Initial Impressions of the Beyerdynamic DT48E, 25 OHM
Jun 26, 2009 at 12:16 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 24


100+ Head-Fier
Feb 12, 2009

The Beyerdynamic DT48E's came today...and I thought I'd lend a few initial impressions.

I'll be using these to monitor live interviews/taped reports and the weekly talk radio show I direct.

-Build Quality/Durability: A+. I was not expecting anything near the build quality I see. These are built to last, heavy, solid, using nuts and bolts. Every part of them is quality. Excellent materials, finish, and again, strength.
However, the coiled cord is quite short. And while it works great in the field with the Marantz PMD661, for office use I wish the cord was longer. Whenever I use them at the office or at home, the cord stretches straight out to the source. These were obviously made for people who sit right next to the HP output, like producers, sound engineers or reporters. I haven't used them in the studio yet, but in my seat there, there's a HP jack right within inches. So I think that will be just right. Whenever I brought my Denons into the studio, I was always slowed down by their football-field length of straight cable.

-Comfort: B. The padded cups are very soft...BUT....these headphone have some serious clamping pressure. I have a large head, and they press pretty hard on my ears. Does anyone know if the clamping relaxes over time? Plus, I have the sliders maxxed out...and they fit, but barely. I could have used another 1/2 inch on each slider. People with normal sized heads, please disregard.

-Sound Quality: B. For this, I used the Audio-gd Compass, listening to CD's and lossless audio on iTunes. I found the DT48E's to be incredibly detailed, precise and with a surprising soundstage for closed headphones...very nice for the radio field work I'll use them for. However, the bass is more attenuated than with any headphones I've heard. There's no bass hit at all. And no deep, deep bass. And while you can still hear the bass of course, it has no impact, and no punch. If any of your music uses subwoofer hits, forget it. The sound doesn't even appear. It does appear on all my Denons, but not the DT48E. Bass is there, but not a major player. These are strictly treble and midrange phones, that's it. Still fine for my purposes, but unacceptable for music use, IMHO. Anyone have any idea about whether that will improve with burn-in?

-Isolation: A. These headphones shut out external noises admirably. That helps in loud news environments when you have to hear the words...and not the ambient sounds...through your headphones . And they let out virtually no sound, which is perfect for office settings, and also radio studios, where sound from your headphones can easily leak out into your microphone, which will come across as an echo when it's on-air.

-Personal Conclusions: A. I have to give due regard to the purpose of the DT48E's. No one has ever suggested they have bass in abundance, nor has anyone said they're the perfect living room 'phones for music or home theatre.
However, many, many have said they're great for Electronic News Gathering and studio monitoring. I agree with the former. They'd never die in the field, no matter how much abuse you lay out. As for studio monitoring, I'd offer a caveat...they're great for talk radio, which is why I got them, and how I'll use them. But, for music studios? If you rode the mixing board with these, and tried to mix in the appropriate amount of bass, I think you'd find that as soon as you took them off and listened to the same mix with other HP's or speakers, your mix would be way bass heavy.

- Overall: A.

I believe you have to use tools for what they're designed for. And these are field reporting headphones. In that regard, they're perfect.
Jun 26, 2009 at 1:39 AM Post #2 of 24
I found the bass perfectly acceptable. Sure, it's not very punchy, but it's there and it goes deep enough for me, anyway.

I found it odd that your sound quality section focused so heavily on bass. I personally love them to bits for music, and some missing bass extension seems like a minor gripe to me. The lack of punch, on the other hand, just seems like part of its signature, and doesn't bother me.

Anyway, I can't give a 'score' for it in SQ because I wouldn't dare suggest I have any qualifications to judge it, I just take some issue with your analysis of the sound.

That isn't to say I dislike the review; I am sure many people who listen for the same things that you do will find this plenty helpful, and the other sections apply universally.
Jun 26, 2009 at 2:52 AM Post #3 of 24

Originally Posted by Oggranak /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I found the bass perfectly acceptable. Sure, it's not very punchy, but it's there and it goes deep enough for me, anyway.

I found it odd that your sound quality section focused so heavily on bass. I personally love them to bits for music, and some missing bass extension seems like a minor gripe to me. The lack of punch, on the other hand, just seems like part of its signature, and doesn't bother me.

Anyway, I can't give a 'score' for it in SQ because I wouldn't dare suggest I have any qualifications to judge it, I just take some issue with your analysis of the sound.

That isn't to say I dislike the review; I am sure many people who listen for the same things that you do will find this plenty helpful, and the other sections apply universally.

I appreciate the fact that we came away with different conclusions and still shared quality information.

True, I think we're all looking for the right balance in the sound signature; and I think we all weigh different elements according to our likes and dislikes. For some it's clarity, for some, it's mids, for some it's soundstage, and for some it's bass.

These are excellent headphones. But for those who are like me, who enjoy big bass hits and deep bass extension, they don't provide it.
Jun 26, 2009 at 3:07 AM Post #4 of 24

Originally Posted by HD_Dude /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I appreciate the fact that we came away with different conclusions and still shared quality information.

