iBasso DX170 You want your Music? It is right here. *** NEW Firmware: 1.06 Apple support and other additions! ***
Mar 12, 2023 at 12:39 PM Post #1,246 of 1,725
I only get 5 hours on my dx170 why is it so hard for I basso to give us good battery life?
Depends upon what you are playing, volume etc. I use IEMs and get 9 to 10 without issue or a little more. 44 to higher resolution. Of course DSD takes more. Not much screen time, no need for it. BT and wifi off. If using the screen and BT and wifi of course it takes a lot of current and there goes the battery. I have a Sony that goes for ever but even with the WM1Z, I don't enjoy the sound quite as much and it is much, much heavier.
Mar 12, 2023 at 12:41 PM Post #1,247 of 1,725
Yea, "Everything in life (and Audio) is a balance."

- On my 160 I can get 10+hrs using the 3.5mm Out, no Wifi, No BT, And screen off with 16/44 FLAC files.
- But switching to Balanced out drops battery life to 6Hrs.
- I can see how streaming from WIFI, with BT on, and Running higher bitrate files would drop to 4hrs... Especially if screen is also on much.(Does help to switch to the lower resolution screen setting...)

* I'm sure that iBasso could make a 160/170 sized unit with 20hrs battery life (3.5mm), but sound quality would drop somewhat lower (And be like everyone else).
* And doubling battery size could be done to double battery life; but the size would increase...

Every decision or choice has both positive and negative consequences.
Yes, easy to install all in one dac op amps. Decrease in sound quality, big increase in battery life. I will take sound quality any day. They have dacs that do everything but if I want that then I will use my phone.
Mar 12, 2023 at 1:42 PM Post #1,248 of 1,725
I only get 5 hours on my dx170 why is it so hard for I basso to give us good battery life?
I am with you 100% BUT ... Having purchased recently Hiby R5 Gen II for 450 bucks and owning for 1 and a half year the latest version of DX160 (not DX170) still prefer listening to the latter one....it just feels more right.. I mean the whole sound feels more right on DX160... Do not use wifi or BT and try to keep the screen of for most of the time just to get to that 5 hours of overall listening in 4.4 balanced / low gain and pretty high pitched volumes... But being sound quality my first and most important priority I should be thinking of DX170 as well instead of brands as FiiO, Shanling or Hiby.... taking the risk of really losing rapidly battery life to the cost of an unparalleled sound representation / reproduction..
That's how I see it I may afraid so....
Things are what they are....... Afraid so..
Mar 12, 2023 at 2:57 PM Post #1,249 of 1,725

I have another question about the Dx170.
Thank you for answering the question in my previous post, much appreciated.

The Dx170 can play 32/392 in maximum resolution.

Tidal will probably only play 16/44/48 depending on when I download the Tidal app.

Is it still possible to say internally in the settings that I want an upsampling?
Or is it only possible with various apps or players?

Can Mqa also be switched off if it doesn't want to?

I'm still hesitant, although I haven't found anything better yet in terms of price.
Mar 12, 2023 at 3:26 PM Post #1,250 of 1,725
Is it still possible to say internally in the settings that I want an upsampling?
Or is it only possible with various apps or players?
No such option in the DAP's settings. Neutron has upsampling option if I rememner correctly.
Can Mqa also be switched off if it doesn't want to?
No, The audio settings are fairly limited. You've got Gain selection, Filters & PO/LO toggle.
I'm still hesitant, although I haven't found anything better yet in terms of price.
The only other DAP worth considering in this price range is the HiBy R6 Gen III. You'll get better performance from that DAP but at the expense of some sound quality. It's sound signature is more on the Neutral and analytical side where as the DX170 has a Neutral slightly warm and Musical sound.
Mar 12, 2023 at 3:32 PM Post #1,251 of 1,725
Just wondering does anyone know when the 1.04 firmware will go over the air?, I've waited anxiously for 2 days, I'm really hoping it improves overall performance and makes the DAP a lot faster and hopefully they figure out the heat issues that the player has.
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Mar 12, 2023 at 3:44 PM Post #1,252 of 1,725
No such option in the DAP's settings. Neutron has upsampling option if I rememner correctly.

