I fainted for the first time in my life - and I'm not embarrassed!
Aug 17, 2006 at 4:45 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 30


1000+ Head-Fier
Nov 22, 2003
The nurse was taken samples of my blood. The first tube, I felt a little uneasy, the second tube my eyes started getting blurred and the third tube - i was on the floor.

I was brought back to consciousness and given some juice. Then I lay on a bed for sometime as the doctor checked my blood pressure and I was finally let go.

Anyway, it was a surreal experience, this was the first time I had fainted and as I sit here typing this post I feel grateful that the needle didn't puncture though some other part of my body as I fell down, or my face or head didn't get seriously injured. I'm not embarrassed, everyone faints at some point in their life.

Next time you're giving blood/blood samples, insist that you lay down while they take your blood!
Aug 17, 2006 at 4:53 PM Post #2 of 30
lol, you fainted? Bet you'll never donate blood then... When I was young I'd get nauseated if I had to take blood tests but nowadays I can even look to the needle going in and out and It's all right...

But when I had my lip piercing I almost fainted with the pain/experience lol
Aug 17, 2006 at 4:55 PM Post #3 of 30

Originally Posted by wali
The nurse was taken samples of my blood. The first tube, I felt a little uneasy, the second tube my eyes started getting blurred and the third tube - i was on the floor.

I was brought back to consciousness and given some juice. Then I lay on a bed for sometime as the doctor checked my blood pressure and I was finally let go.

Anyway, it was a surreal experience, this was the first time I had fainted and as I sit here typing this post I feel grateful that the needle didn't puncture though some other part of my body as I fell down, or my face or head didn't get seriously injured. I'm not embarrassed, everyone faints at some point in their life.

Next time you're giving blood/blood samples, insist that you lay down while they take your blood!

Wow. Nothing to be embarrassed about at all. Is this the first time you've had a blood sample taken ? I've never fainted **touch wood** and in fact, whenever I give a blood sample, I watch what's going on. In my company medical before coming Stateside, I gave 6 tubes of the stuff... Lots of people are queasy about this though. The infamous "The Exorcist" which had all the great publicity about people fainting in the theaters, the scene which created all the fainting was not some demonic possession scene but the medical testing scenes which involved a lot of needles and ...sorry if you're still a little queasy... spurting blood.

Ha, another true story... back in England I worked in the design office for a contractor on a major job. The mechanical foreman was easily the biggest, beefiest guy I've ever met. A typically roughty-toughty guy. His pregnant wife took him along to some pre-natal class and they showed a video of a baby being born. He went down like a sack of spuds. Out like a light.
Aug 17, 2006 at 4:56 PM Post #4 of 30
I once fainted from getting really light headed from a smoke which was really strange cause i normally smoke malb reds and the smoke that knocked me out was a light. I broke my friends side view mirror when i fell boy was i embarrassed. Couple of months later i passed out from too much alcohol and broke the same mirror haha. I have also vomited in the same car too lol.

That car is cursed i tell ya!
Aug 17, 2006 at 4:58 PM Post #5 of 30
Donating blood is ace. It makes getting bladdered at the pub afterwards much cheaper.

I've never fainted as far as I know, but a couple of times I've stood up too quickly and come close.
Aug 17, 2006 at 5:13 PM Post #6 of 30

Originally Posted by Duggeh
Donating blood is ace. It makes getting bladdered at the pub afterwards much cheaper.

I've never fainted as far as I know, but a couple of times I've stood up too quickly and come close.

Bladdered? That's cool, nothing better than learning new words for drunk!

I can't give blood, they won't let me until a certain period of time has passed since my last tattoo. I can't remember what thet period is, but it doesn't matter much since I always seem to have a fairly fresh tat.
Aug 17, 2006 at 5:19 PM Post #7 of 30
I came within seconds of fainting in Basic Training (USAF) when they took blood samples. A nurse took me to a room with a bed so I cound lie down and get the blood back to my head. The Training Instructors seized the moment and ganged up on me as soon as she left. I had 4 of them yelling at me and asking if I wanted to get out of the Air Force. I still wasn't thinking clearly and could tell them "No", but not with much emphasis. A few seconds later, the nurse came back in, demanded that they leave her paitent alone and forced them out of the room. I enjoyed that moment more than you can imagine.

