IEMs to complement or replace CK7
May 6, 2010 at 12:02 PM Post #17 of 43
If you are coming from AD700 (bright sounding) to SM3 (warm sounding), I think you will need some time to get accustomed to SM3 sound signature. If you really love sparkly and good energy treble, SM3 isn't going to please you. However, the smooth and laid back sound siganture might be a good complement to your AD700.
For me, I was spending most of my time with CK10 when my pair of SM3 arrived. Out of the box, I was so disappointed because SM3 sounded muddy, and has no treble at all, compared to my CK10 side by side...Some say burn in help improving their sound, for my case I think it is my brain which burned in, and I am fully adapted to their sound signature, and is loving them now.
There are more head-fiers getting SM3. If I were you, I'd wait for more reviews and impressions. $450 AUD is not a small sum I know.
May 6, 2010 at 12:19 PM Post #18 of 43
While the AD700 are characteristically bright sounding, I do prefer them over my CK7, as they are also warmer; so you could say I might get accustomed to SM3 quite quickly.
That said; KLS - I would assume the SM3 highs are controlled and much smoother than the sharp and crisp highs of the CK7?
Hmmm. I'm definitely going to wait around for more reviews and impressions; given the excitement around SM3 and Fischer-Audio at the moment.
May 6, 2010 at 12:36 PM Post #19 of 43
I have yet to try CK7, but the highs on SM3 is more laid back, and not as much treble energy compared to CK10. For my case, a shallow insertion brings out more treble from SM3, but yet not as detailed compared to CK10.
Serious-basshead won't like CK10. Serious-treblehead won't like SM3. If you get what I mean
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By the way I still think that CK10 suits you better.
May 7, 2010 at 12:53 AM Post #20 of 43
Ah, I'm not a serious basshead or a serious treblehead - but I guess the CK10 would suit me a little better; ergonomically.
KLS, how much should a pair of CK10 go for nowadays, I'm seeing prices of 200-300 USD? 
May 7, 2010 at 1:42 AM Post #22 of 43
Ah, I'm not a serious basshead or a serious treblehead - but I guess the CK10 would suit me a little better; ergonomically.
KLS, how much should a pair of CK10 go for nowadays, I'm seeing prices of 200-300 USD? 

You should be able to get one brand new for less than USD 220.
By the way, @rawrster here tried AD700 and have the CK10
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May 7, 2010 at 4:43 AM Post #23 of 43
Okay, I did a little comparison (again) with the CK7 and AD700 with "The Beatles - Yesterday" in flac through my D2+.
The AD700 clearly wins as the sound signature is naturally presented whereas a mids bump is clearly discernable on the CK7. The acoustic guitar in the background is much more strongly accented with the CK7, but the AD700 wins over by presenting the same level of detail, but with less "forced/coloured" twang to the sound of the strings (the twang reverb can be heard, but it's smoother and isn't as sharp), which can become a little distracting. Obviously, an open dynamic 'phone is definitely much more airy than my CK7 - so if the CK10 can offer similar presentation, I would be glad to try and look for a pair.
May 7, 2010 at 5:09 AM Post #24 of 43
I just listened to 'The Beatles-Yesterday' on Youtube. Yes Youtube not FLAC

I don't feel the 'forced/coloured' twang to the sound of the strings.
Quoted from this thread:
Airy - Spacious. Open. Instruments sound like they are surrounded by a large reflective space full of air. Good reproduction of high frequency reflections. High frequency response extends to 15 or 20 kHz.

CK10 has an airy presentation, however to me, though the above description fits for CK10, I don't feel as much 'flowing air' if I compared to IEMs like SM3 or IE8. Maybe this is a difference between warm and cold sounding. Don't get me wrong here, what I mean is CK10 has good soundstage, great instrument separation, and is a little north of neutral (slightly to the cold side), but I feel that there is more air 'flowing' in SM3 and IE8.
May 7, 2010 at 7:44 AM Post #25 of 43
Hmm. I the 'forced' twang I hear must be connected to the bass response of my CK7. The guitar sounds gentler on AD700, whereas CK7, it's much sharper and much more pronounced. Perhaps the distance of the AD700 drivers compared to the in-ear insertion of the CK7  which produced sound that was closer; thus seemingly louder.
On the other hand, I would imagine the airiness/soundstage of the CK10 would be like a regular sized room...whereas the CK7 would be likened to a small cardboard box; and the SM3..a large sized hall?
May 7, 2010 at 8:05 AM Post #26 of 43
May 14, 2010 at 10:17 PM Post #27 of 43
I guess it's been a while since I last replied, but since you own the CK10, KLS - what sort of cord adjuster does it use? I really am not fond of the plastic tube the CK7 uses as the cables end up getting twisted inside.
May 14, 2010 at 10:24 PM Post #28 of 43
CK10 uses the plastic tube one. Well the cables haven't really gotten twisted inside for me when using it.
May 15, 2010 at 12:04 AM Post #29 of 43
I guess it's been a while since I last replied, but since you own the CK10, KLS - what sort of cord adjuster does it use? I really am not fond of the plastic tube the CK7 uses as the cables end up getting twisted inside.

CK10 uses the plastic tube one. Well the cables haven't really gotten twisted inside for me when using it.

What @rewrster said :) It's a plastic tube which measures around 2.5cm. Even if the cable get twisted inside I think you can fix them easily.
@1audioz, haven't made up your mind?

May 15, 2010 at 3:01 AM Post #30 of 43
I think I've made up my mind, I've just got to order it (CK10) now.
$229 from Amazon + $30 shipping (I like my Courier =] ) - good deal? Seems better than any Australian reseller or eBay for that matter.
Do CK10 improve noticeably with an amp?

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