No, The audio settings are fairly limited. You've got Gain selection, Filters & PO/LO toggle.

The only other DAP worth considering in this price range is the HiBy R6 Gen III. You'll get better performance from that DAP but at the expense of some sound quality. It's sound signature is more on the Neutral and analytical side where as the DX170 has a Neutral slightly warm and Musical sound.
Hmmm okay I still don't understand why that doesn't work.
I have already tried 2-3 Dac dongels and thought that with a Dap it would be possible to select the upsampling if necessary.
Since I have always operated the dongels with my smartphone or tablet.
Why then do all manufacturers advertise with 32/7999999 possible if they don't even leave the setting to the customer?
Theoretically, a simple Dac chip that can handle a maximum of 24/192 would be enough, especially when most streaming providers offer 16/44 most of the time.

I read about the Neutron and Usb Audio can do it too, thanks for reminding me.
What I don't know is whether it also works offline when you're not connected to the wifi network?

I have looked at the Hiby R6 and also read the test, but unfortunately that does not meet what I am looking for as a Dap.
Hiby reminds me a bit of Hidizs only they are a bit better.
Mar 12, 2023 at 4:21 PM Post #1,253 of 1,725
Hmmm okay I still don't understand why that doesn't work.
I have already tried 2-3 Dac dongels and thought that with a Dap it would be possible to select the upsampling if necessary.
Since I have always operated the dongels with my smartphone or tablet.
Why then do all manufacturers advertise with 32/7999999 possible if they don't even leave the setting to the customer?
Theoretically, a simple Dac chip that can handle a maximum of 24/192 would be enough, especially when most streaming providers offer 16/44 most of the time.

I read about the Neutron and Usb Audio can do it too, thanks for reminding me.
What I don't know is whether it also works offline when you're not connected to the wifi network?

I have looked at the Hiby R6 and also read the test, but unfortunately that does not meet what I am looking for as a Dap.
Hiby reminds me a bit of Hidizs only they are a bit better.
Why do they advertise better specs? Because they want people to buy it, of course. There are apps like Neutron that will upsample to outrageous rates so that kind of replay can be had today, or you could manually upsample your own files and put them on a micro SD card to play in the DAP. Just because the manufacturer chooses to advertise the upper limit of their DAC’s decoding capabilities does not mean they have to provide you with a solution to get to that max level as part of the stock software. It’s debatable whether such sample rates are beneficial in any way and playback at those rates drains the battery so quickly. It would be like if a car manufacturer had a button to let the car go at 300 MPH but drained your gas tank in two minutes.

You ask if Neutron can upsample when offline. I may be off base here, but I believe Neutron only works with files in storage and not with streaming so it can definitely work when offline.
Mar 12, 2023 at 4:36 PM Post #1,254 of 1,725
Why do they advertise better specs? Because they want people to buy it, of course. There are apps like Neutron that will upsample to outrageous rates so that kind of replay can be had today, or you could manually upsample your own files and put them on a micro SD card to play in the DAP. Just because the manufacturer chooses to advertise the upper limit of their DAC’s decoding capabilities does not mean they have to provide you with a solution to get to that max level as part of the stock software. It’s debatable whether such sample rates are beneficial in any way and playback at those rates drains the battery so quickly. It would be like if a car manufacturer had a button to let the car go at 300 MPH but drained your gas tank in two minutes.

You ask if Neutron can upsample when offline. I may be off base here, but I believe Neutron only works with files in storage and not with streaming so it can definitely work when offline.
My 2020 Supra will do over 160 MPH. But I will never find out unless I do a Thelma and Louise (which a very close and dearest friend, in a very depressed state wanted us to do but I told her, we wouldn't fly very far).