True, I think we're all looking for the right balance in the sound signature; and I think we all weigh different elements according to our likes and dislikes. For some it's clarity, for some, it's mids, for some it's soundstage, and for some it's bass.

These are excellent headphones. But for those who are like me, who enjoy big bass hits and deep bass extension, they don't provide it.

On some songs I've heard them have a bit of punch, but only when the recording seems to call for a lot.

Anyway, if any information is to be taken away from this, it is:

Bassheads will not enjoy DT48Es.

More proof I'm not the basshead I once thought I was...
Jun 26, 2009 at 3:14 AM Post #5 of 24
Nice write up from a non musical (if you get what I mean perspective.) The DT48 will always get slammed for their bass, and from a audiophile, or general music listener stand point they should. I do get a bit defensive cause Beyer purposely made the bass this way cause the DT48 was designed for field recording and broadcasting first and fore most.. So, it's a bit harsh to 'diss' the DT48 bass impact when it wasn't designed that way.. But again, in this arena it's fair game. In no way am I stated you are dissing their bass.

I am surprised how many people over look the build and construction. How many headphones in production do as good a job at protecting their driver? Regardless of price. Erik stated that the build quality is at least on par with the HP1000, which is very impressive IMO.
Jun 26, 2009 at 3:22 AM Post #6 of 24

Originally Posted by Oggranak /img/forum/go_quote.gif
On some songs I've heard them have a bit of punch, but only when the recording seems to call for a lot.

Anyway, if any information is to be taken away from this, it is:

Bassheads will not enjoy DT48Es.

More proof I'm not the basshead I once thought I was...

No, they will kill it. the DT48 has no bass emphasis or boost of any kind. Strictly source related. I grown acustomed to it.. Very tight, snappy, ultra fast, and full. Drums seem right to me, as I hear them being played in a room. But having deep bass with great extension is more pleasing and enjoyable, even if it's more of the headphone then the actual recording.
Jun 26, 2009 at 3:40 AM Post #7 of 24

Originally Posted by kool bubba ice /img/forum/go_quote.gif
No, they will kill it. the DT48 has no bass emphasis or boost of any kind. Strictly source related. I grown acustomed to it.. Very tight, snappy, ultra fast, and full. Drums seem right to me, as I hear them being played in a room. But having deep bass with great extension is more pleasing and enjoyable, even if it's more of the headphone then the actual recording.

Well, I won't go into detail, but I like its bass, too, although I think my favourite headphones so far for bass might be DT770 '05s... Just the right amount of punch without ever being imposing or feeling like they bleed into other parts of the music. I haven't heard them in weeks, though, since I've been lending them to a friend, and I haven't done any side by side comparisons with the DT48Es, so I can't really say how they compare or be sure of which I like better.

Also, I will say that a bit more depth on the DT48Es would be nice. Some notes that come out clearly on my DT880s come out a little too weakly on the DT48E. (Track in question: Day Six: Childhood by Ayreon, intro). For me, though, as I said, it's a minor gripe, since those notes are few and far between and often unimportant.
Jun 26, 2009 at 5:22 AM Post #9 of 24
It is good to see another DT48 owner! I am glad you enjoy them and generally agree with the assessment of them.

It sounds like you enjoy bass-heavy music. But how about trying something that makes the DT48 sing? Do you listen to any jazz or classical? If your collection is light on those, please try Arvo Part's "Alina," "Time Out" by Dave Brubeck and "Waltz for Debby" by Bill Evans. These might be outside your preferred genres, however, they seem to have appeal to many. You don't need huge bass impact for these albums - they sound ethereal on the DT48. Now that you have a pair, you owe it to yourself to try some music suited to them.

And if you turn into a jazz freak, well, we'll be waiting for you in the Music Forum.
Jun 26, 2009 at 8:36 AM Post #10 of 24
Thank you for this accurate and complete review.

These HP are definitely built like a tank and feel like a tank (they are also quite heavy near 400g). Things designed and built to last are soooo rare today I think it is definitely worth mentionning.

I have to agree with you regarding the short coiled cable... Almost unsuitable for home listening unless you have the rig on top of your desk. I am planning to get an extension cable with a spare stock cable.

The DT48E is definitely not suited for bass heavy music... Below 50Hz (just guessing, I haven't made any measurment), it appears to be very attenuated. But still, it should allow you to listen to 99% of acoustic instruments, and while you might not hear the deepest and lowest notes of a concert piano, double bass or organ, you will never feel the sound uncoherent or rolled-off. Bass above 50Hz seem to me of excellent quality (tight, fast, not lacking slam nor weight, good impact). I even recall someone qualifying the bass of "thunderous", and I would definitely agree with this.

Another aspect of your review to point out IMO is the nice size of the soundstage, helped by the amazing resolution and separation of instruments. I was first concerned, beeing a closed headphone, but I have to admit it has exceeded my expectations.

As for the clamping force, it should relax over time. I had mine for 100 hours placed on top of a large book, and they clamp now just very gently on my ears. Actually, I find them very confortable, as the clamping force is well spread around the ear.
Jun 26, 2009 at 10:25 AM Post #11 of 24
HD Dude, what jack did yours come with? 1/8'' with 1/4'' adaptor? Plus does it have the cable on one side?

