I would like my Sony MDR-EX71 to break "unexpectly"
Apr 12, 2007 at 2:34 PM Post #31 of 31
Girl, I know how you feel, parents can't understand these things sometimes but breaking your gear is not the best way to do it. You should really try to talk it out with them and make them see that it's your money and you're free to do whatever with it as long as it's not illegal or drugs. Really, even if you just bought another pair right now, the most they'd do is nag ya, no biggie. Or you can do like I do right now and buy all your gear without them knowing once you move out

Anyhow, the POINT is...don't kill your working earphones just to get them replaced. Everything/everyone has their purpose, and by killing your earphones, you're preventing it from fulfilling its purpose. It's just plain cruelty and disrespect to your equipment. So...slowly work the idea in... Your parents sound like asians (because they sound exactly like mine), so, here's a chinese proverb for you (ancient words of wisdom)..."KILL FIRST, REPORT LATER"...

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