I'm sorry but I have another advice thread
Dec 23, 2007 at 7:04 AM Post #16 of 27
I would definitely recommend Audio Technica's ATH-A900 in your case. The A900 is a headphone which can sound very decent out of any normal headphone socket and does not require an amp (in fact, sound quality does not increase significantly with one). With their 3D wing system, they are extremely comfortable unless you have a large head. The A900 is the headphone I reach out for when I want to play loud music well into the night.
Dec 23, 2007 at 9:41 PM Post #17 of 27
Actually nevermind, I'm still reading and finding out about new headphones. It seems whenever I'm about to settle I read something that either makes one pair look bad or the other pair look good. I like the fact that the Ultrasone's have that great portability factor but then I think the beyerdynamic probably have better SQ but I'm reading the bass might be too heavy so I should look at the ATH-A900's but...and it just goes on and on.

Dec 24, 2007 at 4:48 AM Post #18 of 27
If I were in your shoe, I would pay particular attention to the FS forum in here, and get one of the many phones you have on your list if you can find a good deal. That way, you are only losing around $20 if you happen not to like the phone.

One thing I have learnt since spending time reading on this place is that not every opinion on head-fi is the truth for your ears. However, another thing I have learnt is that SQ between all of the quality makers of headphones are not the day and night the wordings of the posts in head-fi may led you to believe. Of course we all have our own preference of sonic signature, but I don't see any of the choices in this thread as "wrong".

I still think you should get the A900 however
Dec 24, 2007 at 3:27 PM Post #20 of 27
Find a local store and go listen to them. Guitar center usually stocks beyerdynamics and I believe audio-technicas too. Give them a good listen, then buy elsewhere if you must. (Though the GC sales people can usually be talked down a good bit).
Dec 24, 2007 at 4:15 PM Post #21 of 27
I second taking a look at the Ultrasones. I didn't like how upfront the sound on the HD595s were, while the Ultrasones were much more pleasing to my ears (while still being aggressive like the 595s and Grados). They are easier to drive than the Beyers (and possibly the 595s). They're also closed (although I'd say their isolation is somewhat worse than the DT770s). You can also save quite a bit by buying them rebadged as the Alienware Ozma 7 from Dell (going for right about $170 + tax right now).
Dec 25, 2007 at 6:18 PM Post #22 of 27
I just thought of another idea.

I could buy Sennhesier HD595s for about 170 and spend the rest of my money on some quality in ear's. I just got 225 dollars and my birthday is in Feb. so that could be another 200 which means I'll have the cash.
Dec 25, 2007 at 7:32 PM Post #23 of 27
If you want isolation, portability, nice sound and good looks, I'd go for the Audio Technica ATH-ES7.
Dec 25, 2007 at 11:44 PM Post #24 of 27
The thing is are those gonna be good enough quality to be my main and only pair? I've started to think maybe I should get some nice canals and then a nice home pair. That led me to maybe Sennheiser HD595 or Grado SR60 with Etymotic ER-4P, Ultimate Ears Super.fi 5 Pro, or Shure SE310. The Grado SR60 would of course would to be save money and get a more expensive canal pair. I still wouldn't have an amp.
Dec 26, 2007 at 1:23 AM Post #26 of 27

Originally Posted by ph0rk /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Find a local store and go listen to them. Guitar center usually stocks beyerdynamics and I believe audio-technicas too. Give them a good listen, then buy elsewhere if you must. (Though the GC sales people can usually be talked down a good bit).

I can vouch for this: They (the Beyerdynamic DT-770s) were listed at a local guitar center for 199.99. I told the sales person I didn't want to spend more than 160. They told me they cold sell them for 169.99, after tax it was still around $20 off the price before tax. Although many times you will find good deals on Amazon, some times it IS better to visit a Brick and Mortar store. If you do decide to give them a try and find you don't like them, I think there are a few people who would buy a relatively new pair of DT-770s for what you paid for them (assuming you pay the same amount I paid at guitar center
Dec 26, 2007 at 2:30 AM Post #27 of 27
I can't decide on a closed headphone. I'm just gonna get Ultimate Ears Super.Fi 5 Pro's for on the go and then Sennheiser HD595's for home. Hopefully the people I live with won't mind my music too much.

Actually now I'm really like the Q-Jays cause of they're size. Anyone know where I could buy them besies AudioCubes?

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