ipod touch with OLED screen???
Aug 4, 2011 at 2:08 AM Post #31 of 38
pentile matrix has been finally replaced by true RGB OLED screens with the galaxy s2 so atleast we are seeing progress and a DPI increase and brighter better sunlight viewing. OLED is progressing, mark my words it will replace hand held mobile device screens before 2020 across the board. In most highend devices by 2015-2017 with better quality than the retina display in almost all aspects. Viewing angle, pixel response, dpi, efficiency, black levels, contrast ratio and even color accuracy eventually.
Aug 5, 2011 at 3:41 AM Post #32 of 38
pentile matrix has been finally replaced by true RGB OLED screens with the galaxy s2 so atleast we are seeing progress and a DPI increase and brighter better sunlight viewing. OLED is progressing, mark my words it will replace hand held mobile device screens before 2020 across the board. In most highend devices by 2015-2017 with better quality than the retina display in almost all aspects. Viewing angle, pixel response, dpi, efficiency, black levels, contrast ratio and even color accuracy eventually.

sorry but thats got to be one of the strangest posts ive seen in a while, putting specific dates on things in consumer hi-tech so far into the future is doomed to fail. better chance that by 2020 there will be a completely new technology; we will be jacking it into our brains and flying cars will fill the skys; that 'wipes the floor' with OLED does it not?
also, you would be surprised at the amount of professional fashion and sports photographers, journalists and web designers that use the iphone/ipod touch/ipad to accurately check and cull photos they have taken with their SLR and even as a viewfinder, colour accuracy of OLED is still utter poo, colours that 'pop' are useless for professionals
Aug 6, 2011 at 3:50 AM Post #34 of 38
I have the X1061 and two 4th gen Itouches, the X has better contrast and the colors DO pop, but that retina screen, WOW, and the Anti Reflective coating on the Itouch screen it really helps. I don't think they will go much beyond the retina screens resolution,  they might take to 1080 on larger devices, maybe even select smaller ones, but when you see a retina screen, you will pretty much see that it would be pointless to go beyond it.
Aug 6, 2011 at 4:08 AM Post #36 of 38
for now, if Apple puts a retina type screen on the Ipad, it will change things...
Aug 6, 2011 at 4:20 AM Post #38 of 38
Yes, for twice the price, and on the go, I like the simplicity an Ipad provides.

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