love the touch even more now.
Oct 26, 2007 at 6:08 PM Post #24 of 45

Originally Posted by GAD /img/forum/go_quote.gif
What are the risks with Jailbreaking the iTouch?


You might make your iPod touch into what Steve Jobs advertised it as: an iPhone without the phone. You'll get a useful, basic PDA, so long as you only need syncing for the calendar and contact list. You might also discover all sorts of other applications that make this thing even more useful, which will cause you to spend excess time with your iPod to the possible neglect of family, friends, and even work.

Really, just do it. It's worth it
Oct 26, 2007 at 7:46 PM Post #25 of 45
Jailbreak will be commonplace come February when they release the SDK to third parties. This could theoretically make this my idea portable music player. The only thing I'm concerned about is why it's going to take them so long to do it. There are two possible reaons:

(1) Leave the iTouch/iPhone seperation until after the christmas season. Part of the reason of the appeal for the iPhone is that people getting a cell phone anyways will get a two-in-one to merge their other ipod and phone. But if they don't really need another phone, and most of the features are on the iPod Touch, iPhone sales will lag. So adding bonuses to the iPhone helps differentiate the two products.

2. Program restrictions. I really hope that it doesn't come to this. This could limit the iTouch's ability to an advanced ipod and NOT a PDA. I'd love to be able to stream internet radio and various flash sites, but anything to take away from Apple sales will probably be prohibited.
Oct 27, 2007 at 1:55 AM Post #26 of 45
Well I did the Jailbreak. At first it didn't go well. The instructions didn't tell me that I needed to be connected to wireless to do it (I wasn't), so I needed to reset and start over. Actually I altered the script and ran it from that point...

Summerboard mucked up my display sumthin' awful, so I had to uninstall (I hate that word), that, and THEN it worked beautifully. My screen is full of icons for meaningless time-wasting games. Huzzah!

Oct 27, 2007 at 8:12 PM Post #28 of 45

Originally Posted by GAD /img/forum/go_quote.gif
OK I'm an app-installing fool. I now have two pages of icons.

Will an iTunes update blow all this stuff away?


If you do a restore or a firmware update it will wipe out the jailbreak and all your apps. Be very careful when a new firmware comes out since iTunes will pester you about updating. All I know is that I'll stick with 1.1.1 for a long time and I will need a really good incentive to change from it.
Oct 31, 2007 at 1:22 AM Post #30 of 45
So I now have three pages of apps on my iTouch. Wheeeee!

I have OpenSSH running, which is awesome - I can now use the iTouch to get to my Solaris machines!

I'm trying to get the mail app from the iPhone working on it to no avail - anyone do this?

I find I'm spending WAY more time fiddling with this thing than I am listening to music on it.


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