IEMS better than UE Triple Fi 10
May 14, 2012 at 7:27 PM Post #16 of 29
Agreed with many of what is said already, they are hard to beat for the price. I suggest if you want an upgrade just save up and get something like the jh13.
May 14, 2012 at 7:29 PM Post #17 of 29
At the $150 mark, there just aren't many iems that can give the TF10 a run for it's money. If you read some old reviews, it held it's own against the e500 and W3 in the $400+ bracket 6-7 years ago. Today, a W3 is still around $350 and the successor to the e500, the e535, is still $500. 
The fact that it's got my preferred sound signature (slight emphasis on bass and sparkly treble) also helps. While the highs can be sibilant and the mids are slightly recessed, it's not DT990 bad. Foam tips can tamp down the highs and give the already extended bass some tangible impact. Compared to bass heavy iems like the IE80 and Atrio M5, the TF10 does a better job at extracting detail and separating instruments. It's godly with rock and very good with most mainstream music. While not nearly as good at classical or female vocals, it's still a better all-rounder than most.
The cable is absolute garbage - mine broke every 3-4 months and cost $30 to replace each time. After the 3rd failure, I went out and bought some Null Audio Lune cables. These have less cable noise, are more tangle proof, and are practically indestructible compared to the stock cables. They supposedly bring the mids forward as well, but the money would be worth it for the ergonomic improvements alone. 
The TF10 also responds poorly to amplification. Any amp that adds impedance will turn the TF10 into a muddy mess. The crossovers don't respond well to extra resistance.
I've been searching these forums for an upgrade for the past few months, but keep hearing that you need a JH13 or JH16. Time to start saving my pennies...
May 14, 2012 at 8:32 PM Post #19 of 29
really don't know what you're talking about.  TF10 have almost comparable highs to my DT880.  Perhaps you got a bad pair?  TF10 doesn't need a $500 amp to sound good! 

Do you have SR71b ? I had many DT series from 32, 250 and 600ohm, I know how DT series sound like.
Again this is personal preference, to me DTs have very harsh trebles, if you never went to balanced setup or tried with good amp you will never know.
And trust me, I had many portable amps, and UE TF10 sounds better with SR71b. Don't believe me ?, you should try.
May 15, 2012 at 2:21 AM Post #20 of 29
At the $150 mark, there just aren't many iems that can give the TF10 a run for it's money. If you read some old reviews, it held it's own against the e500 and W3 in the $400+ bracket 6-7 years ago. Today, a W3 is still around $350 and the successor to the e500, the e535, is still $500. 
The fact that it's got my preferred sound signature (slight emphasis on bass and sparkly treble) also helps. While the highs can be sibilant and the mids are slightly recessed, it's not DT990 bad. Foam tips can tamp down the highs and give the already extended bass some tangible impact. Compared to bass heavy iems like the IE80 and Atrio M5, the TF10 does a better job at extracting detail and separating instruments. It's godly with rock and very good with most mainstream music. While not nearly as good at classical or female vocals, it's still a better all-rounder than most.
The cable is absolute garbage - mine broke every 3-4 months and cost $30 to replace each time. After the 3rd failure, I went out and bought some Null Audio Lune cables. These have less cable noise, are more tangle proof, and are practically indestructible compared to the stock cables. They supposedly bring the mids forward as well, but the money would be worth it for the ergonomic improvements alone. 
The TF10 also responds poorly to amplification. Any amp that adds impedance will turn the TF10 into a muddy mess. The crossovers don't respond well to extra resistance.
I've been searching these forums for an upgrade for the past few months, but keep hearing that you need a JH13 or JH16. Time to start saving my pennies...

Disagree with the TF10 responding poorly to amplification.  I've had great experience with mine and I've read the same quite a few times in reviews.  :xf_eek:      Might be looking to get the Null audio lune cables also--- is yours fully wrapped/sleeved?  or is the twisted cable on the top half exposed? 
really don't know what you're talking about.  TF10 have almost comparable highs to my DT880.  Perhaps you got a bad pair?  TF10 doesn't need a $500 amp to sound good! 

