IMR Audio : Sonic Adventures & Impressions

Future of IMR threads

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Dec 21, 2023 at 10:54 AM Post #15,961 of 18,894
Well if he doesn't reply to your emails and you are an old timer...I don't expect any replies ever.
And I have not got one ever either.
It does not matter if you are a veteran or new buyer. It is Russian roulette as far as getting IMR response. You can get reply within few hours or keep waiting for months and never receive a response.
Key is keep sending emails every couple of days if not getting any response at all.
Dec 21, 2023 at 11:21 AM Post #15,962 of 18,894
It does not matter if you are a veteran or new buyer. It is Russian roulette as far as getting IMR response. You can get reply within few hours or keep waiting for months and never receive a response.
Key is keep sending emails every couple of days if not getting any response at all.
This. Fits my experience. The only difference is that you can also receive a response out of the blue for a month old email. My personal guess is that when it comes to refund requests Bob tries to honor them, but he doesn't have the means to do it right away, so he waits till he sells something (read dawn) to refund the next person. At least I hope that's the case and everyone gets either their iem or payment eventually.
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Dec 21, 2023 at 11:45 AM Post #15,963 of 18,894
I got my 2nd pair of IMR Dawns in yesterday. My first pair arrived with a blown right driver. The packaging has definitely changed between the two. In pics below you can see the 2 cases and its contents. The left case is the first pair I received. It came with silicone and foam tips, a nice leather cable tie, a 3.5mm to 2.5mm adapter, a 3.5mm to 6.3mm adapter, an old logo hard case, and no box of any kind. The replacement pair arrived in a nice box. It came without foam tips, a 3.5mm to 2.5mm adapter, and the wire tie. It does have a new logo hard case this time around.

Now, to the sound. It fits right into the IMR house sound family with the it's V shaped FR. The mids are a bit recessed for my tastes, but overall the Dawn is a damn good sounding IEM. I'm shocked that a tiny 5mm driver is as good as this one is. I'm totally satisfied with this being my Na-Le replacement. ( I only had like $110 invested in the Na-L preorder). IMO, the Dawn will forever be tainted by the Red Dawn's discovery. But hey, at least I'm off this Merry-Go-Round now lol. In the future I'll get my IMR IEMs only if they're in stock or secondhand.

Dec 21, 2023 at 12:51 PM Post #15,964 of 18,894
I got my 2nd pair of IMR Dawns in yesterday. My first pair arrived with a blown right driver. The packaging has definitely changed between the two. In pics below you can see the 2 cases and its contents. The left case is the first pair I received. It came with silicone and foam tips, a nice leather cable tie, a 3.5mm to 2.5mm adapter, a 3.5mm to 6.3mm adapter, an old logo hard case, and no box of any kind. The replacement pair arrived in a nice box. It came without foam tips, a 3.5mm to 2.5mm adapter, and the wire tie. It does have a new logo hard case this time around.

Now, to the sound. It fits right into the IMR house sound family with the it's V shaped FR. The mids are a bit recessed for my tastes, but overall the Dawn is a damn good sounding IEM. I'm shocked that a tiny 5mm driver is as good as this one is. I'm totally satisfied with this being my Na-Le replacement. ( I only had like $110 invested in the Na-L preorder). IMO, the Dawn will forever be tainted by the Red Dawn's discovery. But hey, at least I'm off this Merry-Go-Round now lol. In the future I'll get my IMR IEMs only if they're in stock or secondhand.

I guess the issue of a budget chi-fi IEM (which it technically would fall under) is your typical QC issues, over a more premium product. That's not to say premium IEMs don't break tho or that past IMR products don't break either... my EDP broke within an hour 🫣 lol.

Anyone have QC issues with Red Dawn?
Dec 21, 2023 at 12:54 PM Post #15,965 of 18,894
Allow me to make a comment, and honestly tell me if I am deeply mistaken, but I just don't understand. Please tell me in what other circumstance, and I am talking about pure commerce or market, and even in the mere day-to-day life, someone who buys an article and one or two years later, they still haven't received it, alleging all kinds of lies, and after a lot of disputes, they exchange it for another product that sells for ten times less, and all of this seems fine to him, and is happy that it is all over. And that's all.

I'm sorry, but all this with IMR should be studied in psychology as an extreme and massive case of Stockholm Syndrome.

I say all this with the utmost respect and from my absolute incomprehension of the situation. Because I'm beginning to be amazed with all this.
Dec 21, 2023 at 1:21 PM Post #15,968 of 18,894
Allow me to make a comment, and honestly tell me if I am deeply mistaken, but I just don't understand. Please tell me in what other circumstance, and I am talking about pure commerce or market, and even in the mere day-to-day life, someone who buys an article and one or two years later, they still haven't received it, alleging all kinds of lies, and after a lot of disputes, they exchange it for another product that sells for ten times less, and all of this seems fine to him, and is happy that it is all over. And that's all.

I'm sorry, but all this with IMR should be studied in psychology as an extreme and massive case of Stockholm Syndrome.

