Immediate decision needed!!
Dec 20, 2001 at 10:02 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 46


Headphoneus Supremus
Aug 2, 2001
Is an Apple Powerbook G3 400mhz Pismo (firewall) with one year of Applecare. Factory refurbished and sealed by Apple a good deal for $1220. I need to know now! Thanks!!

And I mean fast!

... gasp,
Dec 20, 2001 at 10:14 PM Post #2 of 46
nah, it's an Apple....

Dec 20, 2001 at 10:22 PM Post #3 of 46
[size=small]Awww[/size] [size=medium]Man!![/size]
Dec 20, 2001 at 10:30 PM Post #4 of 46
chadbang, I think it's a bit high. I bought my G3 Powerbook (Wallstreet) from this guy:
He's a great guy to deal with......I've actually purchased a few things from him and have never had a problem with any of them. I think his prices are excellent and he offers a 30 day warranty. Better than e-bay, IMHO. You should check it out. Right now he has a Lombard for $790 and a Pismo for $1055. Both have DVD. Hope this helps.
Dec 20, 2001 at 10:34 PM Post #5 of 46
Thank you Mr JoeLongwood, I wont panic.

Just as I started writing this 308(?)th post the greatest riff in the world just came over my headphones. The Grateful Dead's "China Cat Sunflower" from Europe 72 Live. Oh heavenly bliss.
Dec 21, 2001 at 2:16 AM Post #8 of 46
MacDEF, that's a great price!..........tempting.
But I just bought an iMac and iPod...........maybe when the ibook reaches $500.


Whats all the pokey with Apple, anyway? I never DID see what was so great about their machines...

Sorry about that xander...........your loss.

BTW, have you played with the iPod?
Dec 21, 2001 at 2:17 AM Post #9 of 46
With only one button on Apple mice, you don't have to work your brain to remember which one to click.

This kind of describes the way the rest of the computer works too.
Dec 21, 2001 at 2:57 AM Post #10 of 46
Too bad one button really isn't the best... More can be used... I have a 5 button trackball (MS one) hooked up to my Mac and yowzers, all those 5 buttons get used... in fact, I wish I had more buttons...
Dec 21, 2001 at 3:15 AM Post #11 of 46

With only one button on Apple mice, you don't have to work your brain to remember which one to click.
This kind of describes the way the rest of the computer works too

LOL -- spoken like a person who doesn't know much about Macs.

Macs can use multiple-button mice/input devices (mine has 10). Support is built-in. They just ship with a one-button mice. And for good reason: studies have shown that a) new users learn more easily with one button than two; and b) a huge segment of the Windows-using population doesn't even *use* the right mouse button (many don't even know what it does)
So given that Macs support multiple-button mice, and there are good reasons to ship computers with single-button mice, I'm always amused by the "Macs aren't good because their mouse only has one button" argument

As for the "kind of describes the way the rest of the computer works too" comment, anyone who actually uses Macs knows that statement doesn't accurately describe the platform in any way. Oh, well...

Anyways, since this thread was started by someone asking a Mac-specific question, I think it would be best for everyone if those who don't like Macs (especially those without a clue about them) refrain from crapping on the thread. Fair enough?
Dec 21, 2001 at 3:26 AM Post #12 of 46

But I just bought an iMac and iPod...........maybe when the ibook reaches $500.

That kind of reasoning never stopped you before!

It's a great machine. Best 12.1 screen on the market -- seriously, there isn't another screen this size that can touch it for brightness and clarity. Full-size keyboard, FireWire, dual USB, 10/100 Ethernet, VGA, NTSC, and PAL video out, built-in modem, 4-5 hour battery life, stereo speakers and a juicy heaphone jack
, a "real" (i.e. useable) trackpad, all in a 4lb laptop the size of an 8.5x11 notebook. And it looks great, too
It runs OS 9 and OS X (I have mine set up as a dual-boot machine), and it's got very good speed -- my friend has a PIII 800+ laptop, and it's a dog compared to my iBook 500.

For $40 you can boost the RAM to 384MB, and you've got a killer portable for under $950. Sure, the newer versions have a bit more speed and a couple more features, but $400 more?

I've owned 6 PowerBooks, and this one is by far the best one. Another friend has a TiBook (the top of the line model), and it's nice, but that huge screen means the laptop takes up a lot more space. I like being able to just plop this into a backpack or bag and run.

OK sales pitch over. ChadBang, I owned that Pismo model you mentioned, and I enjoy this iBook far more
Dec 21, 2001 at 4:53 AM Post #13 of 46

Originally posted by Xander
Whats all the pokey with Apple, anyway? I never DID see what was so great about their machines...

The biggest selling point to me is that it's not part of the Microsoft invasion-of-the-body-snatchers plan.

And this coming from someone who runs Windows. ICBSAHS...
Dec 21, 2001 at 5:14 AM Post #14 of 46
Sure, ask for people to stop their short anti-MAC jokes after you yourself give a long rebuttal. A little edgy aren't we? If you still get so worked up after seeing the old 1-button mouse joke, I think you might need a vacation.
Dec 21, 2001 at 5:38 AM Post #15 of 46
Sure, but when Bill sees Apple gaining ground he'll just whip out his pocket book and buy them. And if the feds wont let him he'll pay someone to buy them for him. And if the feds find out he'll just say to heck with it and buy the feds. And if we all riot against bill our new leader he'll just give us each 10,000 bucks to leave him alone or shoot anyone who come within a 100 mile radius of his home with an orbital microwave emitter. And if that doesn't work well then the world came to an end and the time after the end of the world is beyond me.

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