Some say, above 96 PCM isn't heard by the human ear. I have some 44.1 that is so well recorded that it is reference for me, even compared to any high res. PCM or DSD. Whatever floats your boat.
Mar 12, 2023 at 4:51 PM Post #1,255 of 1,725
Hmmm okay I still don't understand why that doesn't work.
I have already tried 2-3 Dac dongels and thought that with a Dap it would be possible to select the upsampling if necessary.
Since I have always operated the dongels with my smartphone or tablet.
Why then do all manufacturers advertise with 32/7999999 possible if they don't even leave the setting to the customer?
Theoretically, a simple Dac chip that can handle a maximum of 24/192 would be enough, especially when most streaming providers offer 16/44 most of the time.

I read about the Neutron and Usb Audio can do it too, thanks for reminding me.
What I don't know is whether it also works offline when you're not connected to the wifi network?

I have looked at the Hiby R6 and also read the test, but unfortunately that does not meet what I am looking for as a Dap.
Hiby reminds me a bit of Hidizs only they are a bit better.
I'm curious to know why you want to upsample your music? Unless you are using something like Audacity to convert the files or HQ Audio Player for real time conversion, most other option are probably going to add unnecessary resampling artifacts. There probably won't be an improvement in sound quality.

The 32bit/768khz thing is mostly just for advertisement purposes.

The DX170 & R6 Gen III are the only decent options in this price range unless you find a good deal in the used market.
Mar 12, 2023 at 4:55 PM Post #1,256 of 1,725
Why do they advertise better specs? Because they want people to buy it, of course. There are apps like Neutron that will upsample to outrageous rates so that kind of replay can be had today, or you could manually upsample your own files and put them on a micro SD card to play in the DAP. Just because the manufacturer chooses to advertise the upper limit of their DAC’s decoding capabilities does not mean they have to provide you with a solution to get to that max level as part of the stock software. It’s debatable whether such sample rates are beneficial in any way and playback at those rates drains the battery so quickly. It would be like if a car manufacturer had a button to let the car go at 300 MPH but drained your gas tank in two minutes.

You ask if Neutron can upsample when offline. I may be off base here, but I believe Neutron only works with files in storage and not with streaming so it can definitely work when offline.
Don't misunderstand.
Sure, there are wild theories out there about upsampling, no question.
I have also found my own personal reference that I simply prefer.
That's okay too.

After all, if I advertise with something like this, then as a customer you expect it to be able to do this.you also paid for it, so why not offer it?
For a programmer, this is not necessarily a lot of work.

That it can be at the expense of the battery, I'm all for it, but you can also say that it's up to you if you like to listen to a preferred sampling rate or Dsd.

Really don't misunderstand, on a PC laptop this is possible without any problems.
Why not also with Dap's in general apart from the fact that you pay for it.
Is the Dap 50% underutilised.
Maybe you'd rather go down a version of Android, but the Dap does what the man wants and wants.
Hardware-wise I think it's absolutely fine also price-wise higher daps no question are unbeatable.
But software-wise, it's still not where I would like to see a Dap.
I think they could really put a bit more effort into it.
I don't want to say something else has been thrown on the market, but let's see how it goes.
It would just be good to accept the wishes of the customers and take their suggestions seriously.

That's actually what I was getting at, as I said, I'm itching to get my hands on the Dx170.
It seems to have a lot to offer and is perhaps even on a par with various other Daps that cost twice as much although they can all do the same.
So why pay more when the rest of the sound could match.
Mar 13, 2023 at 4:06 PM Post #1,258 of 1,725
Depends upon what you are playing, volume etc. I use IEMs and get 9 to 10 without issue or a little more. 44 to higher resolution. Of course DSD takes more. Not much screen time, no need for it. BT and wifi off. If using the screen and BT and wifi of course it takes a lot of current and there goes the battery. I have a Sony that goes for ever but even with the WM1Z, I don't enjoy the sound quite as much and it is much, much heavier.
I use iems too with high gain 40-50% volume and still only get 5 hours man.
Mar 13, 2023 at 4:10 PM Post #1,259 of 1,725
I use iems too with high gain 40-50% volume and still only get 5 hours man.
Do you stream or use an SD card? I use an SD card and don't stream. Wifi off and BT off and not much screen use.

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