I HATE chewing gum!
Jul 22, 2006 at 1:16 PM Post #16 of 36
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Jul 22, 2006 at 1:38 PM Post #17 of 36

Originally Posted by InspectorGadget
Have you ever seen the show "Dirty Jobs"? He once did that job in New york I believe it was...They acually have crews to do this everyday on the streets...

It is becoming big business. There are various machines on the market to facilitate the removal of the chewing gum from sidewalks.
Jul 22, 2006 at 2:05 PM Post #18 of 36
This habit is on my list for "Things you do that will instantly make me think that you are a ****ing moron". Of course it does not have to be true, but in my experience it is often the case.
Jul 22, 2006 at 2:11 PM Post #19 of 36
I find gum to be one of the most irritating things on the planet. It makes a person extremely unattractive. Especially if they're an open mouth chewer. Kind of tough to explain but hanging out with someone while they're just sitting there chomping away on some strange thing that isn't quite food.......it annoys the hell out of me. Even worse is when they take it upon themselves to plaster it to a wall or just drop it on the sidewalk. Incredibly disgusting IMHO.
Jul 22, 2006 at 2:26 PM Post #20 of 36

Originally Posted by nabwong
Sounds like you should live in Singapore. The sale of chewing gum is banned here. .

Wow really! how did that come about? They can ban an annoying but relatively safe habit but tobacco and alcohol is legal (I assume?)
Jul 22, 2006 at 2:32 PM Post #21 of 36

Originally Posted by ken36
Is this issue new or did she start this before you married? If a new habit, talk to her about it. If an ongoing habit, talk to her about it. Try talking, it does work.

We are still newly weds, so we are still sappy, Last night when it was driving me crazy I said " I love you silly bubble popper" and see knows that its me politely saying would you quite that.
She then said " I sorry, I will stop" but then 10 mins later shes back at it. This is one reason that I dont chew gum, you open mouth chew, or pop bubbles without even noticing. I hate the thought of myself getting distracted by music or tv or thoughts and my gum chewing becoming a cow chewing the cud freak show.

Glad to see that I am not alone on the subject, when I started this rant I figured a bunch of people would call me stupid and say get over it.

Going to have to start a new team Team: Anti Gum
Jul 22, 2006 at 2:36 PM Post #22 of 36

Originally Posted by InspectorGadget
Wow really! how did that come about? They can ban an annoying but relatively safe habit but tobacco and alcohol is legal (I assume?)

A lot of public property was destroyed by the gum like bus and train seats etc.. so the government just banned it. It's quite easy to do that in a country smaller than hawaii with only 4 million people.

Smoking is now banned in all indoor spaces and eating outlets...there are designated smoking points.
Jul 22, 2006 at 2:38 PM Post #23 of 36
Do they really enforce the Ban? If your seen walking down the street chewing gum, what happens?
Jul 22, 2006 at 6:17 PM Post #24 of 36

Originally Posted by InspectorGadget
Do they really enforce the Ban? If your seen walking down the street chewing gum, what happens?

Jul 22, 2006 at 9:27 PM Post #25 of 36

Originally Posted by wanderman

Or maybe your JAW..
Aug 1, 2006 at 3:52 AM Post #29 of 36
Just snuck a pack of the wife's gum into the back of the cabinet....lol We had an argument on Sunday and she purposfully put in a big wad....I then put in my E3's which she knows I cant hear crap outside of my music and she got up and left lol She went to put gas in her car....by the time she came back we both were cool again....dont you love being newly weds....
Aug 1, 2006 at 3:54 AM Post #30 of 36

Originally Posted by InspectorGadget
My wife is the worst person to be around when she has chewing gum, She is driving me CRAZY! All that POPPING and chewing augggghhh! I am putting in my E3c's Now!!

I hate cheewing gum, its so rude, obnoxius and I am glad I dont like to chew it either so that I dont sit around sounding like a cow constantly chewin

Just needed the rant....I feel better now...

I assume you're >50yrs old. Right??

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