How to play encrypted CD on computer?
Mar 21, 2006 at 8:24 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 18


1000+ Head-Fier
Dec 28, 2005
I just bought a CD, Twilight of the Gods, The Essential Wagner Collection from, and realized that I cannot play in on my computer. Is there a way to bypass this, and to later rip this into FLAC? By the way, my computer does not even pick up the cd, and it is not shown in "My Computer". Any idea? (I searched, and no solution avails)
Mar 21, 2006 at 10:07 PM Post #2 of 18
Is it definitely encrypted? As in, does it have any sort of marking or indication on the packaging that it is an encrypted CD? If so, what kind/what does it look like?
Mar 21, 2006 at 10:22 PM Post #3 of 18
Actually there's no marking for encrypted or protected labels. But it is from Sony's BMG, and I have heard that it has some sort of DRM protection mechanism.
Mar 21, 2006 at 10:24 PM Post #4 of 18

Originally Posted by SonicDawg
I just bought a CD, Twilight of the Gods, The Essential Wagner Collection from, and realized that I cannot play in on my computer. Is there a way to bypass this, and to later rip this into FLAC? By the way, my computer does not even pick up the cd, and it is not shown in "My Computer". Any idea? (I searched, and no solution avails)

Can a CD player play it? If not, you must have gotten one of those new "Play-protected" CDs I feared would eventually appear
Actually, seriously, the CD sounds like it may be defective.
Mar 21, 2006 at 10:29 PM Post #5 of 18
It plays through CDP ok, but I really don't have a great source and I would rather have it through my computer
Mar 21, 2006 at 10:40 PM Post #6 of 18
hmm... try using EAC and see if it sees the CD.
Mar 21, 2006 at 10:48 PM Post #7 of 18
Just found out another weird thing... the second disc works on my computer, not the first...
Both work on my CDP btw.
Mar 21, 2006 at 10:59 PM Post #8 of 18
Is it a dualdisc?
Mar 21, 2006 at 11:07 PM Post #9 of 18

Originally Posted by Ingo
Is it a dualdisc?

Nope. Two discs.
Mar 22, 2006 at 7:13 AM Post #10 of 18
Sounds like you're using a Windows machine. I don't know if you're keen on using Linux, but I'll tell you what works for me. Whenever I've come across a disc that won't play, I pop it into the Linux box. The troublesome part is not in the music, it's usually some DRM data file on the disc. The fix is easy. I just rip only the music files and then burn them to a new disc. There are never any problems after that.
Mar 22, 2006 at 6:44 PM Post #11 of 18
What I'm thinking is that the CD is an "Enhanced" CD that has 2 tracks in the data session which confuses the Windows built-in CD driver (almost every copy-protection scheme known to man has done this)
Mar 22, 2006 at 11:00 PM Post #12 of 18
the issue with the sony CDs is they were automatically installing some real nasty software called a rootkit when the disc was inserted into your computer. this rootkit then hides from the operating system and tries to stop you from loading any ripping theory the rootkit cds have all been recalled, but many still feature a slightly less evil version.

if you are on a windows machine, you can easily get around such shannanigans by turning off autoplay (the feature that starts running a cd when you insert it). you should be able to turn off autoplay for your drive by right clicking on the drive and going into properties. Exact Audio Copy should then be able to rip whatever you throw at it.

you may have to figure out how to uninstall the software if it has already run...basically if EAC can't rip it then post back or PM me and I'll help you out.

(Personally, I just use linux for all of my daily work because it works better and is faster for pretty much everything but gaming. If you end up venturing into the linux world, Grip is a great lightweight ripping program, but if you don't like that one there are many others.)
Mar 23, 2006 at 10:37 AM Post #13 of 18

Originally Posted by cconroy
the issue with the sony CDs is they were automatically installing some real nasty software called a rootkit when the disc was inserted into your computer. this rootkit then hides from the operating system and tries to stop you from loading any ripping theory the rootkit cds have all been recalled, but many still feature a slightly less evil version.

A bit off-topic, but IMO part of the blame for the whole rootkit disaster should go to Microsoft. From a security standpoint, the concept of automatically running a program without the user's consent when a CD is inserted is insane.
Mar 23, 2006 at 7:18 PM Post #14 of 18

Originally Posted by fewtch
A bit off-topic, but IMO part of the blame for the whole rootkit disaster should go to Microsoft. From a security standpoint, the concept of automatically running a program without the user's consent when a CD is inserted is insane.

Seconded. Also, FWIW, doesn't say it's copy-protected.
(assuming that you're referring to this:, which it appears you are). In addition, it came out in 1998, before any copy protectuion scumware became widespread. It sounds like you may have a defective disc.
Mar 23, 2006 at 9:01 PM Post #15 of 18
I tried disabling autoplay and EAC still doesn't pick up.
And the CD works perfectly with my CDP.
Can my CD-rom be incompetible with the CD? it's a PLEXwriter CDR drive.

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