Do you have SR71b ? I had many DT series from 32, 250 and 600ohm, I know how DT series sound like.
Again this is personal preference, to me DTs have very harsh trebles, if you never went to balanced setup or tried with good amp you will never know.
And trust me, I had many portable amps, and UE TF10 sounds better with SR71b. Don't believe me ?, you should try.

don't mind me - didn't sleep last night at all :p  and I'm new.  I don't doubt the TF10 sound better with SR71b....heck, they sound much much better with a cheap amplifier.  The sound stage increases dramatically.  At least you agree the DT880 series sound similar to the TF10.  I know I'm not too full of BS :p  If money were no object, I'd definitely be spending my money on cars/audio to the extreme--hehe.  For now, I'm all about most bang for the buck.  Instead of adding a $500 amp, I'd probably put that towards saving for a used HD700 or 800.  Maybe Unique Melody CIEM.
May 15, 2012 at 3:24 AM Post #21 of 29
Do these Westone cables need to be modified to work with TF10?
****Looks like Westone cables are thicker and longer than TF10 and will permanently enlargen the sockets on the TF10.  So, even filing down to make it a flush fit with TF10 might limit your cable options in the future-- read that other cables will fall out due to the enlarged sockets :xf_eek:
Somehow I feel like spending over $100 in cables will only be a slight marginal increase in quality.  The TF10 are amazing as is... so I guess I'm leaning towards Westone or jaben replacement cables for like $30-50 and springing for the $170 UM reshell -_-
May 15, 2012 at 5:22 AM Post #22 of 29
ck90 mk2>tf-10
Need I go on?
They aren't bad at all, just horribly designed (ergonomically).
The overall signature needs to be eq'ed. I still think they sound wonderful though for the price.

Agree with EQ..........J3 has a fabulous set of weapons to dial TF 10 in quite nicely.

absolutely loved the J3 - sold it to get D3 - might go back to J3 once D3 arrives. 

these look amazingly cool.... -_-  from Unique Melody (in australia).  $170.  I would hope they include cables, but probably not.  I'll look into the Custom UE cables..  Good to know about the Jaben's not adding any sound quality.  They DO have the 2-for-1 deal still. 
before I started actually looking at reshelling, I thought they came with upgraded cables and was simply to create a better fit for people who were having issues with the awkward TF10 fitment.
I've never really had an issue with the fitment of the TF10.....  Is it common to have to resend the molds back several times to get the fitment right?  I'm guessing if the fit isn't perfect, it's all in vain due to leakage of sound (in).  The comply tips seem to last pretty long for me--I've used mine religiously for at least 6 months..  I guess I don't have much earwax
Are reshells a firm jelly-like material?  do they seal out the noise better than Comply tips?  I saw that some people added a 4th driver to the TF10.  To me the TF10 are pretty perfect...what does the 4th driver improve on?  :O
would you recommend Chris himself cables or Null Audio Lune cables?  I heard chris himself are "silver core" which won't be as durable?  That's what I heard from a different seller--could be biased. 
Apparently Westone cables will enlargen the sockets and stock cables or other cables will pop out because they'll be loose.   (source:  this thread)
Thanks for the advice, sirs :)
May 15, 2012 at 5:25 AM Post #23 of 29
TF10's are great and although UE discontinued them recently, you can still find them online for under $200, less than half what I paid for them when they were the flagship model.  For another $150, you can get molds and ship them to Fisher InEarz for a custom reshell which converts them to CIEM's.  Provided your molds are done correctly, the seal is much better than when they are in universal form (i.e. using foam or silicone tips) and this is how you get the best bass response.  Finally, for another $25 you can get a Fiio E6 amp that has a setting to boost bass and midrange frequencies, which addresses the deficiencies commonly complained about both those areas.  So, for a grand total of under $400, you have some fabulous CIEM's which typically start out at about twice that cost from many manufacturers.  There is a thread here about the Fisher/InEarz remolds for TF10's here on the site.  Since I had mine reshelled, they are in my ears several hours every day and I love them.  Good luck!
Edit: Forgot to mention replacing the cable... Fisher has a nice one for $30 which you can add in during remold, Westone has a nice one at $40 (I got the 64" one) and Fiio has one as well.  Still coming in around $400 all told.

Amazon sells on Black Friday for the past few years for $95 each :xf_eek:  Unbeatable!  So if they're discontinued, hopefully they'll keep having this deal...
May 15, 2012 at 8:11 AM Post #24 of 29
Disagree with the TF10 responding poorly to amplification.  I've had great experience with mine and I've read the same quite a few times in reviews.  :xf_eek:      Might be looking to get the Null audio lune cables also--- is yours fully wrapped/sleeved?  or is the twisted cable on the top half exposed? 

don't mind me - didn't sleep last night at all :p  and I'm new.  I don't doubt the TF10 sound better with SR71b....heck, they sound much much better with a cheap amplifier.  The sound stage increases dramatically.  At least you agree the DT880 series sound similar to the TF10.  I know I'm not too full of BS :p  If money were no object, I'd definitely be spending my money on cars/audio to the extreme--hehe.  For now, I'm all about most bang for the buck.  Instead of adding a $500 amp, I'd probably put that towards saving for a used HD700 or 800.  Maybe Unique Melody CIEM.

