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Sep 25, 2023 at 11:43 AM Post #14,326 of 18,332
How many actual hours have they had. Having owned over 20 IMR sets I can attest as can many here you NEED at least 550-600 hours before they settle into their final configuration / sound, and even then...My Semper had 600 hours and were sounding incredible & then one day they sounded very 'off' to the point I sent them back for checking. After Bob said they were fine I gave them another 200 hours burn and now they sound sublime - Night and day difference. How or why that happened is inexplainable but it happened

My Elan+ initially had about as much treble energy as I could bear for the first few hundred hours - to the point where I swopped to an older more damped filter and more recently a warmer copper cable
Currently - my Elan+ are very warm, with deep rich bass and yet very well balanced over all the frequencies...this is the polar opposite of what they were.
This current warm rich sound signature is new and has been happening just for this last week !! o_0
I had not noticed anything wrong at all but listening to the cymbals over various tracks I would say that [at their current journey of burning in] there is ZERO splash but a very very good rendition of the brass crash of cymbals. There is no excess energy at all - which is what I think you are hearing. BUT I think the tonality of the cymbals is spot on
In terms of checking - if you check with a qualified recorded mixed and mastered track such as 'Innervisions' by Stevie Wonder - Im hearing great tonality and over all balance but its true to say there is not an excess splashy energy on the cymbals by any means BUT the balance of everything I find very impressive
This is of course with my own set up [damped filter/warm copper cable/foam tips/warm source]

In terms of getting the best out of filters for cymbals - Its difficult to say as source, hearing etc etc is unique to everyone but maybe Grey lower and Blue upper?
What you are describing though does sound like you need another 1-200 hours of burn in. A lot of people here have been surprised at what a difference this can make

Ive just changed back to stock SCC copper cable and Im hearing a lot more brass cymbal crash's with full transients.
We listent to different music though. I only really listen to high quality Audiophile type of recorded music as Im more into 'Audio' than 'Music' !
Listening to Innervisions above though, Im not sure how you could improve upon what Im hearing in terms of balance, tonality and timbre.

End of the day - Either the sound signature is not for you so sell it or give it another dose of burn in (to get way above 600 hours) so you KNOW it is finally as originally tuned

Maybe not that helpful for testing but maybe an interesting reference?

Thank you very much for such an informative reply! Sure will try to give them more hours and will tell later my results. Also I want to change my softly sounding M11s to something more sharp and powerful. For now the best results in a search of lost in intimacy cymbals I am getting with deeper insertion (as much as possible, with medium white tips from Timeless AE) and blue top. Gray bottom is my usual setup also.
Sep 25, 2023 at 11:53 AM Post #14,327 of 18,332
If you dont have Elan+ then what 'personal experience' are you talking about
and considering that Bob is regarded as one of the best IEM tuners out there what makes you think he is not good at implementing BA drivers - That is laughable
This is not me who thinks that he does not like BA drivers. It is Bob himself. I had telephonic conversations with him many times in the past and whenever we talked about BA drivers or number of BA drivers in the IEM, he always expressed his displeasure with BA drivers and told me he would not use BA drivers in future. That's the reason you see when he started IMR, I guess BA drivers were only introuduced in his recent models.
Being a good audio tunner does not mean one can do everything with all sort of drivers. every one has some limitations or preferences. I believe he has his own limitations and it can be seen that he was not able to create successful wireless IEM, and he struggles with Headphones too probably.
Sep 25, 2023 at 11:56 AM Post #14,328 of 18,332
Waiting for what iem?
For Elan+ and others, if i am not wrong it was DM at the same time and Seraph, but not sure, anyway I have his message in email. This was sent to many people in the end of past year. There was a time he was moving manufacturing from UK to Germany, having some other problems. So a kind of compensation.
Sep 25, 2023 at 11:57 AM Post #14,329 of 18,332
Thank you very much for such an informative reply! Sure will try to give them more hours and will tell later my results. Also I want to change my softly sounding M11s to something more sharp and powerful. For now the best results in a search of lost in intimacy cymbals I am getting with deeper insertion (as much as possible, with medium white tips from Timeless AE) and blue top. Gray bottom is my usual setup also.
Thank for bringing it up. These kind of comments really help me examine my own hearing and often take me on a this case listening to the treble area of cymbals !!
To be fair the M11 is pretty soft.
I sometimes find that IEMs can sometimes only give you everything they can when the best causes and conditions come together or in other words 'synergy' for that specific unit

