IMR Audio : Sonic Adventures & Impressions

Future of IMR threads

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May 16, 2023 at 1:25 PM Post #12,811 of 18,505
That’s great to hear! I am still new to the Ozars and after tip rolling I’ve found a great pair which brought out the bass and overall sound much better. I even haven’t burned them fully in yet.

Is the Pro Saber only usable with a 2.5 Balanced cable? I must say I really like the original cable.
If it helps any, the black tips I use really bring out the bass to its best depth and quality. Tiny bit less open than the stock ones, but bring out the Ozars musicality. They are slightly firmer and rubbery compared to the stock imr. Both medium size for comparison. Can't for the life of me think what set they came from?!?! Might give you an idea tho of bore diameter?

I use blue bottom/green top filters


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May 16, 2023 at 7:34 PM Post #12,812 of 18,505
Probably not a fair comparison, but can anyone give me a quick run down on the differences between the Elan+ and the Seraph? I understand the difference in drivers, but can anyone tell me what music is better suited for each and what their perceived strengths are? I see that IMR has them listed on eBay and I'm somewhat tempted.
May 16, 2023 at 9:12 PM Post #12,813 of 18,505
Just followed up with Bob. He has heard from the Royal Mail and apparently, for mine at least, I should see it update early next week with delivery fairly quickly afterwards. Hopefully this applies to others as well and we can look forward to having our Titans soon. Let's see what happens.

Well, I think I've reached my breaking point. It's been 2 months after mine had supposedly shipped for the SECOND time (I now have two separate tracking numbers that don't work). Tomorrow I'm going to make Bob an offer to refund my money and IF they finally do arrive, then I'll pay him back. I mean, they're in the system already, right? They've been shipped, right? So it should just be a matter of time before he gets his payment. Rather than it being the other way around -- me paying for a product that might get shipped at some point in the next 8 months.

I'll let you know what happens. Oh, and I wonder how many of us forgot about the "thank-you gift" of the unreleased IEM that was supposedly going to ship in January? I'm not even sure I have the email anymore with that info. But I remember it. I'm not holding my breath. I remember back in early March when Bob stated that almost all of the 50 Titans were finally built and shipped out. Yet nobody seems to have received theirs, two months later.

Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Yeah, I'm feeling quite shamed at the moment.
May 16, 2023 at 10:59 PM Post #12,814 of 18,505
Well, I think I've reached my breaking point. It's been 2 months after mine had supposedly shipped for the SECOND time (I now have two separate tracking numbers that don't work). [...]

Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Yeah, I'm feeling quite shamed at the moment.
I'm really bummed for you. Something clearly ain't right.
May 17, 2023 at 2:50 AM Post #12,815 of 18,505
Well, I think I've reached my breaking point. It's been 2 months after mine had supposedly shipped for the SECOND time (I now have two separate tracking numbers that don't work). Tomorrow I'm going to make Bob an offer to refund my money and IF they finally do arrive, then I'll pay him back. I mean, they're in the system already, right? They've been shipped, right? So it should just be a matter of time before he gets his payment. Rather than it being the other way around -- me paying for a product that might get shipped at some point in the next 8 months.

I'll let you know what happens. Oh, and I wonder how many of us forgot about the "thank-you gift" of the unreleased IEM that was supposedly going to ship in January? I'm not even sure I have the email anymore with that info. But I remember it. I'm not holding my breath. I remember back in early March when Bob stated that almost all of the 50 Titans were finally built and shipped out. Yet nobody seems to have received theirs, two months later.

Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Yeah, I'm feeling quite shamed at the moment.

This was his mail:
And i`m pissed too. Really pissed.

Dear All,

We all know I am rather lousy with exact dates and updates. Ive tried so hard to get more efficient in this area but fail quite often. I think my brain maybe wired wrong when they assembled me.

I wanted to write and apologise and also give some updates.

Firstly I rather jumped the gun on the shipping of the small builds, Elan+, Seraphs and Titans. Let me explain how I messed that up.

Due to all kinds of factors we have had to switch our assembly to Germany. Well, we had done this a little while ago since the EDP Ace and Zenith II builds.