Ya I am glad that you noticed UETF10 needs an amp to sound better, I thought I was the only one here ;p

To be honest I was regretting a lot spending $650 + $15 (silver paint) + $25 shipping on SR71b, not to mentioned balanced cable and interconnects, etc. (approx $1500) = Total waste of money.

Instead I should have bought a nice DAC2 (wyred4 sound DAC2), I am not saying that SR71b is a bad amplifier, just not worth the money in my opinion.
May 15, 2012 at 10:44 AM Post #25 of 29
Disagree with the TF10 responding poorly to amplification.  I've had great experience with mine and I've read the same quite a few times in reviews.  :xf_eek:      Might be looking to get the Null audio lune cables also--- is yours fully wrapped/sleeved?  or is the twisted cable on the top half exposed? 
don't mind me - didn't sleep last night at all :p  and I'm new.  I don't doubt the TF10 sound better with SR71b....heck, they sound much much better with a cheap amplifier.  The sound stage increases dramatically.  At least you agree the DT880 series sound similar to the TF10.  I know I'm not too full of BS :p  If money were no object, I'd definitely be spending my money on cars/audio to the extreme--hehe.  For now, I'm all about most bang for the buck.  Instead of adding a $500 amp, I'd probably put that towards saving for a used HD700 or 800.  Maybe Unique Melody CIEM.

Ya I am glad that you noticed UETF10 needs an amp to sound better, I thought I was the only one here ;p

To be honest I was regretting a lot spending $650 + $15 (silver paint) + $25 shipping on SR71b, not to mentioned balanced cable and interconnects, etc. (approx $1500) = Total waste of money.

Instead I should have bought a nice DAC2 (wyred4 sound DAC2), I am not saying that SR71b is a bad amplifier, just not worth the money in my opinion.

Absolutely they sound better with an amplifier.  I'm not sure where the idea that they don't comes in.  It depends on the DAP of course but the horrible output impedance on most DAPs is a problem for almost all triple-driver BA IEMs (UE, Westone, Shure.)  It's not subtle how much wider the soundstage gets with a half decent amp.
May 16, 2012 at 1:50 AM Post #26 of 29
*sigh*.... i didn't think about shipping back and forth to Australia.  plus audiologist costs.
shipping prices are really ridiculous nowadays.  Sending a light Cowon J3 to canada from Oregon was $30 express mail.........that was the cheapest way to send with tracking
May 16, 2012 at 1:59 AM Post #27 of 29
*sigh*.... i didn't think about shipping back and forth to Australia.  plus audiologist costs.

shipping prices are really ridiculous nowadays.  Sending a light Cowon J3 to canada from Oregon was $30 express mail.........that was the cheapest way to send with tracking

Since you're in the NW, you could get the reshelled by 1964-EARS. I had mine done by them for $200. Great fit, good service. You may not have the range of shell options that others offer, but I completely recommend them.

You can stop by the shop if you're in Portland.
May 16, 2012 at 2:18 AM Post #28 of 29
*sigh*.... i didn't think about shipping back and forth to Australia.  plus audiologist costs.

shipping prices are really ridiculous nowadays.  Sending a light Cowon J3 to canada from Oregon was $30 express mail.........that was the cheapest way to send with tracking

Since you're in the NW, you could get the reshelled by 1964-EARS. I had mine done by them for $200. Great fit, good service. You may not have the range of shell options that others offer, but I completely recommend them.

You can stop by the shop if you're in Portland.

ah nice.  thank you.  I am in Portland :)
Apr 13, 2013 at 4:21 PM Post #29 of 29
Hmmm, I'm in Depoe, and I'm looking at the same thing. Re-cabeling with either Lunes or Chris'; and then Re-shelling. I didn't know that there was a place here in Portland, Or., that is is very interesting. Do they do fitting there too? I am not sure of any place down here on the coast that does that. I would like custom molds done for my HF3's as well. Obviously not through 1964 though.

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