HQPlayer Impressions and Settings Rolling Thread
Mar 18, 2024 at 3:41 AM Post #826 of 1,724
create a .txt file with content like this:


1. go to hqplayer -> matrix -> pipeline setup
2. for a stereo setup, choose channel 1 and 2, select browse on each channel and select the txt file you created
3. also input to both channels atleast -1 db of gain to be sure make it -3 db
3. press plot to see the eq curve and if everything is applied correctly
4. you might wanna select "IIR to FIR" (top-ish left corner) if you prefer FIR EQ like me
5. enable the pipeline (left top corner)
6. input a name in the top field and select save to save the current profile

hope this gets you started... you can also auto generate the eq txt file with REW (google might help better here)
if you wanna create it manually just copy/paste and adjust to your liking

Fc = Frequency
Gain = should be clear
Q = should be clear

HP = High Pass
LP = Low Pass
HS = High Shelf
LS = Low Shelf
PK = PeaK Filter

ON / OFF lets you choose if the filter gets applied

some things like HS Q in REW doesnt seem to be supported, keep that in mind
Don't forget the pregain! Very important not to get clipping with your EQ seeting.
Example: Oratory1990 settings for AKG 371:

Preamp: -5.6 dB
Filter 1: ON LSC Fc 105 Hz Gain -2.7 dB Q 0.70
Filter 2: ON PK Fc 182 Hz Gain -2.3 dB Q 1.23
Filter 3: ON PK Fc 4038 Hz Gain 5.0 dB Q 3.60
Filter 4: ON PK Fc 67 Hz Gain 3.1 dB Q 1.41
Filter 5: ON PK Fc 1066 Hz Gain -0.8 dB Q 2.57
Filter 6: ON HSC Fc 10000 Hz Gain 2.4 dB Q 0.70
Filter 7: ON PK Fc 5564 Hz Gain -1.6 dB Q 3.89
Filter 8: ON PK Fc 4232 Hz Gain 0.9 dB Q 5.03
Filter 9: ON PK Fc 524 Hz Gain 0.3 dB Q 1.66
Filter 10: ON PK Fc 2048 Hz Gain 0.5 dB Q 4.67
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Mar 18, 2024 at 10:14 AM Post #827 of 1,724
Don't forget the pregain! Very important not to get clipping with your EQ seeting.
Example: Oratory1990 settings for AKG 371:

Preamp: -5.6 dB
Filter 1: ON LSC Fc 105 Hz Gain -2.7 dB Q 0.70
Filter 2: ON PK Fc 182 Hz Gain -2.3 dB Q 1.23
Filter 3: ON PK Fc 4038 Hz Gain 5.0 dB Q 3.60
Filter 4: ON PK Fc 67 Hz Gain 3.1 dB Q 1.41
Filter 5: ON PK Fc 1066 Hz Gain -0.8 dB Q 2.57
Filter 6: ON HSC Fc 10000 Hz Gain 2.4 dB Q 0.70
Filter 7: ON PK Fc 5564 Hz Gain -1.6 dB Q 3.89
Filter 8: ON PK Fc 4232 Hz Gain 0.9 dB Q 5.03
Filter 9: ON PK Fc 524 Hz Gain 0.3 dB Q 1.66
Filter 10: ON PK Fc 2048 Hz Gain 0.5 dB Q 4.67
ah thanks... i did it like this before, not sure if both work just the same tho


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Mar 18, 2024 at 10:46 AM Post #828 of 1,724
I don't know how I have missed for years that HQP Embedded can be installed on Ubuntu? I've been using Desktop but having a upnp renderer would be great.
Mar 18, 2024 at 10:52 AM Post #829 of 1,724
Use the 'Default' or 24bit setting. PCM1792 is segment DAC with 24 bit PCM input. Upper 8 bits are passed through R2R D/A stage and lower 16 bits through delta sigma D/A stage. Overall it can be considered to belong to delta sigma DAC category.
Thank you! Do you have also suggestions as I am upsampling to PCM 192/24 what filter and diether option will most likely provide best results?
Mar 18, 2024 at 11:09 AM Post #830 of 1,724
Thank you! Do you have also suggestions as I am upsampling to PCM 192/24 what filter and diether option will most likely provide best results?
Try Gauss1 or TPDF dithers and cycle through a lot of the filters. I'd try poly-sinc-gauss-long, poly-sinc-ext2, poly-sinc-ext3, poly-sinc-gauss-xla, and sinc-MGa to start with. Then there are also shorter filters you should try, and if you listen to a lot of pop, rock, or EDM you should also try some short minimum phase filters, of which I am partial to poly-sinc-xtr-short-mp.

I pretty much stick to Gauss1/poly-sinc-ext2 for everything and mix in poly-sinc-xtr-short-mp on occasion, and I have a 192 max DAC like you, but based on DS WM8741 chip.
Mar 18, 2024 at 11:22 AM Post #831 of 1,724
Do you know what the Overlap-add Overlap-save and Expand HF checkboxes do?

