Is my tinnitus permanent?
Jun 22, 2005 at 5:05 PM Post #16 of 32
i think you should stop listening to music PERIOD until you see that doctor! this isn't something to fool around with, it could be a lifetime of ringing if you don't check it out now and see what's going on!

edit - and if your amp really has a distorting tube and you've been cranking it to enjoy that sound - watch out! that amp may be pumping some nasty nasty square waves into your noggin!
Jun 22, 2005 at 5:09 PM Post #17 of 32

Originally Posted by Jahn
i think you should stop listening to music PERIOD until you see that doctor! this isn't something to fool around with, it could be a lifetime of ringing if you don't check it out now and see what's going on!

edit - and if your amp really has a distorting tube and you've been cranking it to enjoy that sound - watch out! that amp may be pumping some nasty nasty square waves into your noggin!

I have reduced the dB's and I feel no pain, sensitivity, and the ringing is mild, but usually notice it with headphones when gaming. I will heed your advice though and set up an appointment today, I guess.
Jun 22, 2005 at 5:09 PM Post #18 of 32

Originally Posted by Jahn
i think you should stop listening to music PERIOD until you see that doctor! this isn't something to fool around with, it could be a lifetime of ringing if you don't check it out now and see what's going on!

edit - and if your amp really has a distorting tube and you've been cranking it to enjoy that sound - watch out! that amp may be pumping some nasty nasty square waves into your noggin!

I have reduced the dB's and I feel no pain, sensitivity, and the ringing is mild, and I usually only notice it with headphones while gaming (think gunshots.) I will heed your advice though and set up an appointment today, I guess.
Jun 22, 2005 at 5:10 PM Post #19 of 32

Originally Posted by Jahn
i think you should stop listening to music PERIOD until you see that doctor! this isn't something to fool around with, it could be a lifetime of ringing if you don't check it out now and see what's going on!

edit - and if your amp really has a distorting tube and you've been cranking it to enjoy that sound - watch out! that amp may be pumping some nasty nasty square waves into your noggin!

I have reduced the dB's a bit and I feel no pain, sensitivity, and the ringing is mild, and I usually only notice it with headphones while gaming (think gunshots and explosions.) I will heed your advice though and set up an appointment today or very soon, however.
Jun 22, 2005 at 6:07 PM Post #20 of 32
you are still gaming with explosions that exacerbate the tinnitus? what are you doing man! *prays for your eardrums*
Jun 22, 2005 at 7:16 PM Post #21 of 32

Originally Posted by Jahn
you are still gaming with explosions that exacerbate the tinnitus? what are you doing man! *prays for your eardrums*

I have turned the volume down considerably. I have to game and listen to music or I would go insane!

I am a musician too and have been exposing myself to high levels of noise for years. I have had tinnitus many, many times before, just never like this. I know that I might lose my hearing or get tinnitus, but I also know I have to have reasonably loud music and sound to feel satisfied. So I am doing what feels comfortable for now, which is listening at reasonable, not ear-splitting volume levels like I have been lately (which is what caused all this I bet.) The ringing is pretty minor right now and sometimes I don't notice it when I'm not paying attention to it.

Not trying to make excuses, and I am actually trying to keep busy with other non-sound related things right now anyway.
Jun 22, 2005 at 7:23 PM Post #22 of 32
My Grados give me very high-pitched tinnitus. It usually ends up being a combination of fluid, fatigue, and tiredness. Goes away almost completely in some situations.
Jun 22, 2005 at 8:48 PM Post #23 of 32

Originally Posted by Asterix
I'm wondering if it might be permanent.

Hopefully not..... lay off listening to music for a few weeks and when you start listening again don't listen at "loud" levels.
Jun 22, 2005 at 10:15 PM Post #24 of 32

Originally Posted by MD1032
My Grados give me very high-pitched tinnitus. It usually ends up being a combination of fluid, fatigue, and tiredness. Goes away almost completely in some situations.

The SR225's did it for me. Listened too loud on them so I stopped listening for nearly two weeks.

I noticed it more when listening on closed phones. I started to think that there was something wrong with my recordings so I slowly took the Beyers off and the high pitched whistle that I could hear remained - even when I blocked my ears with my hands.

I really didn't think that it would go away but eventually it faded.
Jun 26, 2005 at 9:11 AM Post #25 of 32
The tinnitus has reduced to the point where I no longer notice, if it is there at all. Listening at reduced volumes seemed to give my ears a chance to recover. I'm definately going to be more careful from now on.
Jun 26, 2005 at 9:50 AM Post #26 of 32

Originally Posted by Asterix
The tinnitus has reduced to the point where I no longer notice, if it is there at all. Listening at reduced volumes seemed to give my ears a chance to recover. I'm definately going to be more careful from now on.

I know exactly what you mean. It is such a relief when it starts to go away. I thought that I had done my ears for good and the sense of relief when it goes is enormous.

Now, I am very careful with volume as well.
Jun 26, 2005 at 6:41 PM Post #27 of 32
I used to think my SR-325s were causing my tinnitus. But now I think it was mostly stress. I've been on my summer break from College for a couple months and my tinnitus is very monor now, despite the fact that I listen to my transportable rig at least 4 hours a day at work.

[Shameless plus]It's also my 20th birthday today[/shameless plug]
Aug 11, 2010 at 8:21 PM Post #28 of 32
Aerius I have had ringing for a year. I'm pretty much out of love for life until it's gone. Could you explain what you were doing with the headphones that cured it? Were you listening to some kind of white noise or something. Ive tried just about everything so I want to try whatever you did. Please email me an explanation of what you did. I really need help.
Aug 12, 2010 at 5:29 PM Post #30 of 32
You know you have been on head-fi for to long when someone bumps a thread you dont even remember posting in.

I'd LOL if this weren't such a serious topic.
I have a tinnitus since '04 and while it did get slightly better over time, it can get seriously bothersome when I'm in stress... Like right now.
Today, I had to turn up the volume twice as loud as I usually do to not hear the ringing. Actually it's a ringing on one ear (it's always the other ear than from where you hear it) and a hissing on the other. On bad days I'd rather not hear at all than having a constant noise in your head...
However, I often don't notice it at all. As I said, it's very stress dependent.

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