I very much suspect that a couple hundred hours more of burn in may well bring all the drivers into their own burn in needs and then they can all work together in the way they were designed to

Thinking about it more technically...In that BA drivers need way less time to arrive at their optimal performing state than dynamic drivers it would make sense that you would get a lot of more 'treble energy' fresh out of the box
Ive always found that OOTB IMR can be very fun and lively
but then settle down and as many others wil attest here you always seem to go through a period where they just do not sound good any more, usually between the 200-400 mark
and then suddenly out of the blue they sound incredible again! Hard to believe but it has happened and been reported here time and time again ! :)
Eventually you get a more refined and mature experience of sound than OOTB hinted at
Anyway, best of luck. I hope it all works out for you.
I could not be happier with my Elan+ but must confess they have gone through a lot of different sound signatures and even now something like 700-850 hours later they again sound quite different
Sep 25, 2023 at 12:01 PM Post #14,330 of 18,332
This is not me who thinks that he does not like BA drivers. It is Bob himself. I had telephonic conversations with him many times in the past and whenever we talked about BA drivers or number of BA drivers in the IEM, he always expressed his displeasure with BA drivers and told me he would not use BA drivers in future. That's the reason you see when he started IMR, I guess BA drivers were only introuduced in his recent models.
Being a good audio tunner does not mean one can do everything with all sort of drivers. every one has some limitations or preferences. I believe he has his own limitations and it can be seen that he was not able to create successful wireless IEM, and he struggles with Headphones too probably.
Ah got ya, see what you mean now. Thanks
Ive never been a fan of BA drivers, or AK dac chips! They just never sound quite natural enough. Sometimes subtle but still
As far as BA in Elan+ as Ive just been writing my set has just and is currently turned into quite a warm rich set whihc has only developed this past week so I assume its still on its burn in journey.
In the past it was very treble focussed. Made me think this is Bob's treble IMR but now its the opposite !?
I love this hobby :D
Almost forgot...Ive never heard a BA sound in Elan+ but with my set being warm now I'm really looking forward to seeing how it develops as he said on the original posting: (interestingly looks like it is focused mainly around the mids and not the treble)

'The dual balanced armature elevates the midrange and vocal presentation to another level. This also helps with placement of the micro details and staging. The dual balanced armature also mirrors the bone conduction motor and so the staging is vastly increased'

Also, since the original posting the recc' burning time has increase to 500 hours and he added


Which is an interesting statement
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Sep 25, 2023 at 12:21 PM Post #14,331 of 18,332
Thank for bringing it up. These kind of comments really help me examine my own hearing and often take me on a this case listening to the treble area of cymbals !!
To be fair the M11 is pretty soft.
I sometimes find that IEMs can sometimes only give you everything they can when the best causes and conditions come together or in other words 'synergy' for that specific unit

I very much suspect that a couple hundred hours more of burn in may well bring all the drivers into their own burn in needs and then they can all work together in the way they were designed to

Thinking about it more technically...In that BA drivers need way less time to arrive at their optimal performing state than dynamic drivers it would make sense that you would get a lot of more 'treble energy' fresh out of the box
Ive always found that OOTB IMR can be very fun and lively
but then settle down and as many others wil attest here you always seem to go through a period where they just do not sound good any more, usually between the 200-400 mark
and then suddenly out of the blue they sound incredible again! Hard to believe but it has happened and been reported here time and time again ! :)
Eventually you get a more refined and mature experience of sound than OOTB hinted at
Anyway, best of luck. I hope it all works out for you.
I could not be happier with my Elan+ but must confess they have gone through a lot of different sound signatures and even now something like 700-850 hours later they again sound quite different
I can't really divide my brain adaptation/mood influence and real burn in results unfortunately. But I remember my first listening experience was wow, I had nothing to complain about (of course it was mostly emotional). And that time I've paired it with Toppind DX3PRO+ which is very detailed and powerful and with crispy and raw sounding Hiby FC4 actually having almost the same result in sounding. Then I moved to Bangladesh and was always using M11S for a few weeks. Step by step it was coming a feeling of something wrong in terms of sound. So I put Elans to the box and moved to Snowy, that is always perfect with no doubts. After some months I stared experiments with all possibilities I have trying to fix the problem of Elan+. Listening different cables, listening without top filter and occasionally got that FC4 sound much more vivid then M11s. Now waiting for Cayin RU7 not because of pairing with Elans+, but just for interest and to get an idea of were should I go further choosing the new DAP, to R2R architecture or othr type of DAC. I hope on this way forward my Elans+ will shine, but thanks God - am atheist)) So.. will see.
Sep 25, 2023 at 12:26 PM Post #14,332 of 18,332
Thank for bringing it up. These kind of comments really help me examine my own hearing and often take me on a this case listening to the treble area of cymbals !!
To be fair the M11 is pretty soft.
I sometimes find that IEMs can sometimes only give you everything they can when the best causes and conditions come together or in other words 'synergy' for that specific unit