They are different algorithms for running the pipeline thing, with Overlap-add being a default and Overlap-Save performing maybe a bit better, but it is hard to hear a difference. Overlap-save requires a bit more computational resources, but again, I didn't notice it really. More important is [ ] Expand HF checkbox which is related to both options. If pipeline contains convolution filters and their WAV files were created at lower sample rate (for example 44.1k) than the content played, then it is recommended to have [x] Expand HF checked. Generally, if one uses convolution filters, it is recommended to have them generated at the highest usually played source content rate, like 176.4k. Then Expand HF does not need to be used.
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Mar 20, 2024 at 2:06 AM Post #832 of 1,724
create a .txt file with content like this:


1. go to hqplayer -> matrix -> pipeline setup
2. for a stereo setup, choose channel 1 and 2, select browse on each channel and select the txt file you created
3. also input to both channels atleast -1 db of gain to be sure make it -3 db
3. press plot to see the eq curve and if everything is applied correctly
4. you might wanna select "IIR to FIR" (top-ish left corner) if you prefer FIR EQ like me
5. enable the pipeline (left top corner)
6. input a name in the top field and select save to save the current profile

hope this gets you started... you can also auto generate the eq txt file with REW (google might help better here)
if you wanna create it manually just copy/paste and adjust to your liking

Fc = Frequency
Gain = should be clear
Q = should be clear

HP = High Pass
LP = Low Pass
HS = High Shelf
LS = Low Shelf
PK = PeaK Filter

ON / OFF lets you choose if the filter gets applied

some things like HS Q in REW doesnt seem to be supported, keep that in mind
Thanks dude, this was super helpful, I took the route of doing it on a .txt file and just uploading it to the matrix processor on HQP, there's definitively a difference between running EQ on Roon and running it on directly on HQP, also thanks to @jlaako and everyone else that jump in and had the patience of lending me a helping hand.

One last question, regarding IIR to FIR option, do I mark the checkbox to be gray out or with a checkmark?, I'm not sure what difference does it make in this case if I chose either or.
Mar 20, 2024 at 6:11 AM Post #833 of 1,724
One last question, regarding IIR to FIR option, do I mark the checkbox to be gray out or with a checkmark?, I'm not sure what difference does it make in this case if I chose either or.
pretty sure that marked means FIR and not marked means IIR processing .... its basicly the pro and cons of linear vs minimum phase, it depends if you can hear a difference

for me the phaseshift of minimum phase kinda always like it skews with EQ in some way if i compare FIR vs IIR (this can also easly fool your perception of what you prefer in terms of EQ since IIR could reduce impact of highs by itself for example in my case, where FIR could actually sound "better" if you adjusted the EQ for specially FIR)
Mar 20, 2024 at 6:18 AM Post #834 of 1,724
They are different algorithms for running the pipeline thing, with Overlap-add being a default and Overlap-Save performing maybe a bit better, but it is hard to hear a difference. Overlap-save requires a bit more computational resources, but again, I didn't notice it really. More important is [ ] Expand HF checkbox which is related to both options. If pipeline contains convolution filters and their WAV files were created at lower sample rate (for example 44.1k) than the content played, then it is recommended to have [x] Expand HF checked. Generally, if one uses convolution filters, it is recommended to have them generated at the highest usually played source content rate, like 176.4k. Then Expand HF does not need to be used.
oh thanks... just tried it, there is definitely a sound difference between overlap save and add, tho for me add sounds kinda cleaner and less annoying (and less preloading times by a lot)
Mar 20, 2024 at 12:56 PM Post #835 of 1,724
One last question, regarding IIR to FIR option, do I mark the checkbox to be gray out or with a checkmark?, I'm not sure what difference does it make in this case if I chose either or.
Unchecked - IIR, greyed - FIR minimum phase, fully ticked - FIR linear phase.
It has a tooltip and it is also described in PDF manual.

Mar 20, 2024 at 2:17 PM Post #836 of 1,724
Unchecked - IIR, greyed - FIR minimum phase, fully ticked - FIR linear phase.
It has a tooltip and it is also described in PDF manual.

Thx, whats the difference between parametric EQ and convolution EQ and also what's the difference between minimum phase and linear phase?
Mar 20, 2024 at 3:05 PM Post #837 of 1,724
Thx, whats the difference between parametric EQ and convolution EQ and also what's the difference between minimum phase and linear phase?
Parametric EQ is running through IIR filter engine of HQPlayer. Convolution engine of HQPlayer is used for running FIR filters.
Impulse response of minimum phase (see 2.1.4 here) FIR filters does not contain pre-ringing but only post-ringing. Filter delay is minimized, but phase is not preserved by minimum phase filters, they cause frequency dependent phase shift.
Impulse response of linear phase FIR filters contains both pre-ringing and post-ringing. Phase is preserved by linear phase filters.
Mar 21, 2024 at 2:14 PM Post #838 of 1,724
Still having some doubts about how I should configure HQplayer...

