IM716 replacements
Apr 1, 2010 at 8:48 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 27


New Head-Fier
Apr 1, 2010
Cliffs: Do I buy another pair and podectomize it, or is there another alternative I should be considering instead?

Hi, im a longtime lurker who originally got turned on to you guys by the anandtech forums crowd 5 years ago. Anyways, I got a set of the AL IM716s 4 years ago, but it recently died after insulation shredded off of entire length of cord and underlying wire got exposed. I never modded it at all and it served me well, but now in the aftermath i'm at a fork in the road on whether to buy another IM716 or try another brand?

I loved the way it sounded on the mp3s I played through my Iriver T10 and used Comply foam tips for best fit and sound isolation. Im not really looking for more bass per se, but I would be interested in a better bang-for-the-buck without compromising the (IMO) already superior tonal qualities of the IM716 for $70. I'm also not necessarily interested in super-nice headphones that are going to expose all of the defects in my MP3s either

After reading all of the other threads(esp. this one), it's hard to discern which ones to consider so i'd like to hear any advice you all might have for me if you've ever had the IM716s for an extended period of time.
Apr 1, 2010 at 9:10 PM Post #2 of 27
if you like them stock, I think you will enjoy them even more with the podectomy. I bought 2 pairs of the IM716 when they were on sale for closeout. I got the podectomy on two of the pairs with the 68ohm and 47ohm resistors.

The 47ohm resistor version is closest to my beloved ER-4p than any other IEM. Assuming you're doing most of your listening straight from your portable player.

It's the best bang-for-buck Balanced Armature IEM that my ears have heard.
Apr 1, 2010 at 9:22 PM Post #3 of 27

Originally Posted by SFbayArch /img/forum/go_quote.gif
if you like them stock, I think you will enjoy them even more with the podectomy. I bought 2 pairs of the IM716 when they were on sale for closeout. I got the podectomy on two of the pairs with the 68ohm and 47ohm resistors.

The 47ohm resistor version is closest to my beloved ER-4p than any other IEM. Assuming you're doing most of your listening straight from your portable player.

It's the best bang-for-buck Balanced Armature IEM that my ears have heard.

Thanks for the input. I was always stuck in school for the last 4 years so I never had time to come back until now and then I hear about this "podectomy" thing that would have made my IM716s sound even better(d'oh!).

So I take it the IM716s are still un-challenged on bang-for-buck basis?
Apr 1, 2010 at 9:37 PM Post #4 of 27

Originally Posted by Sust /img/forum/go_quote.gif
So I take it the IM716s are still un-challenged on bang-for-buck basis?

I wouldn't say that, simply because I haven't tried many of the budget IEMs. but for the price, you'll have a hard time beating them (with podectomy) at even a higher price-point. Particularly, if you already like their sound signature.

My other recommendation would be to spend a little more and find a used pair of ER-4p.
Apr 2, 2010 at 12:45 AM Post #5 of 27

Originally Posted by SFbayArch /img/forum/go_quote.gif
My other recommendation would be to spend a little more and find a used pair of ER-4p.

That sounds kind of expensive. Plus I dont know if the etymotics would be so good that i'd have to re-encode all of my CDs into 192 Kbit mp3s. Actually, have you noticed that your etymotics expose more of the flaws in any of your mp3s?
I guess I'll keep it as a side thought if im feeling frisky.
Apr 2, 2010 at 12:59 AM Post #6 of 27
Hey, maybe wait until the new etymotic MC series? About $80, and I'm sure it has the same ety signature. Otherwise, if you liked the 716, why change anything? Just get another pair or two (one for a backup).
Apr 2, 2010 at 1:17 AM Post #7 of 27

Originally Posted by semisight /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Hey, maybe wait until the new etymotic MC series? About $80, and I'm sure it has the same ety signature. Otherwise, if you liked the 716, why change anything? Just get another pair or two (one for a backup).

This is one of those philosophical points in a man's life. Should I play the field some more this time or stick to the familiar straight and narrow?
I'm just curious if the grass might be greener on the other side or not so i'm soliciting feedback.

Thanks for the etymotic MC series suggestion. I'll see what I can dig up in the rumor mill.
Apr 2, 2010 at 5:12 AM Post #9 of 27

Originally Posted by SilverCans /img/forum/go_quote.gif
did anyone ever prove that the IM716 has the same drivers as the ER-4 (p or s)?

Etymotic uses balanced armature transducer units, not dynamic drivers. I believe it was the ER-6 transducer unit that was licensed and/or produced for Altec Lansing, NOT the ER-4

EDIT: Their new MC IEMS use Moving Coil dynamic drivers
Apr 2, 2010 at 1:57 PM Post #11 of 27
Your iM716 practically was an Ety, the armatures inside it were made by Ety. If you like the sound, stick with it or move to the HF5/ER4P. You can get a good deal on the used ER4P if you look in the For Sale forum here.
Only an Ety will give you the Ety sound you like when it comes to IEMs.
Apr 2, 2010 at 2:04 PM Post #12 of 27
Apr 2, 2010 at 2:04 PM Post #13 of 27
i'd say go for ety hf5. you can certainly go for im716 again. they sound very similar to each other but you get the warranty with hf5, not with im716 since it's been discontinued.
if youre a fan of ety sound, it's very hard to like the sound of other headphones. i've been used to im716 and er4p, and i am having a very hard time getting used to monster pro copper, not to mention that i can barely manage to listen to many other lower-end headphones.
Apr 2, 2010 at 2:50 PM Post #14 of 27
The RE0 is probably the new king as far as bang for buck goes, with a better soundstage and more refined highs than either the IM716 or the ER4p. But it does lose to the etys as far as isolation goes, so if you place a Pentium on isolation the etys are probably the best options.
Apr 2, 2010 at 3:24 PM Post #15 of 27

Originally Posted by scytheavatar /img/forum/go_quote.gif
The RE0 is probably the new king as far as bang for buck goes, with a better soundstage and more refined highs than either the IM716 or the ER4p. But it does lose to the etys as far as isolation goes, so if you place a Pentium on isolation the etys are probably the best options.

The OP liked the IM716. I had the RE0 for a time, and, to my ears, it did not have a similar sound signature. I think he would be best served to stick with a BA IEM if he wants to keep what he likes about the IM716.

I have to disagree that the RE0 does NOT have a more refined upper register than the ER-4. The RE0 uses 9mm a dynamic driver. I would say that it has a more extended lower end, but that's as far as I'd go with that comparison. I enjoyed the basic Monster Turbine better than the RE0 - if we're talking dynamic driver IEMs in a similar price bracket. But, again, it's a different sound than the IM716.

A previous poster made a good recommendation in the HF-5. I haven't heard it yet, but it's a nice, cost effective alternative to the ER-4.

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