I very much suspect that a couple hundred hours more of burn in may well bring all the drivers into their own burn in needs and then they can all work together in the way they were designed to

Thinking about it more technically...In that BA drivers need way less time to arrive at their optimal performing state than dynamic drivers it would make sense that you would get a lot of more 'treble energy' fresh out of the box
Ive always found that OOTB IMR can be very fun and lively
but then settle down and as many others wil attest here you always seem to go through a period where they just do not sound good any more, usually between the 200-400 mark
and then suddenly out of the blue they sound incredible again! Hard to believe but it has happened and been reported here time and time again ! :)
Eventually you get a more refined and mature experience of sound than OOTB hinted at
Anyway, best of luck. I hope it all works out for you.
I could not be happier with my Elan+ but must confess they have gone through a lot of different sound signatures and even now something like 700-850 hours later they again sound quite different
I can't really divide my brain adaptation/mood influence and real burn in results unfortunately. But I remember my first listening experience was wow, I had nothing to complain about (of course it was mostly emotional). And that time I've paired it with Toppind DX3PRO+ which is very detailed and powerful and with crispy and raw sounding Hiby FC4 actually having almost the same result in sounding. Then I moved to Bangladesh and was always using M11S for a few weeks. Step by step it was coming a feeling of something wrong in terms of sound. So I put Elans to the box and moved to Snowy, that is always perfect with no doubts. After some months I stared experiments with all possibilities I have trying to fix the problem of Elan+. Listening different cables, listening without top filter and occasionally got that FC4 sound much more vivid then M11s. Now waiting for Cayin RU7 not because of pairing with Elans+, but just for interest and to get an idea of were should I go further choosing the new DAP, to R2R architecture or othr type of DAC. I hope on this way forward my Elans+ will shine, but thanks God - am atheist)) So.. will see.
Sep 25, 2023 at 12:39 PM Post #14,333 of 18,332
Ah got ya, see what you mean now. Thanks
Ive never been a fan of BA drivers, or AK dac chips! They just never sound quite natural enough. Sometimes subtle but still
As far as BA in Elan+ as Ive just been writing my set has just and is currently turned into quite a warm rich set whihc has only developed this past week so I assume its still on its burn in journey.
In the past it was very treble focussed. Made me think this is Bob's treble IMR but now its the opposite !?
I love this hobby :D
Almost forgot...Ive never heard a BA sound in Elan+ but with my set being warm now I'm really looking forward to seeing how it develops as he said on the original posting: (interestingly looks like it is focused mainly around the mids and not the treble)

'The dual balanced armature elevates the midrange and vocal presentation to another level. This also helps with placement of the micro details and staging. The dual balanced armature also mirrors the bone conduction motor and so the staging is vastly increased'

Also, since the original posting the recc' burning time has increase to 500 hours and he added