Damn this HPs really sound interesting for my tastes. I am starting to enjoy the Fostex T50RP a lot.
Jun 26, 2009 at 4:20 PM Post #12 of 24

Originally Posted by shamu144 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I even recall someone qualifying the bass of "thunderous", and I would definitely agree with this.

Since it was me who stated that, I'd have to give a proper context before a basshead pick up a DT48 and then wonder "where's the bass"?! From the little time I spent with it, I felt that the quantity of the bass of these cans is heavily dependent on the recording and upstream components. If my impressions are correct, the bass can be quite respectable if your recording, source, or amp is outputting a large amount of bass to the Beyers. Of course, I've only listened to them about twenty minutes at CanJam so be a bit skeptical about my impressions.
Jun 26, 2009 at 10:31 PM Post #15 of 24

Originally Posted by Uncle Erik /img/forum/go_quote.gif
It is good to see another DT48 owner! I am glad you enjoy them and generally agree with the assessment of them.

It sounds like you enjoy bass-heavy music. But how about trying something that makes the DT48 sing? Do you listen to any jazz or classical? If your collection is light on those, please try Arvo Part's "Alina," "Time Out" by Dave Brubeck and "Waltz for Debby" by Bill Evans. These might be outside your preferred genres, however, they seem to have appeal to many. You don't need huge bass impact for these albums - they sound ethereal on the DT48. Now that you have a pair, you owe it to yourself to try some music suited to them.

And if you turn into a jazz freak, well, we'll be waiting for you in the Music Forum.

Thank you for pointing me in new musical directions! I will take your advice, and see where it takes me. I appreciate it.


Originally Posted by shamu144 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Thank you for this accurate and complete review.

These HP are definitely built like a tank and feel like a tank (they are also quite heavy near 400g). Things designed and built to last are soooo rare today I think it is definitely worth mentionning.

I have to agree with you regarding the short coiled cable... Almost unsuitable for home listening unless you have the rig on top of your desk. I am planning to get an extension cable with a spare stock cable.

The DT48E is definitely not suited for bass heavy music... Below 50Hz (just guessing, I haven't made any measurment), it appears to be very attenuated. But still, it should allow you to listen to 99% of acoustic instruments, and while you might not hear the deepest and lowest notes of a concert piano, double bass or organ, you will never feel the sound uncoherent or rolled-off. Bass above 50Hz seem to me of excellent quality (tight, fast, not lacking slam nor weight, good impact). I even recall someone qualifying the bass of "thunderous", and I would definitely agree with this.

Another aspect of your review to point out IMO is the nice size of the soundstage, helped by the amazing resolution and separation of instruments. I was first concerned, beeing a closed headphone, but I have to admit it has exceeded my expectations.

As for the clamping force, it should relax over time. I had mine for 100 hours placed on top of a large book, and they clamp now just very gently on my ears. Actually, I find them very confortable, as the clamping force is well spread around the ear.

Agree 100%...the build quality on these is amazing. Solid, heavy, and they have just enough heft to feel 'right.'

And the soundstage is remarkable, considering they're closed. I could draw a comparison to the 880's, which I used to own. Wide soundstage, wonderful detail and air, and as we've heard before, light on bass.

Today I listened to the 2-hour raw mix of my radio show with the DT48E's, and I did find them very comfortable. I think I was immediately comparing them to the Denons, which as you know are light as a feather on your ears, and are also bass-abundant.

Which is why I'll probably stick with the Denons around the house, where they'll be pampered. However, the build quality of the Beyers is why I wanted them for field use...actually I posted a thread a few months back asking Head-Fi members which phones would be most suitable for field reporting and the overwhelming choice was the DT48E's. That response is why I got them. And you were all correct: No pampering required. Bomb-proof. You can shove them in your Porta-Brace without a thought as to whether you might snap a delicate hinge. These babies will never fail.


Originally Posted by Bullseye /img/forum/go_quote.gif
HD Dude, what jack did yours come with? 1/8'' with 1/4'' adaptor? Plus does it have the cable on one side?

Damn this HPs really sound interesting for my tastes. I am starting to enjoy the Fostex T50RP a lot.

Yes, exactly as you guessed. Inherent 1/8", with 1/4" adapter. And cable on one side. A short one.

Again, today was my first full professional use of them. The show sounded great, and I caught many sonic nuances I've never caught before.

Later, I went to my daughter's cello camp concert...and realized I had the Marantz field recorder, two Shure SM58's and my I recorded it! And man, those Beyers were excellent. Great isolation, amazing definition, and as I mentioned, beautiful soundstage.

Hey, we all have a tool chest, right? And we use different tools for different jobs. These are keepers, 100%. They just need to be used for the right stuff.

Honestly, if all of a sudden I was called upon to do a breaking news story of national, even worldwide import? Like a big, bad hurricane? I'd grab the Beyers. And I wouldn't worry about 'em one bit. Great job, Beyerdynamic!

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