Is my signature offensive?
Mar 20, 2004 at 6:49 AM Post #31 of 39
dudes, i posted a link to the quote. its a tarnetino quote on CGI effects in movies and involves allusions to illicit contact with a nintendo. check the first page of this thread, its there.

EDIT: fixed spelling. as a physics major, i am exempted from embarrassment, btw.
Mar 20, 2004 at 6:58 AM Post #32 of 39

now don't make me feel bad, you didn't have to do that. i'm just one of those people like kelly was

Not too much like Kelly. You at least pretend to have feelings.
Mar 20, 2004 at 7:35 AM Post #33 of 39
ok, i overcame the laziness and read the quote; i have to say i agree with it 100%. i hate cgi and always have, read my feelings on the pathetic starwars remakes and the newer films and you'll get my drift. in fact i saw the trailers for hell boy and to me it looks like a overhyped cartoon, i'd never pay to see it, imo it looks like feces, and as far as the swearing it's never bothered me one bit. i'm pretty much alone on that one though. at least from what i've read, instead of calling it swearing i call it colorful language and i've never subscibed to the theory that you're lazy if you use expletives, i think there are times and places for it. i don't make a habit of using it but if you go back through my history of posts you'll find some colorful language, but i thought it was appropriate at the time. as far as having feelings you only need to know what i do for jobs and you'd know i serve people and my community without asking for a pat on the back, i do it because it makes ME feel good about what i'm doing, i feel like i contribute something positive to society, a different subject alltogether. i guess that's why i have such respect for tuberoller.
Mar 20, 2004 at 7:55 AM Post #34 of 39
the meaning of language is entirely context-dependent, and outside of a sentence's original context of utterance, the sentence can become something embarrassing, dangerous, offensive, or downright unintelligible. People bring a certain context, a certain background of experience and culture to any situation, and in reading a statement, such as tarentino's, its entirely plausible that they will find it shocking and offensive. Just because something flies with me and my friends, doesn't mean it will fly with my girlfriend's grandmother.

because we cannot all normalize our cultures and experiences, we cannot all see a single sentence in the same way. written vs. spoken word makes it worse. therefore, if one is to be considerate, one has to do a certain amount of self-censure, as regrettable as that is.

or so the argument goes....
Mar 20, 2004 at 8:06 AM Post #35 of 39
i wouldn't call you a scumbag, you're just alot like me, you call em like you see em and there's nothing wrong with that. it's just that over the past year or so this place has become a bit more pc, for good or bad, it's not my forum so i'm not going to complain. it's for the big guy to decide.
Mar 20, 2004 at 8:12 AM Post #36 of 39
the funny thing is i wrote that i'm a scumbag before i ever put the tarentino quote as my sig.

calling myself a scumbag is my way of saying that we are all scumbags at many points in time in many ways, and its important to admit that to ourselves and to others. i just didn't express myself fully, because i'm lazy. and a scumbag.
Mar 20, 2004 at 1:16 PM Post #38 of 39
tarantino unfortunately is too smart for most people to understand. i'll admit to watching pulp fiction the first time and saying "just what the hell did i just watch" although i hadn't yet seen reservoir dogs at that point so i didn't understand his approach to making films. i will say that without seeing kill bill that i probably won't like it because from what i heard from numerous people is that it's more cartoon like than anything else he has made, although i may have missed the point.
Mar 22, 2004 at 6:50 PM Post #39 of 39

Originally posted by XXhalberstramXX
dudes, i posted a link to the quote. its a tarnetino quote on CGI effects in movies and involves allusions to elicit contact with a nintendo. check the first page of this thread, its there.

That would be illicit contact with a Nintendo

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