Which is an interesting statement
As to my experience, the matter is mostly the style of recording, which frequencies are more or less emphasized, if de-esser applied properly etc. The "flat" iems will show all the drawbacks of improper record, but iems with its own character as IMR demands a corresponding type of recording. Some of doom/stoner metal I can't listen in Elans+ as the bass is sooo over the rest of freqs.
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Sep 25, 2023 at 5:16 PM Post #14,334 of 18,332
Just for another take I started using the special copper filter on my Elan + it's was magical then overtime it just got too warm and thick then I moved to all blue and it was great after getting my Titan and listening to it when I went back the Elan + was a bit too aggressive and shrill so I swapped the blue top for the gold top and now I'm happy with the sound again. The brain is a complex instrument that plays with your perception. Last night I settled down for a long session and everything sounded wrong across all my iems except the IKKO OH5 ASGARD which sounded perfect only a couple of weeks ago I'd discarded them in disgust after trying them on. Strange how the listening brain works.
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Sep 26, 2023 at 12:31 AM Post #14,335 of 18,332
Just for another take I started using the special copper filter on my Elan + it's was magical then overtime it just got too warm and thick then I moved to all blue and it was great after getting my Titan and listening to it when I went back the Elan + was a bit too aggressive and shrill so I swapped the blue top for the gold top and now I'm happy with the sound again. The brain is a complex instrument that plays with your perception. Last night I settled down for a long session and everything sounded wrong across all my iems except the IKKO OH5 ASGARD which sounded perfect only a couple of weeks ago I'd discarded them in disgust after trying them on. Strange how the listening brain works.
Sure, brain is a complex device) After I wrote above negative messages about Elan+ and started listening them again, I realised they are not so bad as I described)) With maximum possible deepest insertion - almost to the pain - I hear splashes of cymbals much better and overall sound seems not so muddy in Gateways, but still far from 8BA. Actually some problem with fit is present for me. I would like IMR make filters longer to go deeper in ear or may be the angle is something not perfect for me, so tips are my saviours. But I never experienced such problems with other iems.
Sep 26, 2023 at 3:46 AM Post #14,336 of 18,332
Actually some problem with fit is present for me. I would like IMR make filters longer to go deeper in ear or may be the angle is something not perfect for me, so tips are my saviours. But I never experienced such problems with other iems.
Bob created longer filters for the model: VIRUS in his previous venture Trinity Audio. But, I guess the longer filters were not a great hit and it was discontinued. I had those filters and I personally didn't find them comfortable. Longer filters probaly would not have worked in the current models having BC drivers. BC drivers requires more contact with the skin for optimal performance and Longer filters will keep the IEM more exposed outside.
Sep 26, 2023 at 5:57 AM Post #14,337 of 18,332
I was an owner of Trinity Vyrus, remember that connectors were awful and plastic rings cracked, the sound was nothing interesting about, quite flat and liveless, my Audiotechnica ckm55 was just a brilliant camparing Vyrus, so I sold Trinity.
Sep 27, 2023 at 5:42 AM Post #14,338 of 18,332
Just received the touring package from @EffectAudio for evaluation the Fusion 1, cadmus 8w and the real star of the show for me the Anniversary Eros S attached to my IMR Titan it's taken my favourite iem to the next level opening the spacious stage even further forcing more nuances out of the music tightening the bass impact without losing any of the texture just breathtaking. I really wish I hadn't joined these 2 together as I can't unhear the obvious improvements to an already impressive iem adding the aesthetics and wonderful ergonomics
A true winner.
I used to be, a cable is about ergonomics and aesthetics. My thinking if doesn't sound worse it's a bonus kinda guy. With the Titan being so revealing and unique sounding I really noticed a positive improvement to the sound signature with the Eros S anniversary and yes it's a thick supple beautiful cable that matches my Titan with a lovely tight fitment to the connections.
While not cheap it's an "affordable" cable as a special purchase for a £1.5k iem
It was too good not to, a short message to the main man and a deal was struck the Eros S AE is staying with me 😍😎
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Sep 27, 2023 at 5:59 AM Post #14,339 of 18,332
Just received the touring package from @EffectAudio for evaluation the Fusion 1, cadmus 8w and the real star of the show for me the Anniversary Eros S attached to my IMR Titan it's taken my favourite iem to the next level opening the spacious stage even further forcing more nuances out of the music tightening the bass impact without losing any of the texture just breathtaking. I really wish I hadn't joined these 2 together as I can't unhear the obvious improvements to an already impressive iem adding the aesthetics and wonderful ergonomics
A true winner.
I used to be, a cable is about ergonomics and aesthetics. My thinking if doesn't sound worse it's a bonus kinda guy. With the Titan being so revealing and unique sounding I really noticed a positive improvement to the sound signature with the Eros S anniversary and yes it's a thick supple beautiful cable that matches my Titan with a lovely tight fitment to the connections.
While not cheap it's an "affordable" cable as a special purchase for a £1.5k iem
Looks gorgeous!!!
Sep 28, 2023 at 6:52 AM Post #14,340 of 18,332
Has anyone heard from Bob in the last week? I think he's ignoring my emails that have been asking for an update on my "replacement" (well... first set) Na-Le that he said, a few weeks ago, would be with me in 10 working days. I almost can't believe I'm writing this, but it's now several working days longer than that.

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