If you still love Etymotic ER4, this is the thread for you...
Aug 18, 2013 at 12:49 PM Post #2,206 of 19,272
i guess the thing i really like most about the custom fits is you take this whole insertion sensitivity out of the equation.  perhaps the sound isn't exactly what you would get with flanges in the right spot but it is always the same with little fuss about it.  i can also leave them in for hours without any discomfort.
the logical question here is assuming you use the custom molds what should the EQ settings look like to give the same response as the ideal setup using flanges?  i have been using Accudio Pro on my iPod except that is established for flanges and so how do i need to tweak the settings for customs?

My experience has been the exact opposite.  I get better isolation with the stock tips, better comfort in certain ways, better sound by a good margin.  The customs give me worse bass, a spike in the treble and let more noise in.  I have had 2 different ear impressions made with and without bite blocks and 4 different tips made from them.  In the last two cases the sound was improved a bit, but still off enough.  I think the fit is the issue with me.  Perhaps it's my ear shape or something, but they never feel right and don't seal perfectly.  The stock tips are just much better, and now I'm so used to them I wish I never went for customs anyway, as I don't have any need for them anymore.  I wish I had given it more time before jumping into them.  I now wear the triple flange perfectly every time with no discomfort.  I know it seems like it would never happen the way they initially feel, but somehow I adapted or something.
It stinks that you have to, but I highly recommend using the er4s for weeks if not months before giving up on them.  The comfort and quality due to fitting only gets better.  And this isn't just breaking in the tips.  I got new triple flange tips and had no issues with them either and they sounded the same.  So they are an investment, but well worth it once you are comfortable with them.  Heck, without music they are the best earplugs i've ever heard... or not heard. :p  There's something awesome about knowing you can block out any noise practically anywhere so that you can enjoy your music wherever you are.
Aug 18, 2013 at 1:16 PM Post #2,207 of 19,272
Heck, without music they are the best earplugs i've ever heard... or not heard. :p  There's something awesome about knowing you can block out any noise practically anywhere so that you can enjoy your music wherever you are.

I have used them quite a few times on red eye flights without music and they are awesome at blocking noise.
Aug 18, 2013 at 1:18 PM Post #2,208 of 19,272
I have used them quite a few times on red eye flights without music and they are awesome at blocking noise.

Yeah, I now use them as my server room earplugs when I'm going to be in there a while.  Sometimes with music sometimes without depending on if I'm alone or not.  The foam earplugs are good, but these are amazing. :p
Aug 18, 2013 at 8:00 PM Post #2,210 of 19,272
I use the ety20 earplugs.  I think when those are fit right they are amazing.  I watch movies at the theater with them.  I literally almost forget there is anything in my ear sometimes.  They do a very good job retaining the frequency range but lowering the volume.
Aug 18, 2013 at 8:21 PM Post #2,211 of 19,272
O.k.  I haven't heard any "last requests", so I'm going to consider the group buy closed for requests and proceed.
We still have the issue of the green filters though.  You have three options I suppose.
A)  I'll order your filters, but won't send them out until I receive the green filters.  The estimated in stock date was confirmed by email to be Sept. 21.  So you would get your filters after they ship them and I ship them; so probably around the beginning of October at the latest (I can't guarantee this as I don't control mouser's shipments).  :p 
B)  You cancel your green filters and get any other colors you wanted asap.
C)  You cancel your request completely.
I'll need to know before I place the order, so please continue our private messages and let me know if you want to get the greens and wait for shipment, cancel the greens and continue with the other colors or cancel the whole request.  Just let me know.
Aug 19, 2013 at 9:05 AM Post #2,213 of 19,272
PM sent
O.k.  I haven't heard any "last requests", so I'm going to consider the group buy closed for requests and proceed.
We still have the issue of the green filters though.  You have three options I suppose.
A)  I'll order your filters, but won't send them out until I receive the green filters.  The estimated in stock date was confirmed by email to be Sept. 21.  So you would get your filters after they ship them and I ship them; so probably around the beginning of October at the latest (I can't guarantee this as I don't control mouser's shipments).  :p 
B)  You cancel your green filters and get any other colors you wanted asap.
C)  You cancel your request completely.
I'll need to know before I place the order, so please continue our private messages and let me know if you want to get the greens and wait for shipment, cancel the greens and continue with the other colors or cancel the whole request.  Just let me know.

Aug 19, 2013 at 11:11 AM Post #2,214 of 19,272
My er4p's were starting to sound a little ,, well blah!! Changed my filters and wala!! Everything sounded great again :) I love these things :):):). My ears are pretty clean I think. I'm cleaning them all the time. When I took the tips off and looked into the filters they were like white. So I think it's probably the wax you can't really see that does the most damage cause man my ears are clean so I thought till I replaced the filters. Must be like liquid ear wax and not the hard wax that does the most damage to the filters. But holy I forgot just how detailed these are cause I think as you use them and the filters get dirty slowly well the sound changes slowly after time so ya don't really notice as quickly till like I said replace the filters. Again I'm loving these things :)
Aug 19, 2013 at 10:48 PM Post #2,215 of 19,272
O.k. everyone.  I just need an update from the last few people who wanted green filters.  Disregard the green?  Cancel the order?  Keep the order and wait for the green to come?  Or lastly as one person mentioned, you could pay the extra envelope shipping price and i'll ship out the greens and others separate...  Just let me know so we can get the ordered! :)
Aug 20, 2013 at 9:30 AM Post #2,216 of 19,272
the next trick is to learn how to swap out filters without breaking them.  i just got my ER4s and so i think i should be able to save the stock filters... the tool they supply destroys the filter right?  Needlenose pliers or tweezers? Do they just pull straight out or do they screw in?  Is it a tight fit?
Aug 20, 2013 at 10:04 AM Post #2,217 of 19,272
the next trick is to learn how to swap out filters without breaking them.  i just got my ER4s and so i think i should be able to save the stock filters... the tool they supply destroys the filter right?  Needlenose pliers or tweezers? Do they just pull straight out or do they screw in?  Is it a tight fit?

Yes the filter tool will destroy them. i would try tweezers as you dont have quite the sensitivity with pliers. They pull straight out. It is a fairly tight fit.
Aug 20, 2013 at 11:13 AM Post #2,218 of 19,272
I really enjoy my ER4P with 75 ohm adapter. However, I'm wondering which (not costly) CIEM have very similar sound signature to Etys and can be regarded as upgrade. Can anyone help me please? I can add that I admire my Etys for the micro details I can hear in the recordings ane the flatness.
Aug 20, 2013 at 4:53 PM Post #2,219 of 19,272
Aug 20, 2013 at 5:12 PM Post #2,220 of 19,272
I really enjoy my ER4P with 75 ohm adapter. However, I'm wondering which (not costly) CIEM have very similar sound signature to Etys and can be regarded as upgrade. Can anyone help me please? I can add that I admire my Etys for the micro details I can hear in the recordings ane the flatness.

Closest I've heard is the f111 by fitear, but it is almost more fit/tip dependent than the freaking er4s.  I find it very hard to consistently get the perfect fit, but when I do it's like a more 3d easier to listen to er4s.  The er4s still beats it technically in the treble, but with the perfect fit it's extremely close and better in every other way except isolation and price. :p

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