Hyper-Hydrosis; how do you deal with it
Sep 19, 2005 at 10:59 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 36


1000+ Head-Fier
Mar 13, 2005
i have hyper-hydrosis. for those of you who dont know what that is, its sort of a disorder, an annoying problem, and down right embarassing. you sweat excessively for no reason. today i sat in my class room and i was sweating from nothing. the fact that the school doesnt have air conditioning could also play a factor but this is ridiculous. i know i keep bringing up threads in here about my life rpoblems but id like to hear how other people deal with it. i myself went to my doctor and he prescribed me some drysol. its a strong ass deoderent that lasts forever. you dab it on the night before and it should last a couple of days to a full week. well thats what ive heard.. anyways, its been working pretty well, everything has been pretty dry unless it gets unresonably hot and my defenses are shattered. when i wear drysol, i gain a bit more confidence where ever i go. its like, i wont care if people see that my back is wet from sweat. i know its gross but its a problem that many people have. so please, i want to hear from people who have this, deal with it.
Sep 20, 2005 at 12:39 AM Post #2 of 36
Hey, fellow Asian. I know what you mean. I have hyperhidrosis on my palms, which basically means my palms sometimes feel wet. It is embarassing and it means that I seldom give handshakes.

I apply a prescription called Drysol to my hands at night and cover them. This helps keep the perspiration under control.

Edit: oops, I didn't see that you already mentioned Drysol. Does it work well enough for you?

I have been asking my doctor about surgery to cure this problem but she thinks it is too drastic. Maybe if she knew how severe the sweating could get...

It's like a constant deluge of sweaty fluid coming from my palms.

Sep 20, 2005 at 2:03 AM Post #4 of 36

lol i am confused by that. lol doesnt more sweat = smelly? thats where my confidence level just goes eeeeeeeer KaBOOM.

HD-5000- Drysol isnt strong enough. sometimes it works forever if its a good day. my palms still sweat, my back still gets wet and my chest soaks my shirt.

worst thing to hear in public is "dude.... you sweat like a pig..."

i just wannna punch them in the face and say pigs dont sweat a** wipe.

this is how i feel sometimes when you get discriminated or made fun of because of faults such as these. i have so many problems it not funny. i have ADHD, Hyperhydrosis, weight problems, money problem lol you name it. im in debt and im 15 lol wow.
Sep 20, 2005 at 3:37 AM Post #5 of 36
different people have different sweat smells.

some people's BO is almost non-existant, while others tend to be highly influenced by what they eat.

generally speaking, if you eat more meat you will stink more.

also, you should consider how old you are (I have no idea) but for a lot of teens sweating is a wierd thing that can be unsettling, especially since the hormonal balance is so outta wack.

if you're a teen, there's a good chance you will sweat less later on.

though in all honesty, sweating is one thing that seperates man from the beasts - humans have amazing endurance because of our cooling systems, so feel proud to be excessively civilized
Sep 20, 2005 at 3:49 AM Post #6 of 36
In martial arts, some use a concoction called Dit Da Jow, this liniment when applied usually dries and hardens the skin from breaking. Might be worth a look into.

There are many recipes for it on the net.
Sep 20, 2005 at 4:31 AM Post #8 of 36
I dated this REALLY pretty girl in high school, and found out that she had this too. At first, I could hardly believe it and almost wanted to break up with her.

However, I realized that it was hardly noticable anyway. She always smelled great -- just like any other girl would. It had no real effect on anything. She was taking some kind of prescription to keep it down, and it obviously was working really well.
Sep 20, 2005 at 4:57 AM Post #9 of 36
Man, I got that problem but I haven't seen a doctor or anything. I usually just wear an undershirt so the sweat stains don't show through. But it's really bad, when I play basketball with other guys, even in admittedly COLD weather, it looks like I've been through a hurricane and everyone else might be dry. It's just worse in hot gyms, I'm actually weary of weightlifting for long periods of time because my pants will get... embarrasing sweat stains. I feel like I could sweat through a brick wall, lol. Seriously though, it sucks, I just try to manage. I just hate the feet sweating the most, I wear sandals as much as possible because my feet will sweat even during a frigid Chicago winter. (I obviously don't wear sandals then :p).

Embarrasing. :frowning2:
Sep 20, 2005 at 7:48 AM Post #11 of 36
I also have hyperhydrosis, I believe that it's only really prominent in my hands. Also, I'm prone to blushing rather uncontrollably, which I hate but funny enough lots of girls think it's kind of cute (whether it's baby cute or sexy cute is another question though.) I've always been very self-conscious about my hands being sweaty, and it's caused me to run away from interaction with others and I remember always trying at any length to avoid handshakes when I was a couple years younger. I guess I started noticing it probably as young as 10 years old, and it got really bad in high school. Lately I find that it is calming down a bit, but I figure that it is mostly because I work in a colder environment and don't get out as much, which means less anxious situations. Also I find I'm just more self confident as a person and maybe growing up (19 years old now) is making me less anxious. Still though, I've always had this fear of intimacy only because of this. Everyone has their quirks I suppose and this is just one of mine. I'm just grateful that it is only a problem that occurs on the surface, sure it causes embarrassment and discomfort but I'd sure take this over any form of cancer or another life-threatening illness.

So mainly it just my palms, that is the main offender, but also there are other zones that I will sweat from more than most people: armpits, back, chest, etc.

I'm really glad someone made a thread about this because I've been meaning to do it for years, literally.
Sep 20, 2005 at 11:04 AM Post #12 of 36
I've got that, too. But I consider it a minor problem - compared to the fructose intolerance I got diagnosed for yesterday with an all too positive result, that is. Well, at least I've now got a clue, why Montezuma keeps revenging on me... *sigh*

Greetings from Hannover!

Manfred / lini
Sep 20, 2005 at 4:22 PM Post #13 of 36

Originally Posted by pne
one of my friends has this for his palms, they are always pretty wet. he got botox injections, which i think helped.

Yeah, I've heard botox really helps this problem. But the idea of people purposefully injecting themselves with botulinum toxin makes me way nervous...it seems crazy. And, of course, expensive.
Sep 20, 2005 at 5:39 PM Post #14 of 36
when I played violin I sweat a lot, I only sweat a lot when I'm concentrating, which i guess is prety normal.

but I'm still a guy, I sweat, but I don't really care. None of my girlfriends have ever complained.

And I can't stand deodorant, I think it's really unhealthy and nasty.
Sep 20, 2005 at 6:03 PM Post #15 of 36
I didn't realize there would be more than one of us here. I've suffered with palmar and plantar (hands/feet) hyperhidrosis since as long as I can remember. Sometimes stress/worry triggers it, but it also happens when I'm pretty calm and sitting at home, too.I'm the only one in my family who has this, and the sweating fluctuates widely. As I type this, my hands are completely dry; at other times, my hands and feet literally drip sweat. I've had my share of suffering from anxiety when it comes to shaking hands. It's one big deal-killer when it comes to job interviews, I can tell you.

I have found a device called Drionic works extremely well for my condition. Its a PITA to use it, but my hands get 100% completely dry as a result. For generalized conditions like yours, there's two real options: a surgery called cervical sympathectomy, in which they cut the nerve ganglion which causes sweating below the neck, or prescription anticholinergic meds (e.g. Ditropan) which are usually used for incontinence. However these meds can have pretty bad side effects, such as blurred vision, dry mouth etc.

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