I Hate Video Games
May 29, 2007 at 12:05 AM Post #136 of 188

Originally Posted by DJShadow /img/forum/go_quote.gif
RPG's have a plot, which can be engrossing like a good book. Metal Gear Solid although not a RPG series is like that.

I played a good portion of MGS2 and thought it was the silliest storyline I've ever seen. I mean, what kind of secret agent stops right in the middle of a deadly mission to chat with his girlfriend about his "feelings" about killing people? If it were a movie script it would be right up there with Battlefield Earth and Gigli.
May 29, 2007 at 12:09 AM Post #137 of 188

Originally Posted by DJShadow /img/forum/go_quote.gif
RPG's have a plot, which can be engrossing like a good book. Metal Gear Solid although not a RPG series is like that.

i know that, but for someone who is easily frustrated on a game such as ratchet and clank, rpgs would frustrate him even more. i mean, most casual gamers who love gaming stay away from rpgs, so in my opinion for someone who is about to give up the hobby playing something that is beautifully stunning and fun to play is the way to go.
May 29, 2007 at 12:14 AM Post #138 of 188

Originally Posted by redshifter /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I played a good portion of MGS2 and thought it was the silliest storyline I've ever seen. I mean, what kind of secret agent stops right in the middle of a deadly mission to chat with his girlfriend about his "feelings" about killing people? If it were a movie script it would be right up there with Battlefield Earth and Gigli.

MGS3 has a much better storyline. By miles.
May 29, 2007 at 12:17 AM Post #139 of 188
It looks like redshifter's done with games. So, we should stop trying to convince him otherwise and should have the thread renamed to the Final Fantasy lounge.

Just kidding, of course
May 29, 2007 at 12:33 AM Post #140 of 188

Originally Posted by GTRacer /img/forum/go_quote.gif
MGS3 has a much better storyline. By miles.

No offence, but I really doubt that.
May 29, 2007 at 12:47 AM Post #142 of 188

Originally Posted by plainsong /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Azure, that's one way of doing it, but somehow I also think it's the disk. I never used Cid anymore than I had to, but I did like Red XIII.

I'm using Cid because he's my favorite character, and I think Red XIII is kind of cool (He's my healer). They're all very similar in the end if you use a lot of sources
Plus, I'm mainly using magic as my primary attack force (Quadra Magic + W-Magic), though if I run out of megaelixirs/elixirs, I can always just melee with 4x-cut.

It sucks that my disc may be messed up. It's my original copy of the game (non-greatest hits) that I got way back then. Holds a certain sentimental value in my heart
May 29, 2007 at 4:58 AM Post #143 of 188

Originally Posted by redshifter /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I played a good portion of MGS2 and thought it was the silliest storyline I've ever seen. I mean, what kind of secret agent stops right in the middle of a deadly mission to chat with his girlfriend about his "feelings" about killing people? If it were a movie script it would be right up there with Battlefield Earth and Gigli.

...and MGS2 was lost on yet another gamer.


Metal Gear Solid 3 is my benchmark for good voice acting (all the MGS games in general nailed it)

The MGS games have merely competent voiceovers which does make them something of a benchmark among videogames. I think GTA:VC had the closest thing to good voice acting that I've played.

And I'm still waiting (especially in this current generation of consoles) for language options in videogames. You know, like DVDs?
May 29, 2007 at 5:03 AM Post #144 of 188

Originally Posted by trains are bad /img/forum/go_quote.gif
...and MGS2 was lost on yet another gamer.

The MGS games have merely competent voiceovers which does make them something of a benchmark among videogames. I think GTA:VC had the closest thing to good voice acting that I've played.

And I'm still waiting (especially in this current generation of consoles) for language options in videogames. You know, like DVDs?

Are you putting forth that argument that MGS2's script was so bizzarre it transcended the genre? Being weird for the sake of it does not a compelling story make.
May 29, 2007 at 5:14 AM Post #145 of 188
How did I not find this thread earlier?

Anyhoo, I used to love video games and played them all the time when I was a kid. Now, I don't play them so much. I get bored very easily (and pissed off at them even more easily). I don't know what it is, but I have more fun playing old NES games than anything on the PS2 or Xbox. I'm still undecided about the Wii. On one hand, I really want it, but on the other hand, I less stressed out when I don't play video games.

And I know this post is kind of random and the thread was started 3 days ago, but what can I say? I'm slow.
May 29, 2007 at 6:05 AM Post #148 of 188

Originally Posted by wafflesomd /img/forum/go_quote.gif
MGS series owns, end of story.

Bigger fan of Sam Fisher. Why? Because walking around and shanking everybody you meet is a perfectly valid gameplay style in later Splinter Cell games. Plus the stories make more sense.
May 29, 2007 at 6:12 AM Post #149 of 188

Originally Posted by trains are bad /img/forum/go_quote.gif
MGS2 doesn't transcend the genre so much as the medium.

The medium of video games? It seemed like a video game to me, and a hack job of a script.
May 29, 2007 at 6:17 AM Post #150 of 188

Originally Posted by redshifter /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Are you putting forth that argument that MGS2's script was so bizzarre it transcended the genre? Being weird for the sake of it does not a compelling story make.

The series really is a parody of old cheesy B movies, the developer has admitted so. Once you get to one of the later levels of MGS2 the rooms start being named after the human digestive tract, you get to see your main character get completely naked and watch him do cartwheels, your commander giving you orders goes completely insane (FISSION MAILED??), and the ending has one of the most What just happened feelings. With a completely random live action scene of NYC, which is so out of place.

But the last katana boss fight was very fun. MGS2 really was a pretty strange game.

MGS3 has my favorite ending to a video game ever. The gameplay mechanics are as close to flawless as I've ever seen, mastering CQC is brilliant.

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