IDM music
Dec 13, 2004 at 1:49 PM Post #16 of 26

Originally Posted by asmox
idm isn't a "special" music taste, and you aren't "special" because you like idm. sorry to crush your vanity trip.

Dude, relax.. I never said I was special.

IDM is rather unsual where I live, I've never stumbled across anyone here that likes same kind of music except maybe on the net. That was all I meant. To be honest I wish there were more poeple where I live that listen to the same things I do, so I could share my interests in music more often. Thats actually why I started this thread.
Dec 13, 2004 at 2:03 PM Post #17 of 26
IDM seems like a convenient term to me. It's easy to write (only 3 letters) and I think most people understand what it means and have a pretty decent idea of what kind of music it covers. In contrast, I don't have a clue what the difference between trance and psy-trance is, and I have a feeling that having someone explain it to me probably wouldn't help that much.

I think what makes IDM more "intelligent" than house or progressive techno and the like is that it seems to be less based on repitition than these other genres. It's more cerebral--and therefore less danceable--because the musician/programmer makes an effort to create complex interraction between parts, instead of just the stereotypical "start out with just the kick drum and slowly add layers every 8 bars until you have a song" (this is what I think of most house).

Of course, perhaps my favorite IDM album, SAW2, does not really follow the pattern of its contemporaries.
Dec 13, 2004 at 8:46 PM Post #18 of 26

Originally Posted by Davey
And traces of what some call IDM in the later version of Notwist as well.

Yeah, the notwist is great... saw them live recently. Lali Puna and Styrofoam from the same label are both good as well.

The term IDM seems to make a lot of people angry. It also seems to bring out a lot of people that think they know better than you what it means. Its not like it matters... its just a genre like any other. They are jut there for your convenience. There is a guy that I chat with on soulseek that constantly tries to convince me that IDM originally stood for "Industrial Dance Music"... he doesnt seem to get it that I dont care... all I know is that I like IDM.
Dec 13, 2004 at 10:51 PM Post #19 of 26
You want intelligent, purposely pretentious souless dance music?

Go Pet Shop Boys! And they have a acerbic sense of humor too!
Dec 13, 2004 at 11:07 PM Post #20 of 26
BION, i got into electronic precisely because of my ipod/ety combo (nope, i don't need the booming bass to enjoy it). i just love getting lost in the intricate details, and for some reason (probably just in my head) there seems to be a digital source/digital music symbiosis.

in addition to some of the aforementioned, my big favorite right now is...

mouse on mars
really playful, a bit glitchy and utterly absorbing.
i recommend starting with their debut 'iaora tahiti,' then getting 'instrumentals' and/or 'niun niggung.'

dunno (and don't really give a rat's ass) if it qualifies as IDM, but the first electronic album i ever got is still possibly my favorite:

fila brazillia - 'power clown'
i bought it on a total whim, and it's fantastic. i've been dying to get more of their older albums, but they're all out of print, and it's a real heartbreaker. if anyone knows how/where to find them, please please please tell me!!

Dec 15, 2004 at 10:13 PM Post #21 of 26

Originally Posted by VicAjax
BION, i got into electronic precisely because of my ipod/ety combo (nope, i don't need the booming bass to enjoy it). i just love getting lost in the intricate details, and for some reason (probably just in my head) there seems to be a digital source/digital music symbiosis.

in addition to some of the aforementioned, my big favorite right now is...

mouse on mars
really playful, a bit glitchy and utterly absorbing.
i recommend starting with their debut 'iaora tahiti,' then getting 'instrumentals' and/or 'niun niggung.'

dunno (and don't really give a rat's ass) if it qualifies as IDM, but the first electronic album i ever got is still possibly my favorite:

fila brazillia - 'power clown'
i bought it on a total whim, and it's fantastic. i've been dying to get more of their older albums, but they're all out of print, and it's a real heartbreaker. if anyone knows how/where to find them, please please please tell me!!


I like Fila Brazillia - A Touch of Cloth.. havent heard power clown, but I'll be sure to look for it now when you have recommended it..

Havent heard much of Mouse on Mars, I liked a couple of tracks from one of their older albums, Vulvaland.. chagrin and uah are the two tracks that I've still kept in my mp3 collection
Dec 16, 2004 at 1:55 AM Post #22 of 26
Best Fila Brazillia album IMHO is Luck Be a Weirdo Tonight. "Rustic Bellyflop" and "Heat Death of the Universe" are the hands down their two best tracks. If you want to order them online I *think* their old label still sells them...

Check or try

While you're there check out a group called Baby Mammoth. Kinda like Fila but a little more mellow and repetitious with their beats. "Elephunk" of Motion Without Pain is HUGE!
Dec 16, 2004 at 3:20 PM Post #23 of 26

Originally Posted by false
Best Fila Brazillia album IMHO is Luck Be a Weirdo Tonight. "Rustic Bellyflop" and "Heat Death of the Universe" are the hands down their two best tracks. If you want to order them online I *think* their old label still sells them...

Check or try

While you're there check out a group called Baby Mammoth. Kinda like Fila but a little more mellow and repetitious with their beats. "Elephunk" of Motion Without Pain is HUGE!

man... i just got so excited, but all they have for sale is brazilification.
Dec 16, 2004 at 3:24 PM Post #24 of 26

Originally Posted by zool
I like Fila Brazillia - A Touch of Cloth.. havent heard power clown, but I'll be sure to look for it now when you have recommended it..

i think it's out of print like the rest of them... but if you find it (and the rest of their back catalog) anywhere... please PM me!


Havent heard much of Mouse on Mars, I liked a couple of tracks from one of their older albums, Vulvaland.. chagrin and uah are the two tracks that I've still kept in my mp3 collection

i love mouse on mars... MoM and fila have one thing in common -- a healthy appreciation for the utterly absurd. while fila is groovy silliness, MoM is spacey silliness. it's great music to get lost in, with new details revealed every time you listen.
Dec 16, 2004 at 4:03 PM Post #25 of 26
I feel IDM fits well for that time period because the drum paterns were much more mathmaticaly complex compared to other styles at the time. GIve anybody a groove box and a dance tune can be made. Now, try producing IDM with the same machine and it becomes more diificult. Most IDM artists in my opinion are on a totaly diifferent wavelength compared to others. I agee not all IDM is genius but the ones that do classify blow everyone else away at the time of its classification. Now there are styles that have progressed form IDM so is IDM still intelligiant? Probably, but there are others that are just as intelligiant. It never ends. True, it is arrogant but what can you do.

Who's to say?
Round and round we go. Where it stops nobody knows.

Dec 18, 2004 at 4:15 PM Post #26 of 26
Aphex Twin's Selected Ambient Works Vol. 2 is probably my favourite sleep album of all time.

Regarding the "damn it being named idm!" I don't think many people actually listen to the music thinking "ah! this music is increasing my intelligence while all those idiots listen to Blim and Propellerheads!" I heard that Aphex Twin was actually trying to change the genres name, but failed. The name sticks, and the elitism suggested in it doesn't really reflect the people who listen to the music, which I view as more important.

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