Those builds turned out amazing apart from a small issue on the EDP Ace which had an odd issue on a small number of units with a strange vibration. This was discovered to be caused by the use of the wrong kind of glue that holds the drivers in place. The glue needs to set hard but also have a small amount of flexibility to allow for the constant vibrations.

As your builds had become ready I advised we are uploading tracking and will update soon. Transport from Germany to UK then drop at PO for processing. Right at this time (or a day or so after) I got covid again for like the 4th blinking time. Not too ill but the exhaustion was mega and had brain fog for the first time, such a strange thing and I had never experienced this when I had it before and you just go a little vacant and lose concentration. This lasted almost 3 weeks. So those that emailed me directly and I was either very slow in replying or not as helpful as normal I apologise. Thankfully my wonderful staff took care of everything while I became a potato.

Upon inspection the wrong glue had been used again ( I mean why!!) and so they got shipped back to assembly en mass to have it redone. I wasn't aware of this at first as the staff had been just doing their job but not updated the update page or me.

So we dropped the ball, I am sorry.

However that doesn't mean majorly bad things and only a very short delay and we will be getting them out to you within the next 2 weeks. I had been advising those that emailed recently 7-10 days but that was a tiny bit optimistic. Your tracking numbers will remain the same and I WILL email you the day they ship.

For those awaiting Event Horizon you have been the most patient people on the planet! If I had known how difficult this would have been I would never have done it. I just didn't grasp how much harder to do than IEMs and after an email from one of you advising I wasn't the only company to have the same feeling on full size cans and they as well as us won't make them again.

The lock ring was sorted as previously advised and we are working through assembly now. Its slower going due to some of the 3D printed parts arriving in smaller batches. We will start shipping at some point in late December.

For those that have stood the course thank you so much. For those that continue the course we are also going to send you a thank you gift (for all of you in this update) I know many will say that it is not needed and that is indeed very gracious of you but I do and will continue to be of the mind that when people treat you well, if you can give a token of your appreciation you should. So in January 2023 I will be sending you all a pair of a dual driver IEM. These contain 2 X 7mm CNT ADLC drivers and are thumpingly good fun. These are not and will never be available for any others to buy and so will be something unique to just you guys. I hope it will go a small way towards showing my appreciation of your custom.

For those that wanted some of the other models but sold out, as you can imagine there had been some cancellations and so next week I will make available the balance of the units but they won't ship until the end of December. If any of you wish to reserve with no deposit I will hold for you.

We will have the following available

37 X Elan+

22 X Seraph+


43 X BC


20 X RAH

I hope that brings everyone up to speed and puts us all on the same page.

I am rather a flawed business owner but one that appreciates you all.




Suite 2B North Mill, Derbyshire
United Kingdom

You received this email because you signed up on our website or made a purchase from us.

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May 17, 2023 at 7:57 AM Post #12,816 of 18,505
Well, I think I've reached my breaking point. It's been 2 months after mine had supposedly shipped for the SECOND time (I now have two separate tracking numbers that don't work). Tomorrow I'm going to make Bob an offer to refund my money and IF they finally do arrive, then I'll pay him back. I mean, they're in the system already, right? They've been shipped, right? So it should just be a matter of time before he gets his payment. Rather than it being the other way around -- me paying for a product that might get shipped at some point in the next 8 months.

I'll let you know what happens. Oh, and I wonder how many of us forgot about the "thank-you gift" of the unreleased IEM that was supposedly going to ship in January? I'm not even sure I have the email anymore with that info. But I remember it. I'm not holding my breath. I remember back in early March when Bob stated that almost all of the 50 Titans were finally built and shipped out. Yet nobody seems to have received theirs, two months later.

Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Yeah, I'm feeling quite shamed at the moment.
Bob made me the offer some time ago that you are going to ask him for, so I can’t imagine that he won’t do the same for you. I didn‘t take him up on it as I still remain confident that my Titans will turn up in the not too distant future.
May 17, 2023 at 9:14 AM Post #12,817 of 18,505
Bob made me the offer some time ago that you are going to ask him for, so I can’t imagine that he won’t do the same for you. I didn‘t take him up on it as I still remain confident that my Titans will turn up in the not too distant future.
Can you explain why you feel so confident? History would indicate otherwise...
May 17, 2023 at 9:43 AM Post #12,818 of 18,505
History has shown delays . . . but delivery of items
Recent history has shown longer delays
Despite Bobs many health issues and difficulties with aspects of running a small business
Im sure my NALE will also show up . . . Don't know when but looking forward to receiving them!
May 17, 2023 at 10:09 AM Post #12,819 of 18,505
I'm in the queue for the Na-Le and the Zion my only feeling is that of excitement as the last 7, Ozar, DM, EDP Ace. ZENITH 11, Rah(23) BC(23) and Elan+ have all been outstanding and late delivered. It's happened so regularly now I'm really not stressed it's just part of the process which in the end results in sublime listening sessions with unique iems.
May 17, 2023 at 10:58 AM Post #12,820 of 18,505
I'm in the queue for the Na-Le and the Zion my only feeling is that of excitement as the last 7, Ozar, DM, EDP Ace. ZENITH 11, Rah(23) BC(23) and Elan+ have all been outstanding and late delivered. It's happened so regularly now I'm really not stressed it's just part of the process which in the end results in sublime listening sessions with unique iems.
I am waiting on Titan and Event Horizon and feel the same as you. I have been on this train since the Trinity days and it’s always been bumpy. But the products are so good you take the trade off. It would be so smart of him just to do weekly updates. It would help people be in a better place about all of it. For now I’ll just keep up the anticipation!
May 17, 2023 at 1:21 PM Post #12,822 of 18,505
This is the reason i haven't ordered anything since the original PB1.
Yes, I understand the desire to avoid the frustration, but if I had adopted that approach, I would have missed out on trio of ascendingly wonderful experiences. I loved the Zenith II when they came, I adored the 2023 BCs when I got them, and if I had known the incredible amount of enjoyment I was going to get from my Seraph+ when they arrived I would have waited however long it took to get them. It‘s almost unbelievable that Bob can’t learn from the customer relations disasters that he has had so many times in the past, and just ends up alienating so many customers, while at the same time offering unrivaled after sales customer service to those of us who have stayed the course.

I’ve had many headphones and IEMS including some very high end ones and none of them (maybe with a shout out to my original Shure SE846s many years ago) have given me the musical enjoyment that Bob’s IEMs have. Culminating in the Seraph+ which for some reason seems to fit my listening preferences almost perfectly.

In answer to the question as to why I would be confident that I will get my Titans, the answer is that I have ALWAYS got what I ordered, or in some cases more than I ordered from Bob - eventually!!
May 17, 2023 at 1:37 PM Post #12,823 of 18,505
I have to say that I am not stressed about delays for two reasons: a) it has always been delivered eventually and Bob doesn't seem to benefit from delays whatsoever b) I am equally bad at estimations in my own work and for pretty much similar reasons, i.e. I want to make the best product possible even if it takes longer, so it's hard for me to get mad when I am on the receiving end.

However, I still find the proccess pretty amusing with all the multiple shipments and "guaranteed" deliveries. But in a more light hearted way.
May 17, 2023 at 2:56 PM Post #12,824 of 18,505
Can you explain why you feel so confident? History would indicate otherwise...

Hi @DrewVz. I can feel your frustation. I have one suggestion for you. If you have the tracking number shared by IMR in the March when they confirmed that all Titans had already shipped, then I think you should raise a complaint with Royalmail for non-delivery of the item. Royalmail have to confirm whether the item was acutally received by them from IMR or not.
A few pages back one of the head-fier posted similar experince when he raised the complaint with Royalmail and he was told that the item was actually not posted by IMR to them.
Share your royalmail response with Bob and ask for refund if you like in case it is still pending for shipping.
May 17, 2023 at 3:43 PM Post #12,825 of 18,505
Some update from my side:

I now have matched my Ozars with Azna Xelastecs and this seems to be the best match yet. Sparkling treble and amazing bass. They sound so rich and and I am just soo happy with them.

Beside all the trouble with delays and shipping what other IEM over the Ozar would you recommend to me as an upgrade? BC23, Seraph, Elan?
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