IMR Audio : Sonic Adventures & Impressions

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May 7, 2023 at 5:31 PM Post #12,721 of 18,496
Still need to add some serious hours to my Seraph, but initial impressions are it has the most detail of any IMR I've heard to date, and I've heard / owned the vast majority of them. Slightly brighter and crunchier than gear line the BC2023, but the separation, soundstage and layering are all worthy of a proper flagship level in ear.

Wary of new toy syndrome so will wait a couple of weeks until I've got a few hundred hours burned in to the drivers, but at the moment, it's feeling like a statement. Can understand why Bob is persisting with the MEMS design for his promised "in stock" model in future.
Sorry to be raving on again about the Seraph+ but I just have to say that the 3D soundstage is just magnificent. It's hard to believe that the sound source is actually in your ears. Massive tracks like Spirit: Suite on The World of Hans Zimmer is such a joy. In a different vein, and not suitable for work, is Black Mascara by Ray on My 21st Century Blues which is a wonderful soundstage demonstration.
May 7, 2023 at 6:49 PM Post #12,722 of 18,496
Sorry to be raving on again about the Seraph+ but I just have to say that the 3D soundstage is just magnificent. It's hard to believe that the sound source is actually in your ears. Massive tracks like Spirit: Suite on The World of Hans Zimmer is such a joy. In a different vein, and not suitable for work, is Black Mascara by Ray on My 21st Century Blues which is a wonderful soundstage demonstration.
What can you compare it to? It would be good to have a point of reference from your experience with other IEMs.

How is the bass? Typical IMR, or is it more restrained? Again, is there a comparison?
May 7, 2023 at 10:01 PM Post #12,723 of 18,496
What can you compare it to? It would be good to have a point of reference from your experience with other IEMs.

How is the bass? Typical IMR, or is it more restrained? Again, is there a comparison?
When I wrote the comments on the Seraph+ they were based on the remembered experience of listening to many IMR IEMs. To be better at giving some comparisons' I've taken a listen to the two tracks I mentioned, with my Dark Matters, 2023 BCs, Zenith IIs in open back configuration and my Elysiums. None of them can match the soundstage of the Seraph+. BC and Zenith II are the closest but even they don't have the spaciousness and 3D feeling. Your suggestion that the Seraph+ has a more restrained bass is definitely true compared to all but the Elysiums. When I first started to use the S+ my initial feeling was that they were too thin in the bass, having been listening to the DMs and BCs before getting the S+. Now, having got used to the S+ I find the DMs and BCs too muddy and thumpy in the bass. I'm sure that if I went back to them for a while, and listened to some of the tracks that benefit from more bass emphasis I would get used to them and get back to enjoying the classic IMR bass. In overall tone, the S+ seem to have less bass emphasis, and somehow more mids presence without making it overpowering while at the same time giving enough energy to the treble for my old ears to hear it. For what it is worth, I tried the S+ on my Cayin RU6 ladder DAC and it ruined the features of the S+ that I enjoy. Soundstage collapsed and the bass got muddy, so I am staying with my Mojo II.
May 7, 2023 at 10:58 PM Post #12,724 of 18,496
Anyone with seraph or seraph+ experiencing hum when touching plugged in devices? Eg Im listening to seraph with my singxer amp and if I touch my plugged in gryphon I hear a hum on the right side...and a few other devices. I've tried different cables and all the same.
May 8, 2023 at 2:41 PM Post #12,725 of 18,496
Anyone with seraph or seraph+ experiencing hum when touching plugged in devices? Eg Im listening to seraph with my singxer amp and if I touch my plugged in gryphon I hear a hum on the right side...and a few other devices. I've tried different cables and all the same.
sounds like there is an earthing issue somewhere with the amp or elsewhere.
May 8, 2023 at 6:35 PM Post #12,726 of 18,496
210 hours on the BC. Had a sneaky listen at 150 and was pretty happy with the sound. What's the recommended burn in ? 350?
May 8, 2023 at 6:46 PM Post #12,727 of 18,496
210 hours on the BC. Had a sneaky listen at 150 and was pretty happy with the sound. What's the recommended burn in ? 350?
Personally Ive noticed the most meaningful changes somewhere between 520-600 hours. There seems to be a magic point where everything comes together. Happened with all the latest IMR CNT/ADLC drivers o_0
May 8, 2023 at 11:05 PM Post #12,729 of 18,496
Personally Ive noticed the most meaningful changes somewhere between 520-600 hours. There seems to be a magic point where everything comes together. Happened with all the latest IMR CNT/ADLC drivers o_0
This really is a marathon. Thought I was close.
May 9, 2023 at 8:20 AM Post #12,732 of 18,496
This really is a marathon. Thought I was close.
Well, if you are 100% happy with the sound then just stop and enjoy ? :)
usually there is a period around 2-400 hours where the sound can sound 'off' or dull and then later, as I say there is a magic point where everything comes together.
it is a long burn but the results are well well worth it and once its done its done. The quality of the drivers and tuning make it profoundly worthwhile
May 9, 2023 at 8:25 AM Post #12,733 of 18,496
Well, if you are 100% happy with the sound then just stop and enjoy ? :)
There is a lot of wisdom in this quote. Things can always be better, but so many audiophiles seem to forget the crucial bit that if it sounds good to them, that's all that matters. I'm all for objectivity, science and all other analytical debate, but if the great already sounds good, just enjoy listening and if it improves naturally, that's an added bonus. :wink:

No negativity implied in this post, just an observation that most of the time, "good" is "good enough".
May 9, 2023 at 8:43 AM Post #12,734 of 18,496
There is a lot of wisdom in this quote. Things can always be better, but so many audiophiles seem to forget the crucial bit that if it sounds good to them, that's all that matters. I'm all for objectivity, science and all other analytical debate, but if the great already sounds good, just enjoy listening and if it improves naturally, that's an added bonus. :wink:

No negativity implied in this post, just an observation that most of the time, "good" is "good enough".
I would normally agree with my pont about 'if it sounds good, then enjoy' with one tiny exception . . . IMR :D

Ive burned in a lot of IMR now and there is something special that happens (with the newer very stiff drivers) sometime around the 550 hour mark that leads to being completely satisfied with the sound.

This kind of stuff though, you need to experience for yourself

I think it was your good self that mentioned about the Sereph not sounding as good with xxx DAP ?
This is also a HUGELY important point - That of synergy
If something in your audio chain is not conducive or is working at odds with the tuning of an IEM for example then you might believe that the IEM sounds like xxx where as actually its more the tip/cable/fit/source that could be flavouring it too much one way or the other
May 9, 2023 at 9:24 AM Post #12,735 of 18,496
I'm confident burn in is real as my EDP Ace have really 'blossomed' after a few hundred hours (300? I've lost track). I nearly left these in a drawer (kept trying different filters too early) but persevered and it's paid off. With correct insertion the bass and sub bass are very noticeable, they dig deep, with mid bass possibly being just a touch muddy (just to nit pick) and being able to compare with Seraph which is very clear and more airy (though does that have the same bass driver?). Instrument separation, soundstage and timbre have improved greatly from new, though obviously can't compete with Seraph which is much more expensive. Ace are more intimate.

I swopped briefly with my totl iem's which are all BA and the first thing I thought was 'where's the bass'?
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