Ibasso SR2...... 🍀 🇺🇸...here 😳
Sep 30, 2020 at 5:10 PM Post #256 of 915
Interesting huh :thinking:

It seems as though there is no absolute opinion. What nobody can say is that your opinion is wrong - especially with 45h of listening time with the Anandas. You also did a good job at mentioning your observations on both.

It's not as though one is better than the other - just two different headphones with different characteristics.

Everybody's experience differs. There is no right or wrong - just personal preference and bias. I think everybody should listen to both @Bboy500's opinion and everyone elses. You could very well be the person who finds that your experience matches to Bboy's, or you could find your experience to match with somebody elses. That's why threads like these exist, so we can all share our opinion - then, one can get a basic idea of what everybody is experiencing.

The important thing to me, at this point, and why I was so "direct" with my last posts is that everyone before me who had something similar to say we're all quickly dismissed themselves and told they were wrong by all the people who hyped up these phones.

You can read trough the topic and see it's far more then just me who holds the opinion I do, I think there's a fairly good split. I'm just the one that got tired from the comments after about how we are all doing something wrong that we can't hear it. As long as it is acknowledged that no, these are not the most amazing magical $550 headphones the world has seen for every genre ever and every person.... I've got no beef with anyone stating otherwise. I was essentially tired of everyone stating the opposite as a fact, so I went the complete exact way in the opposite direction.

Now that that's not being done anymore, I'm good. Let's just not dismiss either opinion, please :) (Not talking to you directly, just in general)

Enjoy the headphones guys, and I'm glad some of you are finding an affordable true end game. I wished I liked these as much as some of the people here. But my sound signature preference has always been big open, natural soundstage with everything having room to breathe and these just did not do it for me there. They did, mostly, everything else well which is why I still think they are worth the price.
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Sep 30, 2020 at 5:45 PM Post #257 of 915
Now that that's not being done anymore, I'm good. Let's just not dismiss either opinion, please :) (Not talking to you directly, just in general)

I do want to say that I am up to date with this thread, have been following it since the very first post. There are definitely different experiences, the best we can do is keep sharing more experiences and honest thoughts.
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Oct 8, 2020 at 12:26 AM Post #258 of 915
I wouldn’t say these are “end game”...but could be for someone that doesn’t want or have 2500-3000 to put a system together.
However without having end games phones, pretending not to when I listen to these personally I’d be happy. I’m blessed to have the best of both worlds...most end game phones require “stupid” expensive amps to run them...these phones can be driven with very minimum load and still sound good. I ran them with one of my older ibasso portables and they sound great...I can’t do that with my other phones....do these sound amazing and even better with my 1000 amp/DAC, yepppp. Are they comfortable and non fatiguing, yeppp...as well they come in at a more than reasonable price point...I sold two ZMF PHONES, the auteur and the Blackwoods, neither of those I liked more than this SR2...my LCD2 had more bass and I liked it for nostalgia sake, sold those too...sound way better than the HD650 too...these SR2 deliver sound how I like to listen to music: analytically...balanced and perfectly presented...that is indeed what these do..and they do it .in a way that relative to the market you do not see SQ of this caliber and detail until you hit the $1-1200 retail price point.
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Oct 18, 2020 at 1:30 PM Post #259 of 915
Love love love these still are a joy.
So much detail. So comfortable.
Amazing. Simply amazing at this price point and beyond.
Clarity and speed is uncanny.
I am in the studio with Coltrane.


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Oct 18, 2020 at 6:28 PM Post #261 of 915
Has anyone read the review at Moonstar Reviews? If so, can you comment in relation to what you're hearing from the SR2? If this review is relatively accurate, I may have to roll the dice and grab a set.
Oct 18, 2020 at 6:46 PM Post #262 of 915
Has anyone read the review at Moonstar Reviews? If so, can you comment in relation to what you're hearing from the SR2? If this review is relatively accurate, I may have to roll the dice and grab a set.
Do you have a link?
Oct 18, 2020 at 7:14 PM Post #263 of 915
Has anyone read the review at Moonstar Reviews? If so, can you comment in relation to what you're hearing from the SR2? If this review is relatively accurate, I may have to roll the dice and grab a set.
I will gladly share my opinion and hopefully help out.

I must say that I am very impressed with it - it is by far the best headphone that I currently have and it is for a reason. I think that this headphone is meant for mid-range heavy music, vocals and instruments sound gorgeous.
If you don't feel like reading the wall of details below, in short, Moonstar's review is accurate for the most part

The overall bass response is very well balanced. However, the sub-bass does indeed have less quantity and definition than the mid-bass (which I much prefer than vice versa - when sub-bass dominates mid-bass). Mid-bass has full-body, is very fast/tight, and is clean. The bass is very elegant, that's the best word I could use to describe it. It doesn't tire or fatigue your ears, maybe "moderate" would be a better word?