I totally agree about HQplayer customer perspective, like the video of PASSION FOR SOUND

Like I told you, I get a 7800x3D recently, and Im surprised, with this setup the CPU barely touch 18% use.

My FiiO K9pro AKM edition got this specs


Questions about this tab. Any explanation will be helpful.

48k DSD. When selected DAC doesnt play any sound.
Adaptative Rate. Like the manual says... "grayed selects default or lower rate based on filter and DAC capabilities" so this should be the easiest way to go
Buffer Time & Short Buff. Didnt find anything on the manual about it.


Oversamplers. Wich are the more demanding ones?
Modulator. Select anything over your DAC capabilities got any sense?
Bit Rate. Select anything over your DAC capabilities got any sense?
DSD Sources. Only works when DSD are used?
Direct SDM. I never play DSD, all my library are flacs / streaming. Should be off?

I know they are lot of question here, anyways Im very happy with the performance of the HQplayer, Im a little bit lost with the setup.

For comparison, I usually plays some movies with Madshi, and even being so difficult to understand, Its pretty straight on the configuration.


You can easy see what you are winning or loosing. Hope HQplayer make the menus more visual on this similar way.

Any help will be aprecciate fellas.
Mar 21, 2024 at 2:40 PM Post #839 of 1,724
Parametric EQ is running through IIR filter engine of HQPlayer. Convolution engine of HQPlayer is used for running FIR filters.
Impulse response of minimum phase (see 2.1.4 here) FIR filters does not contain pre-ringing but only post-ringing. Filter delay is minimized, but phase is not preserved by minimum phase filters, they cause frequency dependent phase shift.
Impulse response of linear phase FIR filters contains both pre-ringing and post-ringing. Phase is preserved by linear phase filters.
Another question regarding the matrix processor, do you recommend that I checkmark the Expand HR option?
Mar 21, 2024 at 3:58 PM Post #840 of 1,724
Still having some doubts about how I should configure HQplayer...

I totally agree about HQplayer customer perspective, like the video of PASSION FOR SOUND

Like I told you, I get a 7800x3D recently, and Im surprised, with this setup the CPU barely touch 18% use.

My FiiO K9pro AKM edition got this specs

Questions about this tab. Any explanation will be helpful.

48k DSD. When selected DAC doesnt play any sound.
Adaptative Rate. Like the manual says... "grayed selects default or lower rate based on filter and DAC capabilities" so this should be the easiest way to go
Buffer Time & Short Buff. Didnt find anything on the manual about it.

Oversamplers. Wich are the more demanding ones?
Modulator. Select anything over your DAC capabilities got any sense?
Bit Rate. Select anything over your DAC capabilities got any sense?
DSD Sources. Only works when DSD are used?
Direct SDM. I never play DSD, all my library are flacs / streaming. Should be off?

I know they are lot of question here, anyways Im very happy with the performance of the HQplayer, Im a little bit lost with the setup.

For comparison, I usually plays some movies with Madshi, and even being so difficult to understand, Its pretty straight on the configuration.

You can easy see what you are winning or loosing. Hope HQplayer make the menus more visual on this similar way.

Any help will be aprecciate fellas.

48k DSD: upsamples DSD to a multiple of 48 Khz (instead of 44.1) but a lot of dacs don't support it.
Buffer Time & Short Buff: No clue to be honest
Adaptive rate: Took me a while to grasp it but essentially, if you keep it off you cannot play content that doesn't match your selected output rate family. Greyed HQPlayer will adapt if necessary to your selected output rate and when checked your 44.1 content will be upsampled to a multiple of 44.1 and 48 will be upsampled to a multiple of 48. Usually greyed is best, but for example some PCs struggle with using a filter like poly-sinc-gauss-xla with adaptive rate (it's much heavier) so that's a situation where you'd like it checked.
Bit rate: Set it to the maximum your dac supports unless you prefer a lower rate for sonic reasons.
Oversamplers: long filters are more demanding but it's mostly trial and error (sinc-MGa and sinc-Mx both are 1 million taps but the latter is far heavier)
Modulator: For ESS dacs use a 5th order modulator. For a dac with a good analog lowpass filter use 7th order (or to taste). EC modulators are the best but heaviest. Modulators with 256 or 512 behind the name are only recommended at these DSD rates or higher.
Bits: Don't touch unless you have an R2R dac, then set it to the dacs measured linearity bits.
Direct SDM: No need to worry about it if you don't play SDM source content.

And yes, HQPlayer makes a lot of sense if you understand exactly what it is doing. If you just want a program that makes your music sounds better it can be a daunting experience.
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