I say all this with the utmost respect and from my absolute incomprehension of the situation. Because I'm beginning to be amazed with all this.
Its horrible to say, but I'm surprised someone hasn't taken legal action. Failing to provide goods under a reasonable timeframe and providing misleading information to multiple buyers could be considered fraud. You could call it cybercrime too. There's a lot of defence for IMR for the products and how "nice a guy" Bob is, but the treatment of people suggests otherwise. Putting out that Dawn at £255 originally... wow. I wonder if it would have come down in price to £155 had it not been for sleuths finding it? Not everyone has the same disposable income, they bought items on good faith. I'm aware the guy hasn't set out to con people, but the history of Trinity Audio and now the same mess again is pretty disgraceful and I feel for those of you messed around. I also feel you've the right to vent on this thread without having to constantly hear, "Bob's actually a really good guy".
Dec 21, 2023 at 1:28 PM Post #15,969 of 18,894
Everyone who has bought Dawn, or RD, or both “versions”, reported microphonics which can be mitigated by wearing cable over the ears.
Microphonics is there, as usual in the combination of fixed cable and small IEM size. And as always, is mitigated wearing over ear. But not the worst in this aspect (and not the best also)
Dec 21, 2023 at 1:35 PM Post #15,970 of 18,894
I guess the issue of a budget chi-fi IEM (which it technically would fall under) is your typical QC issues, over a more premium product. That's not to say premium IEMs don't break tho or that past IMR products don't break either... my EDP broke within an hour 🫣 lol.

Anyone have QC issues with Red Dawn?
Now I have three different red dawns and a super-dawn, and all them works flawlessly
Dec 21, 2023 at 3:13 PM Post #15,971 of 18,894
Its horrible to say, but I'm surprised someone hasn't taken legal action. Failing to provide goods under a reasonable timeframe and providing misleading information to multiple buyers could be considered fraud. You could call it cybercrime too. There's a lot of defence for IMR for the products and how "nice a guy" Bob is, but the treatment of people suggests otherwise. Putting out that Dawn at £255 originally... wow. I wonder if it would have come down in price to £155 had it not been for sleuths finding it? Not everyone has the same disposable income, they bought items on good faith. I'm aware the guy hasn't set out to con people, but the history of Trinity Audio and now the same mess again is pretty disgraceful and I feel for those of you messed around. I also feel you've the right to vent on this thread without having to constantly hear, "Bob's actually a really good guy".

And herein lays the real Greek tragedy of the whole situation. Just been out for a walk to the local shop, and took my current commuting rig to listen to some tunes on the way (Lotoo PAW6000, IMR Seraph, Dunu Chord cable, Alza Crystal tips).

The Seraph, while being possibly the last "original" IMR model that made it into the public hands, is also just so damn enjoyable it almost makes the heartache on this thread worth it. Superb bass , killer detail, emotional tuning, technically excellent, all in a small and ergonomic package that isolates well. This is an IEM that convinced me to sell my Noble Audio Kublai Khan not that long ago, just based on the fact the KK wasn't getting any listening time.

If only someone could get the IEM designs for the last few high end models (Seraph, Titan) and the BC2023 and find a manufacturer who could reliably mass produce them, and you'd have a viable and very impressive IEM business right there. It really is heartbreaking that all the business idiocy and broken promises are killing what are genuinely outstanding audio products.
Dec 21, 2023 at 3:22 PM Post #15,972 of 18,894
Allow me to make a comment, and honestly tell me if I am deeply mistaken, but I just don't understand. Please tell me in what other circumstance, and I am talking about pure commerce or market, and even in the mere day-to-day life, someone who buys an article and one or two years later, they still haven't received it, alleging all kinds of lies, and after a lot of disputes, they exchange it for another product that sells for ten times less, and all of this seems fine to him, and is happy that it is all over. And that's all.

I'm sorry, but all this with IMR should be studied in psychology as an extreme and massive case of Stockholm Syndrome.

I say all this with the utmost respect and from my absolute incomprehension of the situation. Because I'm beginning to be amazed with all this.

I can't speak for anyone else, but I don't think all of this was fine, and I'm not happy about the overall situation at IMR. I guess I would be far more upset if I was into the shell game for Event Horizon or Enigma money, but I was in for only the preorder discount Na-Le price. So getting the functional Dawn at this point and no longer wondering where my IEM was at or if it had ever existed in the first place was the better option for me. I'm surely not going to spend thousands in legal fees to sue over $100+.
Dec 23, 2023 at 1:31 AM Post #15,973 of 18,894
Hey guys, how have you all been? :) Hope it's going great for you!

Has anyone received the Enigma + DE, or had any updates?

For about 3 days now, I am genuinely enjoying my brand new 64 Audio Volür!

The only IMR IEM I've ever had was the Elan+ and last time I've listened to it was in September. Of course, there can be no comparison but I do have the Dawn to bring back that IMR acoustic memory. If Bob will create something new and deliver, I will support him again.

I appreciate the feeling of IMR community and I wholeheartedly wish you all the best! :)
Dec 23, 2023 at 2:04 AM Post #15,974 of 18,894
Hey guys, how have you all been? :) Hope it's going great for you!

Has anyone received the Enigma + DE, or had any updates?

For about 3 days now, I am genuinely enjoying my brand new 64 Audio Volür!

The only IMR IEM I've ever had was the Elan+ and last time I've listened to it was in September. Of course, there can be no comparison but I do have the Dawn to bring back that IMR acoustic memory. If Bob will create something new and deliver, I will support him again.

I appreciate the feeling of IMR community and I wholeheartedly wish you all the best! :)
Bob has not responded to two of my letters since November 13th. Apparently very busy feeding the fish.
Dec 23, 2023 at 2:18 AM Post #15,975 of 18,894
Hey guys, how have you all been? :) Hope it's going great for you!

Has anyone received the Enigma + DE, or had any updates?

For about 3 days now, I am genuinely enjoying my brand new 64 Audio Volür!

The only IMR IEM I've ever had was the Elan+ and last time I've listened to it was in September. Of course, there can be no comparison but I do have the Dawn to bring back that IMR acoustic memory. If Bob will create something new and deliver, I will support him again.

I appreciate the feeling of IMR community and I wholeheartedly wish you all the best! :)
No updates. Volur is top of the line I hope you enjoy them. Give us a feel of how it sounds when you have the time.

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