The mid-range is where I believe the selling point of the SR2 is. Moonstar very well said that it is slightly forward. This is not a V-shaped headphone, so the bass does not get in the way of vocals or the overall mix... finally a headphone that you can enjoy something else besides electronic music. The lower mid-range sounds very good due to the bass extension - instruments like piano's or cello's (strings) benefit from this extension and it really contributes to the great timbre that SR2 has. Due to the mid-range being slightly forward, vocals sound great (both male and female). I also think the upper mid-range is well refined, as though it stays away from sibilance, but also remains a great amount of detail.
I personally am having a hard time taking them off of my head, just hours and hours of pure music enjoyment. Guitar plucks can be felt which is always pleasant to hear. Violins have the emotional character when they hit higher notes and peaks - they are not rolled off which is a characteristic from warm headphones. Pianos can be also felt with the help of the lower-frequency extension. I think SR2 holds a very good resolution.

Treble is clear, it definitely has the capability to deliver sparkle. It is well-tuned and balanced just like the rest of the SR2, but it is tuned in a way that never gets fatiguing - but also never gives you the sense that it is warm or rolled off. I haven't felt the absence of the upper-end, it does not sound like it is missing.

Just speaking straight from personal experience with the SR2, I think it is worth it. I have spent hours listening to Pink Floyd, Led Zeppelin, Daft Punk (Tron Legacy score has been on repeat), Joan Baez, The Alan Parsons Project, Nina Simone, Gloria Gaynor, Deep Purple, and many more. While with other headphones I usually listen to test tracks to hear the sound characteristics of that headphone, with SR2 I have actually been listening to the music that I personally enjoy. With no other headphone have I been playing this much vocal and instrument heavy music - I think so many headphones below this price point are stuck in the V-shape zone that it is truly hard to fully enjoy some gorgeous records. I see the SR2 as a headphone that you can put on your head, play your favorite compositions and tracks, and have a glass of wine - and this is exactly how I have been enjoying it.

I am not somebody who follows or creates hype - I actually went into listening to this headphone with no expectations, I completely overlooked the whole discussion on here, but I was not disappointed. I find it very intimate and capable, in fact, I can safely say that SR2 is currently my favorite headphone. I think that the main reason why I enjoy vocals and instruments this much is because the bass response is much more balanced and refined - it is not overpowering or distracting, which lets you to completely focus on the mid range and details form the upper-range. Needless to say, SR2 is addicting to listen to, and I have been listening to music more than ever - but most importantly, I have been enjoying music.. which is something I haven't done in quite some time. I cannot deny that SR2 are a perfect match for my personal taste.

I also want to add that the stock pads are pretty damn good. I had no discomfort even after 2-3+ hours of them being on my head. They do get slightly warm, but I had no sweating issues or anything of that sort. The pads are thick & soft. I have some Dekoni Pads that can fit them, but I didn't give them a go yet.

I hope this helps in some type of way. I have my full review on the way, and I really hope I can finish it by the end of the month. In the write-up above I used no examples, so I don't know how much the used terminology helps. In my full review I have reference tracks that describe why and where I hear these sound qualities, so it is much easier to follow

@Mhog55 @jamato8 Here is the link: https://moonstarreviews.net/ibasso-sr2-headphone/
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Oct 18, 2020 at 9:29 PM Post #265 of 915
I will gladly share my opinion and hopefully help out.

I must say that I am very impressed with it - it is by far the best headphone that I currently have and it is for a reason. I think that this headphone is meant for mid-range heavy music, vocals and instruments sound gorgeous.
If you don't feel like reading the wall of details below, in short, Moonstar's review is accurate for the most part

The overall bass response is very well balanced. However, the sub-bass does indeed have less quantity and definition than the mid-bass (which I much prefer than vice versa - when sub-bass dominates mid-bass). Mid-bass has full-body, is very fast/tight, and is clean. The bass is very elegant, that's the best word I could use to describe it. It doesn't tire or fatigue your ears, maybe "moderate" would be a better word?

The mid-range is where I believe the selling point of the SR2 is. Moonstar very well said that it is slightly forward. This is not a V-shaped headphone, so the bass does not get in the way of vocals or the overall mix... finally a headphone that you can enjoy something else besides electronic music. The lower mid-range sounds very good due to the bass extension - instruments like piano's or cello's (strings) benefit from this extension and it really contributes to the great timbre that SR2 has. Due to the mid-range being slightly forward, vocals sound great (both male and female). I also think the upper mid-range is well refined, as though it stays away from sibilance, but also remains a great amount of detail.
I personally am having a hard time taking them off of my head, just hours and hours of pure music enjoyment. Guitar plucks can be felt which is always pleasant to hear. Violins have the emotional character when they hit higher notes and peaks - they are not rolled off which is a characteristic from warm headphones. Pianos can be also felt with the help of the lower-frequency extension. I think SR2 holds a very good resolution.

Treble is clear, it definitely has the capability to deliver sparkle. It is well-tuned and balanced just like the rest of the SR2, but it is tuned in a way that never gets fatiguing - but also never gives you the sense that it is warm or rolled off. I haven't felt the absence of the upper-end, it does not sound like it is missing.