Fast forward years and years later ...

I never gave blood because I was sure that I would faint during the process. I finally got tired of not finding out if I would handle the process, or not. A bloodmobile would come by our work every few months, so I went in and told them what to expect. Sure enough, I turned very pale and was about to pass out. They got my feet up higher gave me a cold compress. But I didn't pass out. Three months later, the bloodmobile is back with the same crew. I gave it another try. This time, very little trouble. I drink a Coke during the blood-letting and don't feel nearly as weak. I don't expect I'll have any more problems on future blood donations.

Boosting you blood sugar should help with the problem. Also, you body learns after a while and will understand not to shut down the brain.
Aug 17, 2006 at 5:23 PM Post #8 of 30
Nothing to be ashamed of at all.
Glad it worked out. You'll grow accustomed to it after a while.

They should just put spigots on my veins, it'll be a time saver with how much they take. "By the gallon, sir?"
Aug 17, 2006 at 5:31 PM Post #9 of 30

Originally Posted by wali
The nurse was taken samples of my blood. The first tube, I felt a little uneasy, the second tube my eyes started getting blurred and the third tube - i was on the floor.

I was brought back to consciousness and given some juice. Then I lay on a bed for sometime as the doctor checked my blood pressure and I was finally let go.

Anyway, it was a surreal experience, this was the first time I had fainted and as I sit here typing this post I feel grateful that the needle didn't puncture though some other part of my body as I fell down, or my face or head didn't get seriously injured. I'm not embarrassed, everyone faints at some point in their life.

Next time you're giving blood/blood samples, insist that you lay down while they take your blood!

I fainted for the only time in my life so far when I had a blood sample taken as well, lost all energy, sound went from my ears and I could hear nothing but high pitched noise, the moment I opened the door from the place the sunlight blinded me and my rectnas froze and I collapsed to the ground as my limbs turned to jelly.

I hadn't eaten that day and I was sitting up as well so perhaps that contributed to it, but hey, I made it outside lol.
Aug 17, 2006 at 5:40 PM Post #10 of 30
You weren't laying down? A similar experience happened to me, only I was getting a shot. The nurse had me standing up, and it was really early so I hadn't eaten breakfast (yeah yeah, bad idea). Once she put the needle in I was out like a light, and ended up hitting my head on a table when I went down. I woke up in the ambulance with a nice headache

Come to think of it, I should have sued!
Aug 17, 2006 at 6:56 PM Post #11 of 30
Nothing to be embarrassed about at all. We all have our phobias or issues. For one person it's needles, for the next it's spiders, for the next it's flying, or whatever. But it is a rare individual that isn't freaked out or really bothered by one or two things that are typical life experiences for everybody else.
Aug 18, 2006 at 6:23 AM Post #14 of 30

Originally Posted by PhilS
Nothing to be embarrassed about at all. We all have our phobias or issues. For one person it's needles, for the next it's spiders, for the next it's flying, or whatever. But it is a rare individual that isn't freaked out or really bothered by one or two things that are typical life experiences for everybody else.

Funny how you mention spiders in this thread.

I'm extremely, and I mean extremely extremely, afraid of spiders.

High school physics class, the teacher also happened to be a big fan of spiders. I knew this fact but I had to take physics and just so happened that before the end of the year before taking the class I heard his tarantula had died, so I was rather happy about it and thought the call would be ultra easy with it gone.

So first day back that year I walk into the class room, look to my right and right there above his desk is a tank with a huge tarantula. I fainted right on the spot out of pure fear.

I seriously think that spiders are my only fear in life and its one heck of an extreme one for me. I'm not sure why, I dont recall of having any terrible childhood experiences with one, but none the less they scare the life out of me.

BTW, giving blood is a great thing. My highschool had a program for those who were 17 and above to give blood twice a year if they wanted too. It was a big event and many of us happily gave. Its great to start at that point because it helps build up the habit of doing it even after highschool. I do so on a regular basis.

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