I Don't Understand the Purpose of This...
Nov 25, 2005 at 9:46 AM Post #16 of 27

Originally Posted by MrSlacker
its the same guy. they also have smash PS3 and new Nintendo

They're smashing things you can't buy yet? Now THAT'S art!
Nov 25, 2005 at 10:56 AM Post #17 of 27

Originally Posted by AdamWill
They're smashing things you can't buy yet? Now THAT'S art!

no. lol they already have websites for it and are waiting for it to go on sale......
Nov 25, 2005 at 7:26 PM Post #18 of 27

Originally Posted by Aman
I think it was a pretty funny video, actually... especially when the guy in the car pulled up and said "Why??? ... Why??"

Although, they could have timed it much better.

Yeah, they only smashed it in front of a couple of people. These guys are jackasses, though, it would really suck to be the next guy in line when they tell you they don't have any more, then you look out the window and see a bunch of kids smashing one.
Nov 25, 2005 at 9:33 PM Post #19 of 27
They sure fixed that Xbox good.

If this is the highest and noblest purpose of humanity, then I suppose we've outlived our utility. However, I get the impression that disposable income plus free time plus controlled substances add up to this, or something similar.

O tempora! O mores!
Nov 25, 2005 at 9:49 PM Post #20 of 27

I would have totally walked away with the iPod.

"You wanted me to smash it?!



Too bad. *pockets it and walks out*"

They guy is the biggest looking nerd I've ever seen. He probably got picked on a lot by RL kids and e-kids.
Nov 25, 2005 at 10:12 PM Post #21 of 27
In all honesty i think its a great idea, simply done so wrong. Sure a few hundred dollars could be donated to better things, but seriously, i don't see anyone complaining about a few million that could have been saved had a movie producer done a less expensive shot.

I think they're a bunch of nerds that didn't know how to make a good video. It could have been a lot more interesting were they to do it in front of more people, to get some good expressions. Also some better camera angles would have been nice.

Overall they did a poor job, i think i could have done a lot better.

No offense to anyone.
Nov 25, 2005 at 10:52 PM Post #23 of 27

In all honesty i think its a great idea, simply done so wrong. Sure a few hundred dollars could be donated to better things, but seriously, i don't see anyone complaining about a few million that could have been saved had a movie producer done a less expensive shot.


I think they're a bunch of nerds that didn't know how to make a good video. It could have been a lot more interesting were they to do it in front of more people, to get some good expressions. Also some better camera angles would have been nice.


Overall they did a poor job, i think i could have done a lot better

The act of destruction is fine but just not done to a high enough stadard to be high enough on the "cool scale" to pass the idiot test of admirers ?


Maybe for their next trick they could jump off an extremely tall building without a parachute and then have an innocent bystander,even better,the first person that stood in line for hours only to be dissapointed,film the results ?

THAT I would find interesting (Art ? Poetic Justice ? Fools end ?) and maybe I would rethink the dire future I see facing humanity once the gene pool is strengthened even that little bit by the abscence of such persons having the ability to reproduce and spawn even more idiocy just because they can.

I am just as bad for even posting on it but only because I find persons who admire such actions to be beyond my ability to comprehend.That the ones who find this cool would not even understand my comments because they see no harm in acting out like a five year old with too many toys and not enough [size=x-small]cool it !!![/size] from mommy and daddy also is telling.

So I feel compelled to comment in this thread thinking that maybe some of my comments may actually make sense to someone other than me though even the fact that I think they may not is scary as hell
Nov 25, 2005 at 11:19 PM Post #24 of 27
This movie has been so poorly recieved everywhere... It could have been a big success had the circumstances been different. Nobody seemed excited or impressed by what's going on, there were no big explosions or things flying everywhere... It was just too anti-climactic. If there was a line of people two blocks long or something waiting in line to get an xbox and they smashed it there, it might have been interesting. Stupid? Yes. But interesting, maybe.
Nov 25, 2005 at 11:39 PM Post #25 of 27

Originally Posted by rickcr42
The act of destruction is fine but just not done to a high enough stadard to be high enough on the "cool scale" to pass the idiot test of admirers ?


Maybe for their next trick they could jump off an extremely tall building without a parachute and then have an innocent bystander,even better,the first person that stood in line for hours only to be dissapointed,film the results ?

THAT I would find interesting (Art ? Poetic Justice ? Fools end ?) and maybe I would rethink the dire future I see facing humanity once the gene pool is strengthened even that little bit by the abscence of such persons having the ability to reproduce and spawn even more idiocy just because they can.

I am just as bad for even posting on it but only because I find persons who admire such actions to be beyond my ability to comprehend.That the ones who find this cool would not even understand my comments because they see no harm in acting out like a five year old with too many toys and not enough [size=x-small]cool it !!![/size] from mommy and daddy also is telling.

So I feel compelled to comment in this thread thinking that maybe some of my comments may actually make sense to someone other than me though even the fact that I think they may not is scary as hell

The act of destruction is perfectly fine, everyone likes destruction! lol All I'm saying is that if it was done properly it would have been entertaining, not necessarily that it would be right or even a good thing to do. If you are going to do something stupid, do it right.

It may not make sense, I just think its a dull video and wasn't even exciting. Hope that doesn't make you think I shouldn't have kids because I will pollute humanity..
Nov 26, 2005 at 1:14 AM Post #26 of 27

Hope that doesn't make you think I shouldn't have kids because I will pollute humanity..

all the evidence is not in yet to make a sound decision either way


The act of destruction is perfectly fine, everyone likes destruction!

I agree with that totally.But I also think there are many things I like or would like to do but I don't becuse to do everything you want is to only think of what pleases you and does not enter anyone else in to the "pursuit of chuckles/self gratification" equation.

for example.I knew a guy that just flat out had it with his car so he took a tire iron to it and smashed in all the glass and there was not a straight panel left of the sheet metal when he was done.
I actually watched him do it,sat there with a cold one in one hand while he made a fool of himself in front of "the gang" ,so when I say you "had to be there" to see the hilarity of his facial expression change from "look what I did and aint I just the coolest A-hole" to "What?" when the local police officers showed up and put his dumb a*s into handcuffs coud only scratch the surface of how funny it was (and how those who were there still laugh about it).

so when I say an act that would get you arrested at one time now is no more than a discussion on how well someone made a complete idiot out of themself


I just think its a dull video and wasn't even exciting

tells you how much things really have changed in the last 15 years since my former associate was busted for being a d*ck.

Change is a good thing if it is progress but change just for the sake of change NOT and especially so when that change is idiots being accepted as normal or bad actors being critiqued on the "idiot" scale of how well they performed.

just me man and yes I am getting too old for this crap to be funny which it probably would have been when i was 15 or so
Nov 26, 2005 at 2:14 PM Post #27 of 27
What a waste - of entertainment potential, that is.
They should have rather sent the thingy to the Brainiac team - with me being most interested in Prof. Myang Li trying whether the thingy sinks or floats, of course.

Grinnings from Hannover!

Manfred / lini

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