Just speaking straight from personal experience with the SR2, I think it is worth it. I have spent hours listening to Pink Floyd, Led Zeppelin, Daft Punk (Tron Legacy score has been on repeat), Joan Baez, The Alan Persons Project, Nina Simone, Gloria Gaynor, Deep Purple, and many more. While with other headphones I usually listen to test tracks to hear the sound characteristics of that headphone, with SR2 I have actually been listening to the music that I personally enjoy. With no other headphone have I been playing this much vocal and instrument heavy music - I think so many headphones below this price point are stuck in the V-shape zone that it is truly hard to fully enjoy some gorgeous records. I see the SR2 as a headphone that you can put on your head, play your favorite compositions and tracks, and have a glass of wine - and this is exactly how I have been enjoying it.

I am not somebody who follows or creates hype - I actually went into listening to this headphone with no expectations, I completely overlooked the whole discussion on here, but I was not disappointed. I find it very intimate and capable, in fact, I can safely say that SR2 is currently my favorite headphone. I think that the main reason why I enjoy vocals and instruments this much is because the bass response is much more balanced and refined - it is not overpowering or distracting, which lets you to completely focus on the mid range and details form the upper-range. Needless to say, SR2 is addicting to listen to, and I have been listening to music more than ever - but most importantly, I have been enjoying music.. which is something I haven't done in quite some time. I cannot deny that SR2 are a perfect match for my personal taste.

I also want to add that the stock pads are pretty damn good. I had no discomfort even after 2-3+ hours of them being on my head. They do get slightly warm, but I had no sweating issues or anything of that sort. The pads are thick & soft. I have some Dekoni Pads that can fit them, but I didn't give them a go yet.

I hope this helps in some type of way. I have my full review on the way, and I really hope I can finish it by the end of the month. In the write-up above I used no examples, so I don't know how much the used terminology helps. In my full review I have reference tracks that describe why and where I hear these sound qualities, so it is much easier to follow

@Mhog55 @jamato8 Here is the link: https://moonstarreviews.net/ibasso-sr2-headphone/
Nice. I appreciate you taking the time to write this 👌
From the review, and what you just wrote, the SR2 definitely seems to be in my wheel house. I'm looking to upgrade from my 58X, and this is in the top of my list.
A few questions - Does it have some decent weight and forwardness, or is it more lean, thin, and distant? How is the clamp out of the box? I actually prefer a tighter fit, especially with cans this heavy. I don't like headphones that tend to slide or slip when moving around, sitting back, etc.
90% of the time I'm listening to classic rock, hard rock, and hair metal (70s / 80s). Would you say that these excel with these genres? I noticed you mentioned a few groups in this category. The low mids / mid bass sound about right for this type of music, based on your description. How about the upper mids? Not sure if you're familiar with either of these, but I use the Audio Technica ath-Msr7b, and ath-wp900 for my portable needs. I mention these as the upper mids really suit my preferences. I use to prefer a warmer, darker sound, but the Audio Technicas really opened my eyes.
Oct 18, 2020 at 10:41 PM Post #266 of 915
Nice. I appreciate you taking the time to write this 👌
From the review, and what you just wrote, the SR2 definitely seems to be in my wheel house. I'm looking to upgrade from my 58X, and this is in the top of my list

What else is on your list?

I had the HD650s....not even in the same building as these phones. I actually sold them to fund these...I kept them for a LONG time too...just for nostalgia and I liked the comfort...I miss them not ONE BIT....I feel zero need to look for any more phones at this point and never thought I’d ever feel this way. I enjoy these because they do not color the music at all, you get exactly what is presented...analytical presentation, perfectly balanced in all ranges. The 650s were quite shrill in my opinion. The Ibasso also bests the HDs in comfort as well. Oh, and they are easy to drive with portable amps, though they thrive with my desktop amp.
Oct 19, 2020 at 2:05 AM Post #267 of 915
What else is on your list?

I had the HD650s....not even in the same building as these phones. I actually sold them to fund these...I kept them for a LONG time too...just for nostalgia and I liked the comfort...I miss them not ONE BIT....I feel zero need to look for any more phones at this point and never thought I’d ever feel this way. I enjoy these because they do not color the music at all, you get exactly what is presented...analytical presentation, perfectly balanced in all ranges. The 650s were quite shrill in my opinion. The Ibasso also bests the HDs in comfort as well. Oh, and they are easy to drive with portable amps, though they thrive with my desktop amp.
I appreciate your enthusiasm, but all of your posts read like this - unlike the previous commenter who took time to go into detail describing the sound. I never mentioned the 650s, nor did I care for them all that much. Regardless, saying that they best the 650s doesn't do me a lot of good unfortunately. You also keep referring to them as analytical, but the majority of reviews I've read say they are indeed relatively balanced, but with some added warmth, especially in the low mids. That's not my idea of analytical, and if they are as analytical as you state, then they are definitely not for me.

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